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  1. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2010 12:49am UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2010 12:43am UTC
    I'm happy knowing that you are mine, the grass is greener on the other side


  3. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2010 10:20pm UTC
    i cut♥

  4. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2010 9:48pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2010 8:04pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2010 7:52pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2010 4:07pm UTC
    Day 4, letter 4: letter to your sibling♥
    Dear Connor,..
    ighttt, so. connor, your 10 years olddd? mmm yeah i think?
    yeah thats rightt? 4 years apartt. we dont really fight at all
    you just annoy me most of the times, but if anything ever
    happen to you i would never forgive myself because
    i look after you like a freakin hawkk lol(:
    love ya buddddy<3
    -♥- yooo sistaa, mackenziee:D

  8. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2010 2:50pm UTC
    30 days, 30 letters: letter to your parents♥
    Dear, mommy&daddy♥
    i love you more then anything in the whole world,
    without you in my life i would be nothingg, if anything
    ever happened to you guys, i would be soo lost in
    this world. i love you guys so much!! never leave me<3
    -♥- yourr loving daughterr, mackenzie(:

  9. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2010 1:37pm UTC

  10. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2010 1:03pm UTC
    Day 2, letter 2: letter to your crush♥
    Dear joey,
    heyyy buddy, haha. okayy..we've known each other for..hmmm 9 years?
    yeah thats rightt, 9 years. i was the "new girl" in kindergarten,
    it might sound cheesy but the first day i walked into school, i knew
    i like you. everyone thought we looked cute together, even our parents..
    i liked you and you liked me for the longest timee..by 6th grade we still liked
    each other. thats when the schools started getting close, yu turned on me..
    it wasnt about me anymore, there were prettier& more popular girls that
    yu could go for..every girl adored you..including me. yu moved on while
    im stuck loving yu. we just graduated 8th grade&ive been holding onto
    yu all these years, youve been texting this girl lately, shes one of my
    best friends from another school.. you told me yu were in love with herr.
    i try to move onn.. but 9 years of love is kinda tough to get overr. so joey,
    if you ever read this, im not ashamed of loving you, i just thought we'd
    always end up together but, i guess i was never good enough for you.
    i love you with all my heart, more then you will ever know..♥
    good luck in high school buddy,..i'll miss you.
    -♥- love..mackenzie.

  11. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2010 4:17pm UTC
    I wish I was good enough: part 2
    Monday Monday Monday,...grrrrr.
    I hoped out of bed, took a quick shower, scrunched my hair, put mascara on, threw on a white&pink tanktop, jean shorts, brown flip flops, and a silver necklace. Today was going to be torture.., I havent seen him in 5 days and yet I miss him like crazy. I guess I'm going to start my story over, so you guys can get too know what happen this summer.. welll I guess I'll start from when I went to my friends house that night..!
    I jumped in my car and headed towards sydni's house!, we were going to have sooo much fun doing make overs& talking about nothing!, I got there about 15 minutes later and when I pulled up and parked her usual neighbors cars were gone and in the place of them were 3 cars i have never seen before? i got out of my car and started walking towards her house when i stopped in my tracks to see this incredible guy carrying boxes into the housee..i must of looked like an idiot standing in the center of her sidewalk, because he just stared at me and walked inside. I sprinted into sydni's house.
    me: sydddd!!, is someone moving in?!
    Sydni: ohhh, you saw (; isnt he gorgeous!
    me: who is he?
    sydni: his name is joey, there moving the for the summer, dads business job, wanna go meet them?
    me: uhmm, uhh, r you interested in him at all?!
    sydni: take him, haha!!
    me: okay, lets go!
    We walked outside and started for joeys new house, doesnt his name just ring like a bell, jjjooooeeeyy(;
    woah, imma freak haahaa, so we knocked and asked him if he wanted to talk and get to know us so he could have some friends this summer! He agreed gladly and we sat in the middle of the street and talked for hours!, when it was around 3 o'clock in the morning we decided to go inside and talk tmmr. I stood up and said bye and gave him a hug, ohhh myyy geee, he was so warm and i fit perfect in his arms(:
    we walked inside and went to sleep i dreamed about him of course!
    he's 16, only child, loves sports, and has never had a girlfriend..woah weird?!? (;
    [HEY GUYS, im changing it a little the like last paragraph in my other one is changing dont worry you'll understand i hope(: love ya!]

