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  1. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2011 9:25pm UTC
    I wanna be that one girl
    who makes everyone think
    dang... they are still together?

  2. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2011 9:11pm UTC
    When The Sun Sets
    We were sitting on the dock, our toes barely touching the water.
    "You look beautiful" He whispered as he tucked my long blonde locks behind my ear.
    "Thanks" I smiled back. The sun just set and the stars were shining like diamonds that just got polished. He put his arm around me and stared into the sky.
    "You have goosebumps." He took off his sweatshirt and gave it to me. I slipped it over my head. Then, I rested my head on his shoulder.
    You're probably wondering who "he" is. He's not exactly my boyfriend... but we have a thing. His name is Chris. We've known each other for about two years now. We met in English class our freshman year.
    I looked up at him, I got lost in his icy blue eyes. He slowly leaned in. His soft lips met mine. After a few seconds we pulled away.
    "That was perfect." I said as a smile drew across my face.
    "It was perfect, just like you" Chris looked up at the stars.
    Then, someone walked up behind us.
    "There you are Rachel! You snuck away from the bonfire!" My friend Kelsey exclaimed.
    "I'll be there in a few" I turned to look at her. Not suprisingly, she had a guy linking arms with her. After a few seconds, they trotted away.
    "Should we go back?" Chris looked at me.
    "I guess we have to" I sighed. We slowly stood up onto the dock and started to walk back.
    "Wait." Chris stopped walking.
    "Yes?" I looked at him. He looked down at my hand, then he grabbed it.
    "Now its perfect." He told me. We kept walking and returned to the bonfire hand in hand.

  3. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2011 11:24pm UTC
    "This song is so good!"
    "....It was better before it was popular."

  4. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2011 9:54pm UTC
    ill make this quote pretty later.

  5. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2011 4:52pm UTC
    dear mother nature,
    i never asked for a monthly gift.
    So please stop sending them. Thanks.

  6. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2011 9:46pm UTC
    using hand gestures
    when you are
    talking on the phone.
    *not my format.

  7. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 6:10pm UTC
    I don't know you,
    You are beautiful.
    don't forget it.
    format: maryg181

  8. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 6:06pm UTC
    Really having to pee,
    but being too lazy to get up and go to the bathroom.
    *not my format.

  9. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 6:03pm UTC
    Not being able to sleep
    the night before
    the first day of school.

    *not my format.

  10. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 9:19pm UTC
    love me now,
    or love me never
    but once you
    love me love
    me forever♥
    *not my formatt.

  11. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 8:28pm UTC
    Pull me in c lose
    and never
    let go
    **not my format

  12. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 7:59pm UTC
    what happens when he's your
    prince charming
    but your not his
    **not my format

  13. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 5:45pm UTC
    crying on your best friend's shoulder.
    ( w e v e a l l d o n e i t )

  14. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 5:20pm UTC
    If marriage is so special...
    why do people get divorced?
    ;***not my format***

  15. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 5:16pm UTC
    i swear he's hot! just let me find a better picture...♥
    not my format:

  16. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2011 6:34pm UTC
    everytime we kiss
    i fear it will
    be our last kiss together.

  17. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2011 6:10pm UTC
    my sweatshirt smelled like him...
    ....then my mom washed it.
    just my luck.

  18. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2011 6:06pm UTC
    am i the only girl who is convinced she is the hated one out of her friends?

  19. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2011 5:06pm UTC
    planning out
    conversations in your
    that never actually happen.

  20. dontxletxmexfallx18 dontxletxmexfallx18
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2011 4:58pm UTC
    i love
    in your arms
    ///////////////// ♥ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    *not my format


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