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  1. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2009 6:29pm UTC
    Am i the only one?
    on witty that knows,that
    kanye west apologized.to
    taylor, and she accepted
    it .yet you people are
    mak-ing fun of him, and
    c a l l i n g h i m
    *no offense to the witty users its just kinda bugging me that people are doing that, that was rude, but we all make mistakes

  2. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2009 6:19pm UTC
    &, i've been in love many times
    i've had my heart broken millions.
    i've felt the joy, the pain and the agony.
    i've wasted tons of tissues over the guys that broke my heart.i've broken
    mirrors picturing you with me [ and knowing it will never work ].i've torn
    apart emptyboxes of chocolate looking for something else [ that wasn't
    there ]. i've sungsilly love sungs into my hairbrush thinking of you [ but
    you didn't hear me ].i've fallen over in the hallway after tripping while
    staring at your head.&, iknow what its like to get my heart broken
    but every time i see you i forget allabout it. and everytime someone
    asks me if i "like you" I say "n-o". but secretly in my mind i
    want to scream
    I love you

  3. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2009 5:52pm UTC
    &, even though she had been hurt so many times
    by love. &, was told she was pretty and got
    asked out by tons of guys. it didn't matter. because when she thought of him all of her memories of being hurt disappeared.
    she wanted to be swept off her feet by an-
    other person that she had in mind. yet,
    she would spend days waiting for him but,
    he didn't come. and when he eventually
    came, he told her she was beautiful but
    he didn't sweep her off her feet and
    carry her to the carriage. instead he
    dropped her in the mud and left her
    for another girl.

  4. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2009 4:49pm UTC
    people always say;
    that when you love someone, nothing in the world matters.
    but thats not true is it? you know, and I know that when you
    love someone everything seems to matter a little bit more.
    -jodi picoult
    *credit to http://www.holliesquotes.com
    ^ that sites amazing!

  5. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2009 3:34pm UTC
    &, he was her everything
    but he didn't know it though, secretly,
    she was his too. yet, his friends told
    him not to go after her and wait till
    the right time. little did he know the
    right time was then. because then his
    best friend swept her off her feet
    [although she wanted someone else]
    she decided to try to give up, it did
    not work. his bestfriend ended up
    breaking her heart.&, he ended up fixing it

  6. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2009 3:02pm UTC
    her life was like a book
    at the front desk of the library. open for everyone to read.
    but when he left her, people tried to read her more often.
    they wore her out, and her life ended up with a broken,
    spine and her pages torn apart, all because he left her.
    *all mine

  7. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2009 6:20pm UTC
    the thing about middle school,
    is that is supposed o u r comfort zone,
    yet, it is anything but comfortable.we
    are in between elementary and high
    school, just three years with,no-
    where else to go. &, within those
    three years. we get torn apart, and
    stuck together, we get our, hearts
    bro ken and our hearts fixed.
    we stand in the spotlight, and hide
    in the corner. we discover who we are,
    what we'll become and what we'll
    never be. yeah, it can suck,but
    can also be pretty awesome with
    amazing friends who get you up
    in the morning,and the awesome
    for, contest_4u's contest!

  8. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2009 5:46pm UTC
    ninety percent of who you are is invisible
    -e.l. koninsburg

  9. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2009 4:55pm UTC
    i've learned
    you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life. its
    taking me a l - o - n - g time to become the person I want to be. its a-lot
    easier to react than think. you should a-l-w-a-y-s-,leave loved ones with loving
    words, it may be the last time you see them.that you can keep going, long
    after you think you cant. we are responsible for what we do, no matter how,we
    feel. that you can either control your a t t i t u d e, or it can control you regard-
    less of how hot and steamy, a relationship is the passion fades and there better
    be, some thing to take its place. learning to forgive takes practice. there are people
    who, love you dearly, they just don't know how to show it. with best friends can
    do anything or nothing and still have a great time. that the people,who you expect
    to kick you when your down will be the ones who help you back up. sometimes
    when you're angry,you have the right to be angry, not to be cruel. true friendship
    tends to grow over the distance, same,with true love. just because someone doesn't
    love you the way you want them to doesn't mean,they don't love you with all they
    have. no matter how much you care some people just wont care back. your families,
    wont always be there for you. people who you aren't related to can take care of you,
    love you and help you trust people again. no matter how good a friend is they are going,
    to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. no matter how
    badly your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for grief. our background and circum-
    stances may influence who we are but we influence who we become. just because two
    people argue doesn't mean then don't love each other, and just because they don't
    doesn't mean they do. it takes years to build up trust and only s-e-c-o-n-d-s to destroy,
    it. we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change. you shouldn't
    be to eager to find out a secret. it can change your life forever. it's not what you have
    in your life but who you have in your life that matters. two people can look at the same,
    exact thing and see something completely different. you cannot make someone love you,
    all you can do is be someone who can be loved. the rest is up to them. there are many
    ways of falling and staying in love. no matter the consequences those who are honest,
    with themselves get farther in life. no matter how many friends you have, if you are
    their pillar, you will feel lonely and lost at times you need them the most. even when
    you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries to you, you will find the strength
    to help. writing as well as talking can ease emotional pains. the people you care the
    most about in life are taken from you too soon.its hard to determine where to draw the
    line between being nice and not hurting others feelings and standing up for what you believe
    *brian wilder,
    comment and fave!

