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Member Since: 4 Aug 2011 11:26am

Last Seen: 24 Oct 2011 07:37pm

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main account: iamuhninja

The Notes: page 2.
Perfect Silence: page 1.


  1. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 10:57pm UTC
    The Notes.
    "Wait, it's you? It's really-"
    He covered my mouth.
    "Yes, it's me."
    "But how? I mean why now? Why after so much time? Why didn't you tell me before? Why was it a secret?"
    "Stop asking so many questions." He said laughing at me.
    "But I'm so confused."
    "Don't be. Close your eyes."
    He took me by the hand and I closed my eyes tight.
    "Where are we going?"
    "Not far." He said.
    I heard him drop the stick that was still in his hand. My bare feet were still hitting the cold, wet sand. I felt the water creep up to my toes every once in a while. We walked about 20 yards along the beach and we stopped. He turned my body to be facing another direction.
    I could hear the sound of the waves behind me.
    "Open your eyes." He said.
    I opened them.
    "I don't get it." I said back while looking at the dunes at the beach.
    "Look down."
    I bowed my head down. There on the sand was writing.
    Will you go out with me?
    This was it, written in the sand, on my favorite beach, I was going to answer.
    Cucoons opened up in my stomach. There were now a million butterflies.
    My face turned red, and a smile immediately rose on my face.
    This is who I was meant to be with, it just took me a long time to realize it.
    I picked up a shell by my foot on the sand and underneath the message wrote in capital letters: YES.
    I looked up. He was looking at me. I was looking back at him.
    His eyes seemed even more gorgeous then ever.
    Even in the dark, they had a sparkle in them.
    "So..." He started to talk. "Are you going to kiss me?" He asked, smiling brightly.
    "Depends, will you kiss me back?" My face was on fire, I bet he could tell I was blushing.
    "Why don't you find out?" He walked closer and bent down a little.
    I rose up onto my little tippy toes, and our lips touched.
    We looked at each other again, smiling even more.
    He then hugged my waist and I laid my hands over his shoulders.
    "You don't know how long I've waited for this." He said happily.
    "But if you like me so much, why did you try to hide it, and hide it so well?" It would be my last question.
    "I don't like you, and I never did. It just took me too long to realize, I love you."
    Before I said anything else, he picked up my chin, and kissed me again.
    This was it, I was with him.
    I was with Zack.
    And that's all I ever really needed.
    The End :)
    Sorry it's short, but I'll have plenty other stories !
    I hope you like it.
    it would mean sooo much!
    I'll start my next story as soon as I can. Loveee you all.

  2. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 10:37pm UTC
    The Notes.
    The sand was cool between my toes. It was a beautiful spring day.
    The sky was clear, filled with a beautiful pink, purple and orange mural.
    My flip flops were off, and in my hand. I walked lightly across the shore.
    The water sent a chill through my body, but it was refreshing.
    No one else was there. No one came for a while.
    The sun kept setting, and setting.
    The sky faded more and more to a black page.
    Stars started to appear.
    He wasn't go to show. Yes he was. He was just a little late. Maybe something happened to him.
    I couldn't stop thinking. A different solution came every time another seemed unreal. I picked up my phone and dialed Spencer's number.
    "He's not here." I said.
    "Wait... what? I know he's going. He's deffinately going."
    "How are you so sure? I've been here for almost two hours. This is a no go." My voice was cracking.
    "I don't know. Hold on. Call me if anything happens. I have something to do." She hung up.
    Now what? I'm just walking along the beach. Alone.
    I got stood up, by someone I don't even know!
    I then noticed a bench by the shore on the other side of the beach.
    I walked over and sat down onto it angrily and it make a creaking noise.
    I wanted to leave, because I knew he wouldn't show up.
    But I stayed, it was a beautiful night. I needed to just sit and not think about anything, and enjoy having solitude.
    I heard a noise of something gliding on the sand behind me. I didn't bother looking. I just watched the small waves breaks on the shore line.
    Something tapped my shoulder. I almost jumped out of my skin as I screamed.
    I heard someone laughing, it sounded familiar.
    I turned around.
    It was dark, but there was someone behind the bench on the sand. They had something in their hand, that looked like a stick.
    I got up and walked around the bench, trying to get closer to see who it was.
    It was a tall figure. Even in the dark, their face was glowing.
    "Sorry I'm late." The voice said.
    I didn't respond, didn't go closer, didn't ask why it was them.
    All I knew, was who it was, and I couldn't answer.
    My mouth just stayed open and I just stared as he walked closer into the light.
    I couldn't believe it.

