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Member Since: 27 Jul 2011 01:49pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 200256

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this is losinghermind's story account. please read, comment, fave, and enjoy.

Labeled On The Back Of Bathroom Stalls
I Will Follow You Into The Dark



  1. falsegreetings falsegreetings
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2011 12:23pm UTC
    chapter - two
    For the rest of the day, the girl found herself feeling lonelier than usual. She was used to being alone, being forgotten and neglected, but now she couldn’t help but feel it this time. Her booted feet shuffled along the snowy paths, her head tipped down, and red hair spilling forward.
    She stopped, turning around to the familiar voice that had spoken her name. God, she missed having her name called. Her green eyes searched for the person who had hollered at her. A robed figure, a shivering silhouette, began hesitantly walking towards her.
    “Grandma?” Morgan squinted and saw the gray long hair that graced her grandmother’s head.
    “Morgan, what are you doing out?”
    “I should be asking you the same thing, grandma.” She sighed, running over to her side.
    “It’s early, dear. I was going up to your room and I didn’t see your lovely sleeping beautiful self.” The aged woman smiled, wrapping her arms around her granddaughter, wrinkles crinkling.
    “Grandma…” She muttered softly, sniffling and rubbing at her reddening nose.
    “Let’s get you out of this cold – you’re beginning to look like Rudolph.” A gentle chuckle came from grandma as they started walking away from the frosted park.
    - - -
    The scream of the boiling kettle sounded out through the house and grandma quickly turned off the stove, pouring the hot water into two green mugs. Morgan watched her put two tea packets in before moving her gaze out to the window.
    It was slightly incrusted with frost, fogged up by the cold, but she could clearly see two children playing together a few blocks down. They laughed and jumped into the snow, avoiding the snowballs they aimed at each other, a smile on their faces. She narrowed her eyes and felt envious for a moment. Her heart sank and she looked away into the steaming mug of tea placed in front of her now. The steam warmed her cold cheeks and she stayed like that for a while.
    “So what were you doing out so early in the park?” Grandma asked her with a pleasant look on her face. Her expression was bemused more than ever.
    “Oh, the usual grandma.” She shrugged, picking up her tea packet and sloshing it around in her cup.
    “You sound just like your mother... except she said ‘mom’.” The old woman still had that look on her face and she lifted her drink to her mouth, eyes smiling behind the mug.
    “I miss her.” Morgan watched some crushed tiny tea leaves escape the packet and float around on the surface of her cup. A twinkle burst behind her eyes and you could see a thin layer of beginning tears that watered those green orbs.
    “I know, honey. I do too.” She said quietly; bringing her granddaughter into a hug.
    Morgan didn’t say anything or cry out loud – but you could see the shake in her shoulders, the way her fingers clasped onto the soft fabric of her grandma’s robe. Tears rolled down her porcelain face and she closed her eyes.
    She cried for her mother, who died in a car crash when she was still young. She cried at the fact that she missed her more than ever and that she died before even her own mother. She cried for the day she knew that would come when God was finally going to take her grandma away from her. She cried over her boyfriend, Carter, who was going to lose his mother quicker than he thought. And when she thought she was done, when she thought she couldn’t possibly break down again, she did. In her arms of the only one who actually listened to her sobs.
    It's nothing to cry about 'cause we'll hold each other soon ♥

  2. falsegreetings falsegreetings
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2011 2:47pm UTC
    chapter - one
    In the midst of winter, the air brisk and cold, you wouldn’t except to see anyone out. With the snow right at knee level and some areas plowed, most of the streets at the metropolitan part of Detroit, Michigan were deserted. The small corner shops were closed, signs abruptly hung from the inside of their windows. The only stirring was the wind, howling its sullen laments. A few rows of houses not far from those small corner shops were silent as well. Except for one small house at the far right with navy blue shutters and a peeling navy blue door. It was placed right next to a bright snow covered Weeping Willow. Its once billowing sulking branches were frozen in place, ice coating its skin.
    A light went on in the navy blue cladded home. Smoke arose from the brick chimney and a slight burnt smell hung in the air. The navy blue door was yanked open from the inside and a heavily bundled being stepped out into the cold. It was a girl, skin pale porcelain, hair flaming red inferno. Her eyes, looking over the cream scarf that covered her already-going-pink nose, complimented her complexion. They were luminous emerald green, almost iridescent ivy.
    Her booted feet slowly went down her hazardous steps and she continued through the knee deep snow. It had already begun to seep through her dark washed jeans but she made her way through until she reached the park in her community, which of course smothered in snow. She clutched her sides in attempt of warmth before she made her way to a bench and cleared off some snow with her red finger tips. She sat down and pulled down the scarf that covered half of her face, gazing at the gray world that stood naked in front of her eyes. The moment only lasted for a second more as her phone vibrated deep in her pocket. She dug into her jacket and brought out the silver piece of junk, unlocking it with numb fingers before reading the just received text.
    From: Carter [12/27/11 - 1:57 PM]
    Hey baby – I miss you. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t. I’ll be home soon, okay? Mom isn’t doing so well; the chemo hasn’t be working lately. I love you.
    It's nothing to cry about 'cause we'll hold each other soon ♥

  3. falsegreetings falsegreetings
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 2:50pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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