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Member Since: 17 May 2012 09:55pm

Last Seen: 5 Feb 2013 10:06pm

Gender: F

user id: 300500

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I'm just a girl wishing for the world. I'm crazy and silly i love pickles and snooki poofs i have my moments. Depression is my worst agression. i just want to meet people who can except me for me burns and cuts and all. I'm working on the butterfly project but at times its hard so don't judge my writting it comes from the <3
Just get to know me :)
p.s. I don't bite!
xoxoxox H.E.H.

  1. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2013 10:19pm UTC
    Hey Guys...
    I'm not quit sure how to start this... But anyway... It's suscide prevention week and I'm really struggling through it. It made me realize that I need help, and can't keep fighting this on my own anymore its gotten to hard. The cuts have gotten wrose and deeper and the days have dragged on so slow, I sleep all the time to escape my pain and sorrow hoping it will go away till tommorrw. I loose it all the time now the crying, the sleepless nights, my grades are slipping from A's to F's and I really don't care. I lost all my friends this year thanks to there boyfriends and drugs. Yeah I know I've made stupid mistakes, I'm 15 and already have 2 tattoos and hip piercings and more.. I just pray to god to make it to my 16 birthday. My boyfriend of 2 years I found out is cheating on me.. It hurts it hurts like a MOFER. Who ever said high school was easy was obvuiously on crack. I just need some friends right now people who understand me. I feel like I'm drowing and cracking fast. I'm usally the girl who holds everyone up and together but now I feel like I'm the weak link. There is NOONE to turn too.. I just want to feel okay agian be able to breath and smile for awhile. Please keep me in your prays. I'm so scared I finally decide after 3 years of being consumed by the "monster" to get help tommorrw and there is no one to support me or back me up. I just need some support please....
    Sincerely the lost high school girl.
    P.s. I'm always here for anyone I know what it feels like to want to die everynight and feeling like your worthless. xoxox <3

  2. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2012 11:10am UTC
    My boyfriend is moving today
    im thinking about all our memories and its makeing me sick
    i cant sleep
    i cant eat
    i cant see
    i just cant seem to be a fighter anymore
    i just dont want to listen
    i know its not going to be okay i know its not
    and im scared im soooo scared
    i dont want to die but i do at the same time :/ sigh

  3. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2012 11:27pm UTC
    I'm going to die in 3 months </3
    What the hell happen to my life.......?

  4. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 11:49pm UTC
    Every thing bad thats happen this summer/year...
    * My 5 year old cousin got cancer agian in his good eye for the 2nd time
    * Didn't end up with the grades I needed
    * Lost all my friends
    * Got sucked into bad things agian :(
    * My uncle got luekemie
    * My dad got cancer
    * I saw some girl get hit by a car
    * My super close friends moved away
    * My boyfriend is moving and when I need him the most
    * I gave up on the butterfly project
    *I'm giving up on me
    *I don't want to live this life anymore
    * I can't fight the monster
    sorry guys i'm really stressed and broken right now

  5. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2012 10:15am UTC
    Heyy guys okay so i want to get anther tat i already have one on my hip that is a chinse symbol and it means strength. and i was thinking about getting "La Famiglia Sempre" which is family is forever in italin. I was thinking about getting that across my tummy like in between both of my hips. But i dont feel like its powerful enough. and it has to be small and i really want it to be a powerful quote! so please help!

  6. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2012 12:19am UTC
    There are only two times a guy should get down on his knee, and that is to marry you and tie his lil girls shoe.

  7. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2012 7:00pm UTC
    life is full of surprises........

  8. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2012 12:35am UTC
    I think they should make a princess with no hair so all girls with cancer can feel special too <3

  9. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2012 12:32am UTC
    Sometimes its not the person you miss, Its the feelings you had when you were with them..

  10. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 10:04am UTC
    sweetie if your'e going to be twofaced at lease make one ofthem pretty

  11. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 10:38pm UTC
    & let the drama begin

  12. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2012 10:37am UTC
    If your reading this I want you all to know........
    That you are all

  13. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2012 10:32am UTC
    Todays just one of those days were nothing in going right. Missed the bus this moring and my mom blamed me and said i did it on porpuse :( i didnt mean to, if you only knew my how bad you cut me down and hurt me i think youd die.. You told me i wasnt a miracle and that i was a bas***d and that i shouldnt live. ive never felt so alone in my life than i have now. Its one of my best friends birthday and shes just acting like a total b!!!h, laughed at me when i told her i missed the bus and than walked away. I just want to give up to. Yes depression you've won the battle today once agian. i just wish school was over i want to go to my real home, but i dont know were that is any more. i dont know who i am anymore.. i just want some friends and not the blad or lighter anymore. sorry for the vent guys.

  14. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2012 10:59am UTC
    i keep dreaming that you'll be with me...... so far away

  15. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 11:43am UTC
    Don't tell me if i'm dieing cause I don't want to know.... </3

  16. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2012 12:25am UTC
    once a player always a layer

  17. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2012 12:44pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2012 10:22pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. fight2113 fight2113
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2012 10:14pm UTC
    Beatiful Mess
    She tosses and turns anther sleepless night,
    can't bare to fight.
    The days are getting longer, her heart not beating stronger.
    Her hair is looseing shine,
    her life is looseing time.
    They say she only has a few days,
    but we know she's in a haze.
    She's a beautiful mess put to the test.
    Her breathing is shallow
    Her body is mellow
    The time has come she can't hang on.
    They said she was strong,
    but they were wrong.
    She's a beautiful mess that was put to the test.


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