  3. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 10:13pm UTC
    The Notes.
    It was friday afternoon.
    Just one more minute until school is over, then a couple hours until I found out who he is. Finally.
    That's all I thought about, all day long, was meeting him.
    5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The bell rang.
    Spencer was waiting outside the classroom as I walked out.
    "Su're coming to my house before you're little fiesta, right?"
    "Sure." I said. "I need you to help me get ready."
    "Yay!" Spencer jumped up. "Oh, one more thing."
    "What is that?"
    "I know who it is."
    My heart raced. How did Spencer know who it is?
    "How do you know? Are you sure? Can you tell me? Wait no, don't tell me. But, do I know him? Do you know him? I mean-"
    I started asking a million question until Spencer started talking again.
    "Kylie, stop. Just trust me. You'll find out."
    We got to the bike rack and I saw Zack walking the other way, towards town.
    "Where is he going?" I asked. "He's always home."
    "Um, I think he's going to hang out at Mike's house for the night." She replied.
    "Oh, alright." I unlocked the bike chain and started riding.
    We got to Spencer's house and before I could ask her what I should wear I was already being dragged to her room, once again.
    She handed me an outfit as if she were already going to give it to me.
    "It's cute, and perfect for just hanging out at the beach. And put on some light make up. Oh! And the lip gloss, you still have it, right?"
    "Yea, I have it."
    "Did you wear it Tim's?" She asked me curiously.
    "I forgot actually." I said.
    "That's why it didn't work out." She said like she figured out something so important.
    "What do you mean? I said no to him, for good reasons."
    "Because you're not meant to be with him."
    "And how do you know I'm meant to be with this person?" I asked.
    "If you weren't tell me why you waited all this time to find out who he is, and why he waited for you, even after something went on with Tim."
    What she said made me think. Maybe it was true, I was going to meet the person I'm meant to be with. It totally makes sense.
    I looked outside the window, Spencer followed.
    "Trust me, this will work out." She said. "You should get going if you're riding your bike, it's getting close to sunset."
    I smiled at grabbed my things.
    "I'll text you what happens." I walked out the door.
    "Have fun!" She giggled as I was leaving.
    This was it. The sun was going to be settled, and so was I.

  4. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 9:57pm UTC
    The Notes.
    I just stood on the door step. He was still staring at me. When I didn't answer right away, he started to look down and his face started to flush.
    "Tim look I-" before I could finish he cut me off.
    "I know, it was stupid, too fast." He was serious again.
    "No, I like you, I really do. But with school and everything, I'm not sure if a boyfriend will be good for my grades. And I mean, we just met, we barely know anything about each other. Maybe when summer comes, what we have now will be much more." I smiled, trying not to seem happy, but show how that I was telling the truth.
    "It's cool. We'll stay friends, I get it."
    I tried to think of something nice to say, but I didn't know what.
    "I'll, I'll just see you at school tomorrow. Ok?"
    "Sure." He grinned and looked back up at me. "See ya."
    He walked down the steps, and out of the garage back to his mom's car.
    I closed the garage door, walked up to my room, got ready for bed, and just laid there. I wish I had said yes, but something told me no. Was it my conscience? Or my heart?
    I closed my eyes, and quickly fell asleep.
    - - - - - - -
    The school day was over, this was it. I was going to find out who the mystery admirer was.
    I threw my bike onto the grass and ran inside. My laptop was still open from the morning on my bed. I quickly plugged in my camera to download the video. The camera was dead.
    "Crap!" I screamed out loud.
    Now I didn't know how much it recorded, what if I missed it?
    I charged it impatiently for about 5 minutes then plugged it back in. The video downloaded, but it wasn't long.
    I fast forwarded it. The arrow going across the bar showing how much time there was left in the video was towards the end. The video stopped. There was a face.
    I grabbed my phone quickly. It rang about 5 times and then a person answered.
    "Spencer, come over!"
    Before she responded, I hung up and waited for the door bell to ring.
    "What is it?" She was out of breath from racing over here.
    "You didn't need to run." I started laughing.
    "Well, it sounded serious. Not funny." She said back. "But what is it then?"
    "Help me." I kept talking as we walked up to my room. "I took a video secretly inside my locker to see if I could find the admirer. It opened once through the whole thing, but my camera died as it did. There's a face. Tell me who it is."
    She stared at the screen for a while.
    "It looks familiar." She said, confused.
    "Right?! But I have absolutely no idea who it could be."
    "Neither do I. Do you have another note, or something?" She asked.
    "The note!"
    I remembered that I never opened the note he left because I was too focused on watching the video.
    I ran over to my backpack in the corner of the room and unraveled it.
    I think it's about time I stop being anonymous. Friday night, the beach on DiSalle Avenue, at sunset. -anonymous.
    "What does it say?" She walked over to me, noticing the shock on my face.
    "I'm going to find out who it is once and for all."
    "When she asked?"
    I re-read it quickly.
    "Tomorrow night, at sunset."

