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    posted a quote
    September 6, 2011 6:14pm UTC
    why do guys grab their crotch all the time?
    they have to make sure their dick is still there.

  2. x3sammii x3sammii
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 2:14am UTC
    every guy
    should act like the type of guy he
    wants his daughter to be with. ♥

  3. jordanashley jordanashley
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 4:07pm UTC
    but mommy
    i dont wanna grow up

  4. kaayx kaayx
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 5:48pm UTC
    yes, i wish
    i could read minds because i'd die to know
    what's going on in his, but at the same time 
    i feel like, i wouldn't like what i see
    From my other Witty account

  5. fallforyou22 fallforyou22
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 6:37pm UTC
    Sometimes when I say "I'm okay"
    I want someone to look me in the eyes,
    hug me tight
    and say "I know you're not."

  6. iloveyaahx3 iloveyaahx3
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 11:47am UTC
    Do I ever
    cross your mind? do you even know that i'm alive?

  7. Scarletstrawberries Scarletstrawberries
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2011 10:42pm UTC
    Dear Teacher,
    My hand is not raised. Therefore, I do not know the answer.
    Stop calling on me.

  8. chloexxkrystyna chloexxkrystyna
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2011 12:38am UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. hidden_inthe_scarsx3 hidden_inthe_scarsx3
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 10:47pm UTC
    I look in the mirror day by day & ask myself"why would anyone ever want you?"

  10. xoarianaxo xoarianaxo
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 9:10pm UTC
    A high schooler that lives in my town...
    Was beaten to death by a group of guys from his school,
    Only because he was gay.
    Fav this if you believe that this is absolutely wrong

  11. FollowingMyDream FollowingMyDream
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 9:30pm UTC
    Here's a random idea,
    Just out of the blue.
    How about you fall for me,
    As hard as I fell for you?

  12. amberlynn2013 amberlynn2013
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2011 12:46am UTC
    A boy
    will make his girl jealous
    of other women.
    A gentleman
    will make other women;
    jealous of
    his girl.♥

  13. st_stories st_stories
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2011 8:54pm UTC
    ♥ & it cut me like a knife
    when you walked out of my life
    now I'm in this condition
    & I've got all the symptoms
    of a girl with a broken heart
    but no matter what
    >>you'll never see me cry<<

    posted a quote
    August 9, 2010 5:32pm UTC
    Don't wait for
    Prince Charming,
    because he's too lazy to leave his castle..
    Wait for the knight in the shining armor who will fight for you.

  15. beereegs beereegs
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2011 5:04pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. vicctorriaaax vicctorriaaax
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2011 9:12am UTC
    I miss listening to Aaron Carter, Jesse McCartney, Hillary Duff.
    I miss watching Catdog, Arthur, Dora, Rugrats; before they grew up.
    I miss wearing clothes from Old Navy.
    I miss not caring what anyone thought of me.
    I miss having frizzy hair.
    I miss not having feelings for boys.
    I miss playing with Legos.
    I miss my childhood.

  17. BuBbLe_GuM BuBbLe_GuM
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2011 1:55am UTC
    Like this for the people with Cancer
    And all those people trying to
    fight for it. Let us all pray for them ♥

  18. xoxomads xoxomads
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2011 12:08am UTC
    dear god ; make mommy okay please <3 <3 *
    some favs , for mommy ?

  19. remaining_nameless remaining_nameless
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2011 11:38pm UTC
    it gets annoying
    after a while ,
    when guys dont pick up the hint that we l i ke them..a lot

    Format by Sandrasaurus

  20. believe_ believe_
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2011 2:51pm UTC
    Boy you got my heartbeat runnin' away ♥
    Beating like a drum and it's coming your way


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