  10. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2009 3:27pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2009 11:13am UTC
    last night
    i I had a dress up party that I went to as W-a-l-d-o.
    I proceeded to spend the entire night posing in the background
    of people's photos. I can't wait to see these photos up on facebook.
    *I got this from MLIA credit to whoever keeps doing this!

  12. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2009 11:08pm UTC
    &, no. i'm not perfect.
    i laugh, at my own jokes, i tell random strangers I love them,
    I don't try to be anything but myself, I feel guilty, easily.
    and I tend to speak my mind. but, I tend to regret what I say.
    I complain A-L-O-T more than I should. &, I sometimes
    end up hurting peoples feelings.Im kinda crazy, but i like it that way.
    I try to be nice but sometimes it doesn't work out.
    I usually can't decide who to like, so i end up confused
    I tend to judge books by their covers. not people.
    &, recently i've realized that I know, life's crazy, and
    you can either love me or hate me, either way its not my problem,
    so, if you're looking for perfection
    go buy yourself a Barbie doll
    -all mine except for the barbie part

  13. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2009 2:08pm UTC
    no matter whatever comes to me
    I got my own brand of company
    I got da-da-da inside my head
    &, I play songs back,
    back until I go to bed
    - kate earl
    - credit to everyone who does this layout!

  14. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2009 7:19pm UTC
    I've just realized
    every day sense we broke up.
    I've been sad + lonely. but
    the truth is breaking up with
    me is the best thing you've
    done in a l - o - n - g time.
    I thought,i needed you. but I
    didn't,and I don't see how I
    could've seen p a s t your
    you didn't need me
    you just needed a girlfriend.

  15. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2009 6:54pm UTC
    I was at a carnival.
    Some girls got vampire bites painted on to their necks.
    I got a lightning bolt on my forehead.
    I win.

  16. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2009 4:22pm UTC
    But The Thing Is
    the people who,
    matter the most,
    are the ones,
    whom we basically

  17. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2009 10:00pm UTC
    I believe in pink
    I believe that laughter is the best calorie burner.
    I believe in kissing; kissing alot.
    I believe in being strong when everything else is going wrong
    I believe that happy girls are the prettiest.
    I believe that tomorrow is a brand new day.
    and I, believe in miracles
    -audrey hepburn
    *sorry to everyone else who has posted this

  18. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2009 9:47pm UTC
    You have been my friend
    and that itself is a tremendous thing.
    after all, what's life anyway?
    we're born,we live, we die.
    by helping you, perhaps
    I was trying to lift up my
    life a trifle.heaven knows
    why anyones life can stand that
    -charlottes web

  19. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2009 11:46am UTC
    You Ask Me What I'm Thinking About.
    and I say "nothing," but the truth is i'm
    thinking about the way your eyes
    sparkle when the sunlight hits
    them, the way your hair blows
    gently in the wind, the fact that
    you look amazing without even
    You Ask Me What I'm Really Thinking About
    and I say "you"
    all mine (but so are most of my quotes)*

  20. cslovinlife445 cslovinlife445
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2009 8:07pm UTC
    &, I know that
    my heart is already bro ken,
    but the part that is left is
    f-a-l-l-i-n-g apart even
    more, because of the
    fact that you know.
    and still we haven't
    made up.


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