  5. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 9:42pm UTC
    The Notes.
    I couldn't find the doorbell, so i knocked on the door.
    Tim answered pretty fast.
    "Hey there."
    We both smiled brightly.
    "Come on in, the pizza just got here about 5 minutes ago, so it should still be warm."
    I walked in, following him to the kitchen. The whole room was filled with the smell of hot, newly made pizza.
    "It smells delicious!" I said.
    "It's from the best pizza place in town. I have some garlic knots and pasta too. I wasn't sure exactly what you liked, but now I will."
    "Garlic knots are my favorite. And I'll have some pasta on the side. Have any red sauce?" I asked, giggling.
    "I believe it came with it."
    We just sat there for a moment, looking at each other grinning.
    "Oh hey, here, sit down." He took out a chair and pointed for me to sit. "I'll make your plate."
    He took out a slice of pizza, 2 garlic knots, and put some pasta with cheese and red sauce in a little bowl on the side. He placed it down on the table in front of me.
    "Buon apetite."
    I laughed and picked up the utensils and began eating. My taste buds were in paradise.
    "This is amazing food."
    "It's just pizza, nothing special." He laughed.
    "Fancy food is too over-rated. This is a perfect da-" I stopped myself. "This is a perfect day."
    He sat down next to me with his own plate and bowl of pasta.
    We were just sitting and talking for a while, but then my phone vibrated.
    "Oh sorry, hold on a sec."
    I opened up the text message.
    It's not him. -anonymous.
    I was confused. How did they send a message from a restricted number? Then I realized I had never written back, but more importantly, what him were they talking about?
    "Who is it?" I heard the sound of Tim's voice.
    I finally managed to stop staring at the phone and answer him.
    "Oh, it was just... Spencer. I left my homework at her house, I'll just pick it up later.
    I looked at the clock, it was already 10.
    "Oh, wow it's kind of late. I should probably get going, my mom probably won't be happy if I'm not there in the next 30 minutes." I laughed.
    "Alright, I could have my mom drive you, if you'd like?" He asked politely.
    "It's fine. I have my bike here, I wouldn't want you to have the whole hastle of bringing it in the car, then driving me all the way ho-"
    "She'll drive you." He smiled.
    The next thing I knew, I was in his car. His mom was driving, the radio was on. He sat in the back next to me so I wouldn't be alone.
    An old rock song came on.
    "I love this song! Mom turn it up!" Tim sounded excited.
    "My mom used to listen to this!" I said.
    "Do you know the words?" He asked.
    "Some, not a lot though."
    Tim started singing. He was a mix of tone deaf, and... well, he was horrible, but it was funny to watch. I started cracking up.
    "Don't make fun of my beautiful voice." He was laughing with me.
    His mom pulled up to my house.
    He took out my bike for me, and walked it to the garage. There was another door into my house inside the garage so he brought me there.
    "That was fun." He said to me.
    "It was, I had a great time." I smiled.
    His face got all red.
    "So, I've been meaning to ask you, but havn't worked up the courage." He started to sound serious.
    He grabbed my hand and looked me right into the eyes.
    "Kylie, will you go out with me?"
    favorite this if you like it ! and tell you're friends about it ! It would be nice if i could get more followers and people to like my stories.
    Sorry this one is short, but there's about 4 more chapters left, but their good, i promise.
    telll your witty friends. it would mean so much ! :)