  12. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2010 3:52pm UTC
    I wish I was good enough: part 1
    Hey, I'm Kenzie. I'm 16, 5'9, i have dirty blonde hair, and ice blue eyes. I'm a pretty chill person I guess, I mean I love life and live it to the fullest! I'm not "popular" but I have alot of friends and I'm nice to everyone! I really haven't had a boyfriend, or my first kiss, or... well you get the picture, im pretty inexpierianced. I'm a hopeless romantic, just looking for love, what can I say? I'm 16! In my story I daydream alot, anddddddd here we go!
    beep beep beep beep! UGH, Monday.. first day of school, woo! I already miss summer, I miss him..
    Over the summer I meet an amazing guy, he was my bestfriend and it seemed like we knew each other for years. His name was Joey. I was at my friends house and he had just recently moved in next door to her. Me and my friend talked to him all night in the street his first day there. While we talked, i noticed his soft brown hair, the way it flowed made my heart skip a beat, and his gorgeous eyes, ohhhh myyy geeee, his eyes, they sparkled like the ocean even though we were in the dark. It was unbelievable how amazing his eyes were, like daggers that struck at your stomach. His voice was like an angel, his body build was perfect, he was taller then me which was good. Plus he was super nice and had a great smile. I was falling for him...fast.
    We spent every single day together over summer, as friends. But I loved him, I couldn't help it. I needed him in my life. He would hug me all the time, play with my hair and fingers, smile at everything I said, and whenever I needed someone he was always there. I wanted to tell him so bad how I felt, but I would choke on my words. I don't think he ever felt the same way I did. I only wish...
    The reason he moved here was for his dad's job, but at the end of summer he would be leaving again. I didn't no this until a week before he was moving back to his home town. It hurt like hell. Just knowing that the guy I've ever truely loved would be leaving. I hope he misses me like I miss him..
    Oh yeah, it's Monday the first day of school....
    [Should i keep writing idk where this is going, tell me what ya think;D]

  13. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2010 3:46pm UTC
    Day 1, letter 1: letter to your best friend♥
    Dear Madison,
    heyyy girlie(: we've been bestfriends since kindergarten&yu know that
    we just graduated 8th grade and its been a whole 9 years of friendship,
    we've grown closer and closer as the years are moving forwardd,
    starting high school in august together (thank baby jesus were going
    to the same high school).. without yu i wouldnt be anywhere close
    to outgoing, you make me who i am [yu know that too lmfao]
    without yu im nothing& i hope yu feel the same way about me!
    i love you baby girl& i hope we remain bestfriends in high school too♥
    -♥- love yu girllll, mackenziee(:

  14. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2010 7:35pm UTC
    CHECK OUT squire1319 ! OMGG BEST STORY EVER!! :D GO NOW!!!

  15. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2010 7:59pm UTC
    ♥why you sippin on the haterade?♥

  16. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2010 11:12pm UTC
    I love Joey♥, just sayinn..

  17. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2010 6:56pm UTC

  18. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2010 6:55pm UTC
    will u please (::[]::) my ♥?

  19. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2010 6:55pm UTC
    girl: hey!
    boy: whats up?
    girl: oh nothing just hanging with my family
    boy: why is it bolded at the end?
    girl: pshh what r u talking about silly
    boy: oh um idk?
    girl: yeahh, so what r u doing?
    boy: being really bored
    girl: LOL
    boy: why is it capital and bolded?
    girl: LOL well something was obviously funny so im laughing hard!
    boy: your freaking me out lol
    girl: dont u get it?
    boy: get what?
    girl: family silly , LOL doesnt mean laugh out loud.
    boy: .....do u really love me
    girl: finally you get it :)
    boy: i love u too<3

  20. eyemissyoux eyemissyoux
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2010 6:54pm UTC
    I'd do anything
    Just to hold you in my arms
    To try to make you laugh
    Cuz somehow I can't put you in the past
    I'd do anything
    Just to fall asleep with you
    Will you remember me?
    Cuz I know
    I won't forget you♥


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