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  1. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2009 8:58pm UTC
    i guess all i can do is..
    Smile. Just smile and w a l k a w a y .
    holding in all the things i never got to say. </3

  2. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2009 10:52pm UTC
    You know what i hate..
    when on monday you sign onto
    aim.. and everyones status is
    "omg. best weekend ever!" psh..
    yeah right. whatd you do? stn
    with your friend and go to sleep
    at 9? yep. then on tuesday your
    status is cant wait till this weekend
    its going to be the best ever! well
    no..if you even knew what me &
    my girls do over the weekend..
    thats what i would call a
    B e s t n i g h t e v e r .

  3. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2009 10:40pm UTC
    its getting harder && harder..
    to fake this smile</3.

  4. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2009 10:36pm UTC
    Calling me mean
    doesn't make you nice.
    So d o n ' t talk about me,
    before you think twice.

  5. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2009 10:32pm UTC
    When your mad at someone;
    The truth comes out.

  6. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2009 10:31pm UTC
    Sometimes i wonder;
    if i ever cross your mind. if you
    regret our relationship; if you
    learned anything from it. if you
    ever..even just a little bit miss
    me. if you regret being a jerk to
    me..if you still think im beautiful.
    if you ever did actually like me.
    if you used me. if u think im ugly.
    if you would be jealous if i got a
    new bf. if part of the reason you
    like her is to make me jealous.
    if you think about our old aim
    conversations that lasted hours.
    if even though your over me..
    and im over you.. theres still a
    little part of me ..with you.

  7. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2009 5:04pm UTC
    & she fears if she cries that 1st tear
    the tears will not stop raining down
    so stand in the rain
    stand your ground
    stand up when its all crashing down
    u stand through the pain; u wont drown
    -stand in the rain; superchick<3

  8. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2009 4:55pm UTC
    You told me
    there's no need
    To talk it out
    Cause its too late
    To proceed
    And slowly
    I took your words
    &+ Walked away. </3
    *its alright its ok - ahley tisdale..i love this song so much! check it outt.

  9. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2009 4:37pm UTC
    bike rides; slip n' slides. bare feet; summer heat.
    board walks; girl talks. lemonade; in the shade.
    no school; @ the pool. perfect tan; feet in sand.
    beachy hair; truth or dare. skinny dip; chips n dip.
    water parks; ocean sharks. late nights; whip cream fights.
    sunsets; fishing nets. hot guys; butterflys.
    water balloons; sand dunes. lots of parties; no more tarties.
    lemonade stands; watching bands. bathing suites; flip flops too.
    ferris wheels; no high heels. scary movies; like the goonies.
    popsicle licks; taking pics. at the lake; baking a cake.
    camping out; time time 2 shoutt. skinny dipping; lots of swimming.
    diving board; making smores. magazines; lets be care free.
    crazy. fun. and loudd! laying out; sneaking out.
    this is what its all about..
    Summer 2009<3

  10. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2009 10:30pm UTC
    im sick of dealing with your problems;
    if your not willing to change; im not willing to help.

  11. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2009 10:23pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2009 6:33pm UTC
    Im like this with every guy..
    i have this hugee crush on him
    when hes {not mine} then we go
    out. and hes nothing like i thought
    he was. once we start dating i lose
    interest. but when hes not mine i
    want him so much. but babe w/
    you..i want to f a l l madly in love
    and stay in it..f o r e v e r <3

  13. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2009 6:26pm UTC
    &+ im so jealous;
    of the way he loves
    Y O U

  14. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2009 6:19pm UTC
    Oh yeah i get it, i see..
    flirting with your boyfriend is much more important than me.

  15. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2009 5:22pm UTC
    Show me what im looking for <3

  16. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2009 9:38pm UTC
    So he's not the brightest crayon in the box..
    He's still my favorite color. <3

  17. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2009 8:57pm UTC
    You know how everyone's quotes..
    are about that guy...there first {love} and how when they are
    older they want to be able to look back at there [old] quotes
    and when their kid ask them who its about they point over to
    there husband. well not me; the guys in my grade think they r
    oh so hott. but nahh; they aren't. i want to meet a guy in college
    one that i didnt know when they were in their u g l y fazes. gross
    && rude. i want to meet a guy that i fall in love with at first site. 1
    that i think.. where has HE been all my life!? one to party it up with
    at our college partys. one that i can tell about my childhood. the
    one guy that is the one for me..&didnt see me with my braces & my
    un-even haircut. if you think thats {weird} .sorry. because thats
    what i really do want. & i hope to find him. <3

  18. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2009 6:41pm UTC
    Just like a cooking show;
    her heart has been opened up. chopped on a cutting board. washed all around in a sink. burned in an oven. pricked and pulled trying to make it perfect. & left for everyone 2 see.
    *just kinda thought of this...does it make sense!? haha:p

  19. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2009 6:24pm UTC
    You were my everything
    ripped and torn out of my hands.

  20. cheerleader9085 cheerleader9085
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2009 6:20pm UTC
    I hate you.
    i hate you for making me trust you; but never following through. i hate you for breaking your promises. i hate you for lying. i hate you for manipulating me. i hate you for hurting me. i hate you for hitting me. i hate you for making me act like this. i hate you for screaming. i hate you for cheating. i hate you for loving her more than me. i hate you for moving on. i hate you for ignoring me. i hate you for leading me on then dropping me off. i hate you for sending me mixed signals. i hate you for never talking to me. i hate you for being a jerk. i hate you for not caring. i hate you for never saying how you really felt. i hate you for being a coward. i hate you for being afraid to love me. i hate you for not being there. i hate you for playing games. i hate you for never calling. i hate you for being mysterious. i hate you for exaggerating things. i hate you for blaming everything on me. i hate you for making fun of me. i hate you for betraying me. i hate you for being twofaced. i hate you for making me feel bad about myself. i hate you for say horrible things about me. i hate you for not being who i thought u were. i hate you for putting everything before me. i hate you for being rude. i hate you for being gross. i hate you for being inconsiderate. i hate you for thinking that your soo cool. i hate you for calling me ugly. i hate you for making me love you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate youuuuu. i hate you.


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