  6. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 9:19pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 2:55pm UTC
    The Notes.
    I sat in class quietly. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
    It was biology. Double period.
    My pen was scribbling across the paper.
    At the top, there was written PLAN A.
    It was all fancy, almost like grafitti.
    I kept trying to think of plans, things to do. But I had no idea. I wasted the whole paper, including the margins, which I usually never pass.
    There was cross outs in lines, swirls, polka dots, all because this class seemed to go on forever.
    The bell rang, I walked out the door heading straight for my locker, hoping there would be a note.
    Someone was following me.
    "Kylie! Hey, wait up!"
    It was Tim. I just smiled showing that I was listening.
    "So do you want to work on the biology project together?"
    "Project?" I asked.
    "Yeah, the one Mr. B mentioned last period...?" He seemed confused.
    "Oh... I forgot." I laughed, hoping he wouldn't notice that I honestly had no idea what the project was on.
    "I thought we could do it on animal shelters. I think it would get a good grade." I was so confused.
    "Wait, can you explain the project, I was actually busy doodling on my notebook." I looked down and turned all red.
    "I do that a lot, I understand." He was laughing at me, but he still told me what the project was about. "Well, it's basically an easy project. We have to do it on something involving animals, and make a video about it. Either something you find that helps animals, or should be prevented. And I was thinking animal shelters are great as far as keeping the animal, but they shouldn't put them to sleep after-"
    "Sounds good." I smiled. But I stopped listening after a while. The project gave me a perfect idea for Plan A.
    A video.
    Whoever this anonymous person was, they kept leaving the notes in my locker. So, for the day, I would erase all the memory off my camera, and keep a video going, so whoever opens it, I will see their face.
    I realized that Tim was talking again, and tuned back in.
    "Are you going to answer?"
    "Answer what?" I asked.
    "Never mind." He grinned a little and walked away.
    It didn't really phase me, so I casually opened my locker. A note.
    I've given you signs. You never notice. But one day you will. I'll see you at my house soon. -anonymous.
    "See you at my house?" I realized I said this out loud, and in a high tone.
    Before people noticed, I threw the note into my pocket book.
    I saw Spencer and Zack walking by.
    "Walk to lunch with us?" Spencer asked.
    I noticed Zack was looking into my locker.
    "What?" I said rudely.
    "What? Oh. Nothing. Why are you looking at me?"
    I decided not to answer him. "Sure I'll walk with you." I answered Spencer.
    The whole time they tried to talk, I was thinking about my plan.
    It had to work.
    sorry i havn't written a lot, i've been busy.
    but tell me what you think.
    favorite if i should keep going
    and if u havn't read it yet, start it. :)

  8. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2011 1:13pm UTC
    The Notes.
    I woke up and looked at the clock.
    "Shoot!" I jumped out of bed. I had 10 minutes to get ready for school.
    My mom walked into my room as I was rushing to put on clothes and brush my knotted wavy hair.
    "Oh, good you're up. I tried about 20 minutes ago but you wouldn't budge. Plan B was whipped cream and a feather." She was laughing at herself.
    "Very funny mom."
    I quickly put on some makeup, grabbed my pocket book and books from my bed and ran out the door.
    "What about breakfast?!" My mom was screaming behind me.
    "I'll buy a snack or something."
    The bus was waiting on the end of my driveway by the time I got there.
    I walked on and went to the usual spot next to Spencer and Jack.
    "How was it, how was it, how was it?!" Spencer was jumping out of her seat.
    "We kissed." I turned all red.
    "You what?!" Spencer and Zack both said at the same time, but Spencer's voice was a lot more excited.
    "Yes, we kissed. We watched a movie, had some popcorn, and we kissed."
    "Was it like a kiss-kiss. Or just a kiss."
    "What do you mean by kiss-kiss?"
    Spencer then made funny faces showing me what she meant. We were both laughing like idiots.
    "Stop acting so immature." Zack said to Spencer. "So, are you like going out now?" He asked me.
    "No. Well, I'm not sure. He said: I hope we can do this again?" I answered.
    "He probably just wants to make out with you some more."
    "Don't be such a jerk." I punched his arm.
    "Leave her alone, you're just jealous you don't have a girl to make out with." Spencer said to her brother.
    "I don't care about making out with girls."
    The bus arrived at the school and as soon as it stopped Zack was out of his seat and half way up the aisle.
    "What's his problem today?" I asked Spencer.
    "Today? What about everyday." She took her book bag and walked up the aisle off the bus. I slowly got mine and followed.
    I saw Zack and Spencer walking into the doors. As they walked in, Tim was walking out. Spencer waved to him and waved to both her and Zack, who ignored it and kept walking. He turned right, so I knew he wasn't going to his locker.
    "Hey cutie." Time had seen me.
    "Oh, hey Tim." I was too busy trying to figure out where Zack was going to focus on our conversation.
    "What's up?" I was still walking, and he was walking beside me.
    "Looking for someone- " I found him. "Hey um, I'll see you in lunch, I got to... I got to get to class early so I'll see you later." I smiled and walked away.
    "See ya." He seemed confused, but he still turned away and walked towards his class.
    "Zack!" When he heard me he turned the other way, stopped what he was doing and kept walking. He turned the corner and I was alone in the middle of the hall.
    I turned to my left to walk back the other way when I noticed locker 790. I opened it up and placed the note in. The locker was still empty, even though someone had gone in there... I still had no idea who.
    I decided to change my route between every class to pass that locker.
    There were always boys around it, even girls.
    Right before lunch I decided to check it again. I missed it, he already came. There was another note waiting for me.
    Hey, well some things about me are I'm not in honors, and I'm not smart. I have siblings, I'm tall, and I love your short height. You're adorable, and I love everything about you. - anonymous.
    I turned around to see if anyone was watching me, then ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook and wrote back.
    All I want is to know who you are. Give me a sign, give me something.
    If you truly feel this way about me, you'll do at least this for me. -Kylie.
    I threw the note in and closed the door. The morning bell rang. As I was walking to class I watched every guy who passed by that hall that was in one of my classes.
    I noticed Mike, Joey, Rob, Corey, Brandon, Vinny and Andrew.
    I needed to figure out who it was, so I created plan A.
    hey guys tell me what you think!
    I need some feed back, and click the heart if I should keep going! :}

