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  1. SexyCountryGirl1097 SexyCountryGirl1097
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2012 11:45am UTC
    Don't look at my boyfriend.
    Don't touch him.
    Don't add him on Facebook.
    Don't like all his pictures.
    Don't message him.
    Don't text him.
    Don't chill with him.
    Don't try to be his bestfriend.
    Don't compliment him.
    Don't hug him.
    Don't "winky face" him.
    Don't write on his wall.
    Don't rate him.
    Don't smile at him.
    Don't worry about him, he's mine.
    I will cut you, b*tch

    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 3:09pm UTC
    Favorite if you love one direction.Comment if you don't. just looking for the ratioof one directioners to the people who dislike them.

  3. LeA_HeRe LeA_HeRe
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2012 3:34pm UTC
    i wonder if a boy
    ever looks at me and thinks "wow, she's beautiful"

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. xbluexeyesx xbluexeyesx
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2012 3:07pm UTC
    i wish i could read your mind♥
    you'd be in tears.

  6. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2012 2:53pm UTC
    I know all of your flaws
    and yet I still think you're perfect.

  7. AKeptSecret AKeptSecret
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 5:14pm UTC
    Yes, i am 13 and yes,
    i do still call my dad daddy.

  8. ifyouaskedmeifilovedhimidlie ifyouaskedmeifilovedhimidlie
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 6:39pm UTC
    Twinkle twinkle Liam Payne,
    Harry Louis Niall Zayn.
    One Direction rule my life.
    You know I'm their future wife
    Twinkle twinkle Liam Payne,
    Harry Louis Niall Zayn.

    Follow for a follow? :)

  9. JeessicaLynn JeessicaLynn
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 5:24pm UTC
    Fav if you think
    Liam Payne is hot.

  10. Demitriaa_Lee Demitriaa_Lee
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 5:09pm UTC
    People say that One Direction are only famous 'cause of their appearance..
    Yeah, I bought their album so I could listen to their faces...

  11. glitterspaz143 glitterspaz143
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 4:04pm UTC
    ♥ t h i s i f y o u l o v e
    y o u r d a d d y.

  12. smile_iloveyou smile_iloveyou
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 7:14pm UTC
    Zayn Malik
    Liam, I love you.
    55 minutes ago · comment · like
    Liam Payne Zayn, I love you too but you know how it it...
    Zayn Malik No, I don't Liam. You keep promising me that you're going to tell Danielle but you never do. I can't take it anymore!
    Danielle Peazer Guys, if you're going to tell me you're in love with one another, it's
    okay. You tell each other every day. I know you're only kidding! :)
    Harry Styles As you all know, I am a man of many words, bt words cannot explain
    how awkward this is...
    Niall Horan Awkward moment when I don't care how awkward this is. I just want food.
    Louis Tomlinson NIALL! YOU IDIOT. DANIELLE, LIAM AND ZAYN ARE IN LOVE, LIKE FOR REAL. ZIAM FOREVS. And Harry, my dear, congratulations on the gorgeous face, meet me in the bedroom in 5. ;)
    Liam Payne Well, the cat's out the bag...
    Harry Styles ...
    Niall Horan I'M STILL HUNGRY.

  13. patrick13 patrick13
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2012 8:09pm UTC
    Fave for One Direction :)
    Comment for Big Time Rush :)

  14. rachel6931 rachel6931
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2012 4:14pm UTC
    One Direction
    Big Time Rush

  15. juliebrat99 juliebrat99
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 10:09am UTC
    ❒ Single
    ❒ Taken
    ✔ Mentally dating a memeber from One Direction

  16. UnfogettableMe UnfogettableMe
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 2:54pm UTC
    All I want is to;
    feel your arms;
    smell your cologne;
    look into your eyes;
    taste your lips;
    and hear one final, "I love you."
    Is that so much to ask for?

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. babyimaddicteddd babyimaddicteddd
    posted a quote
    February 29, 2012 9:57pm UTC
    You think that suicide is the only option left for you? Wrong. Suicide is a permanent solution for temporary problems. The problems that you have now won't last forever. Why do you want to do it? Is it that you think nobody would care? That the world would be a better place without your presence? You are wrong. You never know who you were supposed to become. What if you were destined to grow up to be an inspirational person who helps millions? Don't throw away what could be. Are you thinking about anybody but yourself in this? Have you thought about your poor parents? They will be broken, forever. They will never be the same. They will blame themselves. They will wonder what they did wrong. They will hate themselves. They will carry the pain of your death with them wherever they go. Think about your friends. The ones who love you exactly the way you are. Think about the pain they will feel when they hear the news. They will collapse on the floor in tears. The tears will not stop, the tears will never stop. Do you want to do that to them? Everyone you ever talked to will die daily. They will be forced to bear the pain of knowing that they couldn't help you enough. The guilt will drive them to hate themselves. Just seeing your name somewhere will cause them to break down. Think about your classmates, the kids you have gone to school with since you were little. The kids you thought hated you? They will hate themselves instead. They will blame themselves. Maybe they shouldn't have picked on you, maybe they shouldn't have joked around with you. Were they the reason you decided to take your own life? The pain will be undying. The guilt will consume them alive. Your classmates won't be able to hold back the tears when they see your empty chair in the classroom. Do you really want to spread the pain your feeling into the hearts of anyone you've ever known? By killing yourself, you would be leaving everyone broken, hurting. Everybody you thought didn't care? They all care more than you can believe. What if you were someones reason for living? Now, they have no hope left, you destroyed them. Are you willing to do that to someone you care about? Are you willing to ruin their lives because you couldn't think of any other solution to your problems? The only answer is suicide? No. Suicide is contagious, you never know whose life you could be taking along with yours. Are you willing to risk someone else's life? Your friends, your family, your future family. Those siblings that copy your every move now, look up to you. Do you want them to follow you into the darkness? There are people out there fighting to keep their lives, don't waste yours.
    There are other options, always.

  19. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    February 29, 2012 2:12pm UTC
    forgeterr's signature format. Please don't remove credit. Or I will hunt you down. You do NOT want to get on my bad side.
    When I was your age
    It was Aaron Carter, not Justin Bieber.

  20. winkedyesterday5 winkedyesterday5
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2012 9:29pm UTC
    I'm insecure;
    but I'm strong.
    I'm sad;
    but I smile.
    I'm broken;
    but you'll never know.
    I'm still in love with you;
    but you'll never know it.


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