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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. emitob052898 emitob052898
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2010 3:03pm UTC
    Dear 6th grader, when you get to
    l7thl lorl l8thl
    grade you will understand why we dont like you.

  3. supercalafragalisticexpialadocious supercalafragalisticexpialadocious
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2010 3:22pm UTC
    Today, I had a fight with
    my alarm clock. It wanted me to
    wake up; I disagreed.
    Things got violent.
    Now the alarm clocks broken
    and I'm wide awake. Not sure who won.

  4. pbjluver pbjluver
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2010 8:53pm UTC
    When i was a kid i thought...

    that the moon was made of cheese

    that the clouds were where heaven was, and where the angels danced

    that it rained because god was sad and crying
    ☃that frosty the snowmen was real
    But then i grew up,
    & realized how cruel and how
    much hatred
    the world
    really has

  5. emilxo emilxo
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2010 4:23pm UTC
    50 things to make a teacher feel uncomfortable.
    Long but worth reading.
    1. Whenever they walk past you get all your friends to stare at them
    2. Lick your text book in front of them, if they ask why you did that say “What would you rather me lick your text book?”
    3. Itch your head for the entire lesson
    4. Leave notes on your teachers desk saying “have you checked the children”
    5. If you know where they live, leave happy birthday cards at their door everyday
    6. Instead of bringing a pencil case to class put all your equipment in a picnic basket
    7. When they are standing behind you breathe really loudly and continue to do your work
    8. If you have to write a story copy the first chapter of harry potter in the philosophers stone and hand it in
    9. Bring a drink bottle into class and spill it, then go ask to refill it then spill it again etc etc
    10. When your teachers in earshot talk about how you got smashed on the weekend and stole someone’s car
    11. Play a recording of doors creaking/dogs barking, then if the teachers asks “Can you hear that?” Get everyone to say “What? No. You must be imaging it miss
    12. If you can read any book you want get the whole class to read the same book
    13. If there is an empty seat next to you pretend someone is there and have a conversation with them
    14. When the teacher sets work and asks “Does anyone have any questions?” ask “Do you hate me?”
    15. While you’re doing your work get the whole class to sing the national anthem
    16. Bring a toaster to class
    17. Get the whole class to right names of harry potter characters on their notebooks instead of their actual names.
    18. Go an sniff your teacher, if they ask what you’re doing say “Just checking”, wink then walk off
    19. In the middle of class go lie down face flat on the floor in front of the teachers desk
    20. Take photos! Strike really suggestive poses an ask the teacher to take them for you
    21. Brush your teeth in class
    22. Pass notes in class and make sure you get caught, write on the notes a conversation about how your going to sacrifice your pet fish at the woogawooga tribe meeting
    23. Order a Pizza and get it delivered to the classroom
    24. When class is finished go over to your teacher and give them a big hug
    25. If you see a small insect act absolutely freaked out and run out of the classroom screaming
    26. If they pat you on the back pretend that they really hurt you and start wailing in agony
    27. When you’re doing a test ask the teacher if they can hold your hand because you get really nervous
    28. For an end of year present buy your a bag of vegetables or something equally as random
    29. Change the accent you speak in every week
    30. Bring a Vacuum to class and start vacuuming in the middle class. Mutter about how you cant work in such a pigsty.
    31. When you have to write a paper, get it done early and mail it to your
    teachers’ house
    32. If you have a class first period, go into the class room early and lie down in a sleeping bag in your pjs then set an alarm to go off a few minutes into first period
    33. Paint all your work onto a canvas instead of doing it in your school book
    34. Whenever you have to do an essay turn it into a song an sing it to the class and dedicate it to your teacher
    35. If you have to read out loud from your textbook sing it and tell your teacher that music is a key learning tool for you.
    36. Bring handcuffs into class and wear a plastic fake police badge. Tell your teacher that he/she is under arrest.
    37. Raise your hand for every question and when the teacher calls on you say “oh never mind” do it repeatedly.
    38. Bring marshmallows to roast on the Bunsen burner. When the teacher tells you off pull out a packet of sausages and start cooking them. If the teacher just tells you off again THEN pull out a chicken and slow roast it on a spit.
    39. When the principal speaks over the P.A shout “IM HEARING VOICES AGAIN!!”
    40. Ask your teacher what he really wanted to do with his life.
    41. Break into a song and dance in class like a musical.
    42. Before class draw a diagram of the reproductive system on the whiteboard in permanent marker pretending it was from the last class.
    43. Whenever you go out of the classroom bring your chair with you
    44. Do your work in another language
    45. Call your teacher Mum (even if they are male)
    46. When you go into the class ask “Do I know you?”
    47. In science make a cocktail of random chemicals and ‘Play-Pretend’ to own a cafe
    48. Ride a scooter into class
    49. If your teacher dosn't let you do something hold a glue gun to their face and say" Do you know what you have got yourself into?"
    50. If the teacher goes against something you say. Shout “YOU’RE A NON-BELIEVER!” Cry uncontrollably for the rest of the lesson.
    Not really the kinda of person to put things from fb to witty.
    but i found this on fb and laughed really hard and thought i should put it on witty

  6. CherryCherryBoomBoom CherryCherryBoomBoom
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2010 3:51pm UTC
    >> put two fingers into it gently,<<
    twist around then slide fingers out gently..
    thats how you clean a cup.

  7. emitob052898 emitob052898
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2010 2:39pm UTC
    T eacher's
    coming act coolactcool
    n o t m y f o r m a t

  8. emitob052898 emitob052898
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2010 4:26pm UTC
    Times when you and your friend say the same thing at the same time

  9. pigglywiggly pigglywiggly
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2010 3:36pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. NRinaldoXoxoYankee22 NRinaldoXoxoYankee22
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2010 10:52pm UTC
    I just looked at the time its 10:48pm,
    I also just realized that i missed my 10/10/10 at 10:10pm wish

  11. becauseofyoux2 becauseofyoux2
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2010 11:11pm UTC
    10-10-10 10:10 am/pm
    we were all giving the opportunity to wish twice today... who missed both chances?

  12. xoxocrosierxoxo xoxocrosierxoxo
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2010 8:34pm UTC
    twitter can be entertaining
    I just realized they got my bad English accent in here. haha

  13. rockandrolllamb rockandrolllamb
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2010 8:01pm UTC
    >> Let's Face It <<
    We all run and jump into our beds because its scary in the dark.

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. SilverSpoon SilverSpoon
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2010 7:30pm UTC
    Ever Known A Diabetic?
    News Flash
    You Just Met One.

  16. arielleedanielaa arielleedanielaa
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2010 9:32pm UTC
    t hat m ood w here
    e verything i s h ilarious

  17. live_laugh_love_life live_laugh_love_life
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2010 4:33pm UTC
    that amazing feeling
    when you recognize
    your quote,on top quotes (:
    credit to- amazingborders

  18. iloveyouu2 iloveyouu2
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2010 4:34pm UTC
    dream as if you'll live forever,
    live as if you'll die today ♥

  19. kenna18 kenna18
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2010 2:22pm UTC
    Don't worry, if we
    all die in 2012, Justin
    Bieber goes with us.

  20. emitob052898 emitob052898
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2010 7:25pm UTC
    as your friend
    talks to someone you don't know
    format crediit to styledoll88


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