  9. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2011 12:10pm UTC
    The Notes.
    I knocked on the door. My heart was pounding as it slowly opened to see the face of Tim.
    "Wow. You look great." That was the first thing he said.
    I smiled, "Thanks."
    "Come on in, just sit down on the couch I'll get some snacks. I have some DVD's on the coffee table, pick whatever you like."
    He walked towards the kitchen and I sat down, picking up the movies 1 by 1.
    No. No. No. No... what's this?
    It was my favorite movie: Dear John. Right then he walked back in.
    "I made some popcorn, and I have some butter on the side since I wasn't sure if you liked extra butter or not."
    "I love extra butter!"
    "Good, so do I!" He poured on the hot butter. "Now, what movie did you pick?"
    He placed down the popcorn and sat right next to me on the couch. Our sides were touching.
    "Dear John." I wasn't sure if he would let us watch it.
    "That's my sisters movie. How did it get into the pile?" He laughed.
    I looked down, and then went to pick another movie. He stopped my hand.
    "No, if you want to watch this, it's fine with me." He smiled looking into my eyes and I smiled back.
    The movie was almost over. Surprisingly, he handled it well. We laughed a lot, usually when he made jokes about the guy. Then I just told him he was attractive and he would answer with, "Oh, I see how it is." and we would both laugh. I didn't want the night to end just yet.
    "Kylie..." He looked over at me.
    I stopped to look at him with a handful of popcorn.
    He grabbed my hand, and I placed the popcorn back into the bowl.
    He leaned in, I followed.
    Soon our lips were touching, but neither of us backed off. I expected a show of fire works. But when there wasn't, I ignored it.
    We just kept kissing. After about 5 minutes, my phone vibrated. My mom was here.
    "Sorry to break this up, but my mom is here."
    "No biggie." He grinned. "I'm hoping we can do this again."
    "Sure thing." I smiled and walked out the door. I looked back, and he was standing in the doorway looking at me.
    I sat down in the back seat of the car because my mom had groceries in the front.
    "How was it?" She asked.
    "It was good. Very good." I just sat looking out the window as we drove away. I couldn't stop smiling.

