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Member Since: 18 Mar 2012 11:29pm

Last Seen: 12 Dec 2012 06:06pm

user id: 284886

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  1. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 1:51pm UTC
    That moment when you get your period and you want to punch someone
    In the face

  2. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 3:06pm UTC
    I m starting a game of Tag FAVE this quote so I can TAG you ...........
    1.)To tag someone you comment on their profile saying TAG(:
    2.) you only can tag one person a day
    3.) If you have been tagged more than 3 times then you follow the every third person that tags you.
    4.) HAVE FUN!
    May the odds ever be in your favor(:........

  3. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 3:05pm UTC
    I m st ar t i ng a game of Tag FAVE this quote so I can TAG you ...........
    1.)To tag someone you comment on their profile saying TAG(:
    2.) you only can tag one person a day
    3.) If you have been tagged more than 3 times then you follow the every third person that tags you.
    4.) HAVE FUN!
    May the odds ever be in your favor(:........

  4. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 3:05pm UTC
    I m starting a game of Tag FAVE this quote so I can TAG you ...........
    1.)To tag someone you comment on their profile saying TAG(:
    2.) you only can tag one person a day
    3.) If you have been tagged more than 3 times then you follow the every third person that tags you.
    4.) HAVE FUN!
    May the odds ever be in your favor(:........

  5. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 2:51pm UTC
    Me: "Have you guys hugged yet??!"
    Little girl with boyfriend:"no.. But we say bye to eachother...sometimes"

  6. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 1:49pm UTC
    Car Ride home (true story)
    Uncle: *turns on dumb music *
    Cousin: I kinda want to listen to music with words...
    Uncle: I kinda want to throw you out the window.......

  7. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 1:13am UTC
    Point at someone and shout "Your one of them!" Run and pretend to trip. Crawl away slowly
    Run up to someone random on the street and slap them with a loaf of bread.
    Look at see through glass and when someone is on the other side shout "OH MY GOD, I'M HIDEOUS!"
    Go to McDonalds and ask for a happy meal with extra happy.
    Put a dora doll in the middle of Walmart.When someone tries to pick it up yell "SWIPER NO SWIPING".
    Walk up to a small child that resembles you, and tell them that you are them from the future.
    Bring a desk on an elevator. When people try to get on ask if they have an appointment.
    Go up to a random lady with a daughter and say her son is adorable.
    If skinny people skinny dip what do fat people do? Chunky Dunk?
    Blow up a balloon, then ask someone to pop it, when they do, start screaming.
    Fill your mouth with whipped cream, then run down the street screaming "I HAVE RABIES".
    Sit on a curb with a stuffed animal and scream at it about how it ruined your life.
    Go jump on a random guys back and yell (THE SKY IS FALLING RUN MAN RUN) and see what happens.
    Make "No Dumping - Violators Will Be Prosecuted" signs and put them in public bathroom stalls.
    Throw a small plastic ball at some body and then yell "get in your ball you stupid pokemon. |
    Go to walmart, find a random old guy and yell, "GRANDPA! YOUR STILL ALIVE! ITS A MIRACLE".
    Run through a police station and yell " I finally escaped from prison!" .
    Buy an ice cream, ask the cashier if they believe in unicorns then squish the cone on your forehead.
    When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won!, I Won!" "I Won!, I Won!"

  8. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2012 5:06pm UTC
    One year for
    Halloween I was a
    My costume was so good no one gave me candy:(

  9. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2012 12:21am UTC
    Hey you! yeah you . . . . . Marry me? Like now?

  10. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2012 2:38pm UTC
    What a kiss really means...
    Kiss on the stomach = I'm ready
    Kiss on the Forehead = I hope we're together forever ...
    Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything
    Kiss on the Cheek = We're friends
    Kiss on the Hand = I adore You
    Kiss on the Neck = We belong together
    Kiss on the Shoulder = I want you
    Kiss on the Lips = I love you
    What the gesture means...
    Holding Hands = We definitely love each other
    Slap on the Butt = That's mine ;)<3
    Holding on tight = I don't want to let go
    Looking into each other's Eyes = I just plain love you
    Playing with Hair = Tell me you love me
    Arms around the Waist = I love you too much to let go
    Laughing while Kissing = I am completely comfortable with you
    -Dont ask for a kiss, take one.
    -If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love
    --REQURIEMENTS-- Post this again after reading!! Or you will have a bad year of Relationships. If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now and can't get them out of your head then Re-post this within One Minute and Whoever you are missing will surprise you

  11. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2012 6:27pm UTC
    That moment when you see someone copied your quote and your like
    F**ck NO. Report.

    Follow for a follow?

  12. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2012 6:24pm UTC
    This goes out to those
    witty boys(:,
    [♥] [♥] [♥] That girls are completely in love with(: just because now by reading quotes you know how to treat a girl

  13. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2012 5:15pm UTC
    BLONDES <3
    They would be dangerous if they
    had brains(:

  14. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2012 1:00am UTC
    --------------- ♥ ---------------

  15. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2012 4:20pm UTC
    You are a ninja if you can fave this quote(:
    ❤ 197 add to faves
    Quote # 5365561 was added by Raymatts to funny on 14 May 2012 at 4:19pm
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    Comment if your not a ninja

  16. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2012 12:07am UTC
    I m a looser!
    ❤ 197 add to faves
    Quote # 5365561 was added by Raymatts to funny on 14 May 2012 at 4:19pm
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    I believe no one is a looser especially her ^^^^^^^

  17. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2012 6:57pm UTC
    TRUE STORY(: haha
    Mom: Since its our belated mothers day dinner all tell me why you are thankfull for me
    Sister: because..... i love you!
    Other sister: *stands on chair* thankyou mom for making me tyson chicken
    Me: (In girly boy voice) Well mother I am thankful for you pushing me out of your ****** into this fabulous world!

  18. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2012 11:51pm UTC
    Does anyone find it hilarious that
    The guy in the Call me mabey video is gay???

  19. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2012 8:07pm UTC
    Everyone says things get better...
    but do they really?

  20. espencer espencer
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2012 6:33pm UTC
    Soooo you hate me? Thats nice(:guess
    who cares???? Not this girl<3


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