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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
I understand, but what if the mother was to give it to a family member? And there is a school specifically meant for pregnant teenagers, also she could homeschool for the time she is pregnant.
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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
And just give up your entire life for a baby you didnt even want in the first place? I dunno. I guess it just depends on how you look at things,.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
You have no idea what you are talking about. Anybody who has a child loves them more than anything on earth. no matter if they have one or fourteen, their children are the light of their life. If you had a child, you would understand. I come from a family of TEN. We are all pro life, and we couldn't be happier. I know plenty of adopted people, also. And it's not like not knowing who their mother is is crushing them. I know a doctor who works with pregnant ladies, and he delivers the babies. He says there have been some mishaps with the babies genetics and the mothers health, but he claims 'till this very day that he has never, EVER had to abort a baby to save a mothers life.
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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
Don't tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about just because I support womens rights. It really just depends who you are. Some people would keep the baby no matter what, and that's cool. Good for them. But I also support those who don't and I won't judge them for it.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
I'm not saying they are terrible people for aborting a baby. But it is a terrible sin. What we are trying to push is no matter what you CANNOT abort a baby. Putting your child up for adoption is perfectly fine.
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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
ALRIGHT THIS IS AMERICA. If someone wants to abort a baby, THEN THEY NEED TO BE ALLOWED TO DO IT. I am american. I am free. And so is everyone else here. SO we can do whatever the heck we want to do, as along as it goes a long with the constitution, bill of rights, and delaration of independance and all that good crap. And so what if it's a sin? EVERYTHING IS A SIN. It doesn't matter what you do, you're apparently wrong these days. Like, if you're gay, it's wrong. It's a sin, you're going to burn in he.ll. NO YOU'RE F/UCKING NOT. YOU WILL NOT BURN IN HE.LL FOR ABORTING A BABY, OR BEING GAY, OR FOR WHATEVER IS CONSIDERED A "SIN" You just won't. Sitting in church apologizing for your wrong doings won't do anything either. And it makes me sick that people just sit there and tell other people that. You know people kill themselves over this . Oh wait, that's a sin to, isnt it? Seriously, all you should aim for in life, is to be a good person, and learn from your mistakes. Because you will make them. It's just going to happen. Anyway, my point is, yes. YES YOU CAN ABORT A BABY. It will never be illegal. So good freaking luck with that one.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
Dude, I'm trying not to blow my top and swear like a pig. It is harder to get into Heaven than you might think. And, yes, there are a lot of sins that are committed daily, but being a good and sinless person takes a ton of sacrifice. It is hard. I'm not saying I'm perfect just because I know what sinning is. I am most certainly not. Neither are you. Aborting a baby is a Mortal sin. So is Missing Church on Sunday without a darn good reason, little miss perfect. Those are the ones that will make you suffer even longer in Purgatory. That ain't the place to be. You cannot Abort a child without paying for it one way or another. If you abort a baby, You're more likley to get breast cancer, and other bodily issues. I'm trying to help people not to suffer on earth, and in Purgatory as well. Thank you very much.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188

"The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government."
-Thomas Jefferson