  10. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2011 10:40pm UTC
    The Notes.
    I woke up to the sound of Spencer squealing. Whenever she found something cute or exciting, she did a high pitched scream, kind of like those preppy best friends in teen movies.
    "A secret admirer?!" She screamed when she noticed I was awake. "Why didn't you tell me about this?!" She seemed more excited than I was.
    "Well, it just started yesterday at school."
    Before I could even finish she was screaming, "Tell me everything!"
    I was sitting on the island writing my note while Spencer was making everyone breakfast.
    "I smell pancakes!" Zack came excitedly down the stairs, with Mike following.
    "Morning everyone!" Mike seemed happy and oddly awake at 9:00 in the morning.
    "What's this?" Zack was looking over my shoulder at the note.
    "Oh it's nothing." I turned it over.
    "Kylie has a secret admirer!" Spencer said excitedly.
    "Who would go for her?" Zack laughed.
    "Thanks kid. But apparently Tim will, but SOMEONE had to ruin it."
    "Eh, get over it." He sat down next to me grabbing a plate of pancakes.
    Finally, my note was finished and i noticed there was a little bit of syrup on the corner.
    I'd love to know who you are. But, I'll keep writing. So, tell me something about you, anything that won't give it away. Leave your next note in my locker: number 420. -Kylie.
    I folded up the note and put it into my pocket book to put into locker 790 Monday morning.
    My phone rang. I picked it up.
    "Hey! I didn't think you would answer since you didn't have my number." I heard the soft sound of Tim's voice.
    "Oh, well I'm lucky I did. What's up?" My voice automatically seemed happier.
    I looked over to Spencer who mouthed, "Who is it?"
    "Tim." I quietly said back.
    "Well, about tonight... is around 6:00 good?"
    "Yea that's fine, I'll just run home and shower before I go."
    "Sounds good! I'll see you then."
    "Okay, bye!" I was beginning to wonder if I sounded to excited.
    "Oh wait... feel free to text me, since you have my number now."
    "Alright, I will." I wish he could see my smile.
    "Goodbye, Kylie." I heard the sound of him hang up.
    My face lit up and I smiled.
    I then turned my head and Zack was sitting there looking at me.
    "What?" I said rudely.
    "I think I know who your admirer is." He said seriously.
    "Me too, me too." I walked away, still smiling. It has to be him. Tim.

  11. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2011 8:11pm UTC
    The Notes.
    We arrived at Spencer's house. Everyone got out of the car and walked inside. I was alone outside with Jack.
    "You're so annoying! Did you know that?! I was about to get a kiss, from a gorgeous new guy in school, and you walked right into it! Do you know how-" I was yelling at Jack until he cut me off.
    "Shut up." He said sternly.
    "Shut up? That's all you have to say, is shut up."
    "Yes. Now leave me alone." He looked at me, and his hazel eyes were fiery. They softened as they met mine. Then he walked away and into the house, slamming the door behind him.
    I followed him inside, ignored him watching the television , and stomped up the stairs to Spencer's room.
    "So, you got a date with the hot boy?" She said immediately as I said walking into the bedroom.
    "I would of had a kiss too." I said sarcastically.
    "No way! Why didn't you?"
    "Zachary." I called him by his full name whenever I was mad at him.
    "Oh boy. What did he do?"
    "He walked right in between us, and dragged me away. I'm so mad, ugh. I'm going to sleep it's late. Goodnight."
    "I think I know-" She cut herself off. "Goodnight Kylie."
    I turned my head on the pillow to face the other way.
    I saw something sticking out of my bag.
    Trying not to wake up Spencer, I took it and found another note.
    I took out my phone and put the light onto the note.
    Giving you a hint, would give it away completely. But I can tell you that you're beautiful. -anonymous.
    I smiled thinking I would write back in the morning and closed my eyes.