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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
I don't go to church. Infact, I've been once in my entire life. I never went again. I'm not even Christian. Actually, I'm not really anything. I kind of believe whatever I want to believe. And the whole sinning thing, is one thing I don't believen. For reasons I've already pretty much said. And I've never heard of anyone having any issues after aborting a baby either...I don't know. I'm not a doctor. Whatever. Believe what you want. I get pretty irritated with things like this, and if this keeps going, I'll just get even meaner, and that's not what I'm aiming for, so we should probably just end it right here.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
Okay, fine. I'll let you be an Atheist. I just want you to know, It was once said by a great saint, that it is preferable to suffer every form of torture until the judgement day, then suffer one day in purgatory. It is real, I'm warning you.
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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
Bro, I'm not Athiest, I just don't believe certain things. I believe there could be a god, or goddess, or whatever may be up there. i believe something exists after death, but I just don't know if its the same god you claim exists. I just don't know. Either way, I'm on my own. So whatever happens when i die, happens. But thanks for the warning.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
That is Atheist belief, right there. I'm just saying, I don't mean to be rude. I am a Catholic, so i believe there is only one God. But, I do also believe in Hell and Purgatory. Neither of those are places you want to be. The fires of purgatory are meant to cleanse your soul, so your soul is fit to be with God, and all the Angels and Saints. I do realize that can sound weird, and even sort of creepy if You're not Catholic, but that's what I believe in.
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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
That all sounds very wierd, but interesting at the same time.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
That's all right, I sometimes think the same things with other religions.
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
If she was , should could still have the baby, but she could give it to someone who can take care of it, she shouldn't hurt it though, it wasn't the baby's fault she was and the baby shouldn't have to suffer because of a rapist.
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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
Welp. I'm 14, and I deffinately would not walk around school pregnant. Just immagine the emotional scarring thatd cause you. Kids are cruel. Not to mention, the baby would most likely go up for adoption, and spend its entire life wondering who its mother was.
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
I understand, but what if the mother was to give it to a family member? And there is a school specifically meant for pregnant teenagers, also she could homeschool for the time she is pregnant.
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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
And just give up your entire life for a baby you didnt even want in the first place? I dunno. I guess it just depends on how you look at things,.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
You have no idea what you are talking about. Anybody who has a child loves them more than anything on earth. no matter if they have one or fourteen, their children are the light of their life. If you had a child, you would understand. I come from a family of TEN. We are all pro life, and we couldn't be happier. I know plenty of adopted people, also. And it's not like not knowing who their mother is is crushing them. I know a doctor who works with pregnant ladies, and he delivers the babies. He says there have been some mishaps with the babies genetics and the mothers health, but he claims 'till this very day that he has never, EVER had to abort a baby to save a mothers life.
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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
Don't tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about just because I support womens rights. It really just depends who you are. Some people would keep the baby no matter what, and that's cool. Good for them. But I also support those who don't and I won't judge them for it.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
I'm not saying they are terrible people for aborting a baby. But it is a terrible sin. What we are trying to push is no matter what you CANNOT abort a baby. Putting your child up for adoption is perfectly fine.
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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
ALRIGHT THIS IS AMERICA. If someone wants to abort a baby, THEN THEY NEED TO BE ALLOWED TO DO IT. I am american. I am free. And so is everyone else here. SO we can do whatever the heck we want to do, as along as it goes a long with the constitution, bill of rights, and delaration of independance and all that good crap. And so what if it's a sin? EVERYTHING IS A SIN. It doesn't matter what you do, you're apparently wrong these days. Like, if you're gay, it's wrong. It's a sin, you're going to burn in he.ll. NO YOU'RE F/UCKING NOT. YOU WILL NOT BURN IN HE.LL FOR ABORTING A BABY, OR BEING GAY, OR FOR WHATEVER IS CONSIDERED A "SIN" You just won't. Sitting in church apologizing for your wrong doings won't do anything either. And it makes me sick that people just sit there and tell other people that. You know people kill themselves over this . Oh wait, that's a sin to, isnt it? Seriously, all you should aim for in life, is to be a good person, and learn from your mistakes. Because you will make them. It's just going to happen. Anyway, my point is, yes. YES YOU CAN ABORT A BABY. It will never be illegal. So good freaking luck with that one.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
Dude, I'm trying not to blow my top and swear like a pig. It is harder to get into Heaven than you might think. And, yes, there are a lot of sins that are committed daily, but being a good and sinless person takes a ton of sacrifice. It is hard. I'm not saying I'm perfect just because I know what sinning is. I am most certainly not. Neither are you. Aborting a baby is a Mortal sin. So is Missing Church on Sunday without a darn good reason, little miss perfect. Those are the ones that will make you suffer even longer in Purgatory. That ain't the place to be. You cannot Abort a child without paying for it one way or another. If you abort a baby, You're more likley to get breast cancer, and other bodily issues. I'm trying to help people not to suffer on earth, and in Purgatory as well. Thank you very much.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188

"The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government."
-Thomas Jefferson

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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
I don't go to church. Infact, I've been once in my entire life. I never went again. I'm not even Christian. Actually, I'm not really anything. I kind of believe whatever I want to believe. And the whole sinning thing, is one thing I don't believen. For reasons I've already pretty much said. And I've never heard of anyone having any issues after aborting a baby either...I don't know. I'm not a doctor. Whatever. Believe what you want. I get pretty irritated with things like this, and if this keeps going, I'll just get even meaner, and that's not what I'm aiming for, so we should probably just end it right here.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
Okay, fine. I'll let you be an Atheist. I just want you to know, It was once said by a great saint, that it is preferable to suffer every form of torture until the judgement day, then suffer one day in purgatory. It is real, I'm warning you.
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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
Bro, I'm not Athiest, I just don't believe certain things. I believe there could be a god, or goddess, or whatever may be up there. i believe something exists after death, but I just don't know if its the same god you claim exists. I just don't know. Either way, I'm on my own. So whatever happens when i die, happens. But thanks for the warning.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
That is Atheist belief, right there. I'm just saying, I don't mean to be rude. I am a Catholic, so i believe there is only one God. But, I do also believe in Hell and Purgatory. Neither of those are places you want to be. The fires of purgatory are meant to cleanse your soul, so your soul is fit to be with God, and all the Angels and Saints. I do realize that can sound weird, and even sort of creepy if You're not Catholic, but that's what I believe in.
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XxXxPerfectlyImperfectXxXx · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
That all sounds very wierd, but interesting at the same time.
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ilovehoagies · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
That's all right, I sometimes think the same things with other religions.
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6675188
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6652193
I know, it doesn't do anyone good to say that
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6368759
Err hello? Ya know, she can put a baby up for ADOPTION!
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6652193
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Katergatertatertot · 1 decade ago on quote 6652193
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6652193
I know, it doesn't do anyone good to say that
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6675028
Swimming is really helpful- I lost 5 pounds after a meet:)
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6670831
OMIGLOB! You are not alone ♥
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6674459
Yep.. My life.... "shakes head"
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6143746
Please put chapter 3 :) its amazing♥ You should be a writer!!
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6139876
Please don't make it a fanatic. It was good until 1D came into the picture :(
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6116424
Harharhar funny!
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6072222
Yes, well you don't want to pee in your sleep!
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6072222
This is a top quote? WHAT?? I love you guys :')
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6072222
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6072222
Aren't I clever? (sarcastic)
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chloesquotes · 1 decade ago on quote 6071378
I still do......
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