  12. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2011 3:57pm UTC
    The Notes.
    We walked into the front entrance of the rink. There, the lunch gang was waiting along with a few more of us sophomores.
    We met up with Carly and Leah who brought us over to the guys. Of course Jack was there, wherever Spencer went, her twin did too.
    Mike was with Jack and they were both talking to the new guy Tim. They already acted like they all knew each other forever.
    Tim walked over to me.
    "Hey, Kylie right?" He smiled at me.
    "Yeah, you're the new student right? I met you in lunch."
    "Just testing you." He winked.
    Spencer elbowed me and whispered, "We're all going to get skates now. Feel free to stay back."
    "Haha, It's okay we'll come too." I looked at Tim and we walked towards the skate rental shack.
    "So, Jack. He seems pretty cool, how long have you known him?" Tim said.
    "Since we were in diapers, our parents have been best friends ever since Spencer and Jack's family moved next door. Why?"
    "Well, he seemed to know a lot about you." He looked down at me.
    "Oh great, what horrible news did he give to you?" In my mind, I was ready to punch Jack.
    "Nothing too bad. He just said he knows about everything about you. Oh and called you short and annoying. But I think you're petite and cute."
    I blushed at the last part. Then I remembered that Jack made fun of me. Curse my 5 foot body. I thought.
    "That's Jack for you. But, thank you." I smiled at him and he smiled back, his eyes glowing.
    Finally, we got our skates and got onto the rink and met up the rest of the people. A fun night of skating, talking, and hysterical laughing began.
    Spencer's brothers car pulled up at the entrance.
    "Will!" She screamed running to give him a hug through the window. "I thought you weren't coming home for another week?"
    "I finished some college exams early. Hey, is that Kylie?"
    "Hey Will!" I walked over to the car to greet him.
    Will was like my older brother that I never had.
    We started talking for a while, while waiting for Jack and Mike.
    "Where are those boys? Mom told me Mike was staying over for the night, but if they don't come in the next ten minutes I'm not driving them home." Will said.
    Me and Spencer laughed. Then I saw Tim walking out. He walked over to me.
    "Who's this?" Will asked.
    "Oh, that's a new kid in school, his name is Tim." I said to Will.
    "Is that Kylie's boy?" I over heard Will ask Spencer. She laughed and shrugged her shoulders.
    "Nice to meet you." Tim said while shaking Will's hand. "Hey Kylie, um can I talk to you."
    "Sure." We walked away from the car so no one would hear our conversation.
    "So, would you like to come over my house tomorrow? Maybe we can watch a movie or something."
    "Sounds good." I said smiling.
    He could be the boy. The anonymous person. That's all I could keep thinking.
    We were looking into each others eyes. I saw him slowly lean down, and in. Was he going to kiss me? I could feel my eyes light up. He came in closer.
    "Time to go!" Jack said and walked right in between us. "Let's go Kylie."
    He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the car before I could say anything, leaving Tim all alone.

  13. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2011 2:28pm UTC
    The Notes.
    8:00 approached.
    Me and Spencer put on cute, but natural makeup. I asked if I could borrow some clothes for the night.
    "Go into the closet, pick whatever you like." She said as she was curling her highlighted brown hair.
    I opened up the door to her walk in closet.
    "Wow. I have a lot to choose from." I laughed.
    I decided to keep on my flowy, floral t-shirt. I took a pair of skinny jeans, and left on my golden gladiators.
    I needed accessories. I borrowed a big gold bracelet, blue flower earrings that matched the blue in my shirt, and a ring with a floral drawings on it.
    When I was done, so was Spencer.
    She was wearing a scoop neck brown shirt with some flowers on it as well. Along with that she had on white skinny jeans, brown sandals, golden peacock feather earrings, and bangles to match the whole outfit.
    We got into the car, along with Spencer's mom, and took off for the rink.
    "I got a text message!" Spencer said as if she was excited.
    "Whose it from?" I asked her.
    "It's from Carly. She said that the new guy is at the rink."
    "Yea! Him!"
    I smiled and remembered the notes. Maybe it was him.
    sorry this is short, but tell me what you think!
    here is Kylie and Spencer's outfits to go ice skating.
    Kylie's is on the left, and Spencer's is on the right.

  14. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2011 2:15pm UTC
    The Notes.
    The final bell of the day went off. Last period, photography, I had with Spencer. We walked out together, like always.
    "You're coming back to my house, right?" She asked.
    "Yea but my parents won't be home until very late, Friday night sleepover?" I asked
    "I have a better idea, let's go to the ice rink." She said.
    The rink was like a hangout place for most people in my high school.
    The players hooked up with the desperate girls behind the lockers, while everyone skated, and met other people.
    "I'm in!"
    Right before we walked out the door to the bike rack, I realized I had to go to the library.
    "Oh Spence, I forgot I have to go return a book to the library.. wait for me at the bike rack, I won't take long."
    I hurried down the hall and into the giant, cool library. Now where do I look?
    I took the note back out, and studied it. Right at the bottom, I noticed it said: Fiction- 2341.
    I found the fiction section, and looked at the row numbers.
    There wasn't a section 2341.
    I sat down next to the book case. I'll never find the note in this place. I looked up, and my eyes happened to lock onto a book: Romeo and Juliet.
    At the bottom there was a sticker with the number 2341 on it. I smiled.
    Standing up quickly, remembering Spencer was waiting for me, I grabbed the book. Immediately, a note fell out.
    From the moment I met you, I knew you were my Juliet. I'd love to talk to you more, write back. Leave it in my locker. The number is 790. -anonymous.
    I stood in shock, realizing I had a secret admirer.
    Quickly I took out a piece of paper and a pen.
    I'm leaving this here, because whoever you are, you told me to write back. A name, or perhaps a hint would make this easier for communication. -Kylie.
    Almost sprinting, I went down the hallway.
    Locker 752... 768... 789... Locker 790.
    I pulled on the handle, just in case it was open. But before I could fully even pull it, the locker swung open.
    The door was broken, the locker was empty. I was played... I thought.
    I crumpled up the paper and threw it into the locker slamming it shut, and ran to the bike rack outside where Spencer was still waiting.
    "What took you so long?" She asked.
    "Sorry, there was a return line. You know the old librarian, she isn't very fast." I said giggling.
    I think she bought it.
    I fastened my helmet onto my head, and we took a ride around the block to Spencer's house.
    Once we got there, Jack was walking out the door in jeans, a tight black tank top, to match his jet black hair, and was holding a read sweatshirt. He was dressed for a winter day, in the spring.
    "Where are you going?" Spencer asked curiously.
    "I'm walking over to Mike's house. His mom is bringing us the the rink tonight." Me and Spencer looked at each other and rolled our eyes.
    "We're going too. Don't bother us." Spencer told him. Then we walked inside to get ready.

  15. farfromtheusualx3 farfromtheusualx3
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2011 1:02pm UTC
    The Notes.
    He hates me, he has to. I thought sitting in the desk.
    I heard talking in the background, but still just sat there staring.
    Finally, I came back to life when he looked back at me.
    He rolled his eyes, grinned, and turned back around.
    I quickly turned my head towards the teacher, realizing she was the voice i heard.
    "Kylie. Time to come back to earth now." she was trying to say politely.
    The whole class was laughing. I look up, knowing I was all red and tried hiding it with my light brown hair.
    I looked up right into his hazel eyes. Of course.
    His best friend punched him in the arm.
    "Hey Jack, some ones crushing." he said winking.
    The funny part was, I knew Jack disliked me. He knew I disliked him.
    The bell rang. I gathered all my books, picked up my purse and walked out the door. I could hear all the footsteps behind me, but two seemed particularly loud. They kinda made a musical tune.
    Step. Step. Step. Step.
    I waited until there was a clear way..and walked to the other side of the hallway to my locker. I opened it up, and it was stopped.
    "So...English was fun today." He said sarcastically.
    "Go away, Jack." I muttered back.
    "Funny, I believe you were the one staring at me."
    "I was not staring, I was thinking."
    "..about me." He grinned.
    "Yes, and how much I hate you."
    I was finished swapping my English books for math and began heading for the cafeteria to meet Spencer, my best friend... and Jack's sister.
    He ran up next to me.
    "Now, you don't mean that." His eyes seemed soft as he said that, but he was almost laughing as well.
    "Do I? I gotta go meet Spencer, don't bother us."
    I walked faster infront of him and into the cafeteria.
    "Kylie, over here!" I saw Spencer waving.
    But before I walked over, I turned back and saw him outside the door looking at me.
    "Go away." I mouthed.
    He looked down, and back at me before turning away.
    I walked over to the table where Spencer and a few other people were sitting.
    "Jack?" She asked.
    "Be prepared, he'll be home later when you're over."
    "...Great." I said looking towards the door, noticing him walking away.
    Does he hate me? No.. Yes... He has to.
    I turned my focus onto the lunch table. There was a new kid Spencer introduced me to. Tim.
    He had soft blonde hair, that seemed very soft. His eyes were amazing; sky blue. You could tell he was a jock. He had broad shoulders, and large arm muscles. But to my surprise, he hadn't shown them off.
    Every girl was all over him, but his eyes were always locked on mine.
    I smiled politely, "I'm Kylie."
    "Beautiful name." His eyes lit up.
    Wow. He was gorgeous.
    "Thank you-" I cut myself off when I felt something in my pocket.
    I took it out and there was a crumpled piece of paper.
    I unraveled it slowly...finding a small note: Go to the library right after school today. You'll find another note there.


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