Witty Profiles

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  1. cujo* cujo*
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 10:26am UTC
    The following messages are by Mariah. A beautiful girl I came across on tumblr. I do not know her, but her message is truly worth reading. Visit her tumblr and read her life story: blackenedsins.tumblr.com
    How to Self-Harm
    Before you self harm in any way, you should probably know what you’re getting into.
    Before you make that cut, please keep in mind that you will find the pain release and blood strangely addictive.
    You may think to yourself that you’ll be able to control it, that you won’t let it get out of hand.
    You may think that you can just stick to a few small, shallow cuts here and there that won’t be deep and that will heal quickly and easily.
    But you’re wrong.
    You can’t control it, it’s impossible to control. It controls you. It’s an addiction.
    The cuts will get deeper, they’ll scar. They’ll take weeks to months to heal and years for the scars to actually begin to fade.
    You’ll find that soon, you depend on it. You can’t go more than a few days without cutting. You’ll go crazy as your skin itches and burns, your hands shake, your head pounds, your vision goes blurry as you try to keep your mind off of it, try to hold back from giving in. But you will.
    If you think you can limit the cuts to just one area of your body, you better think again. It’ll spread slowly but steadily, like a deadly virus. It’ll spread as you run out of skin, from your wrists to arms, past your elbows, up your shoulders down to your stomach, across your hips and waist and soon will cover your every inch of your legs right down to your ankles.
    I hope you’re prepared to withdraw from others and live in a constant state of shame and guilt. Even if you have been the most honest person to ever live, you will lie to your friends, family members, everyone around you who you care about.
    You’ll find yourself jerking back from the touch of someone, as if their fingers and hands have been bathed in a toxic, burning poison. You’ll be terrified that they will feel a scar or cut from beneath the fabric of your shirt or because it just plain hurts so much to simply be touched.
    Be prepared to become your own worst enemy. You’ll fear yourself, your head, the urges that taunt you every minute of every day. You’ll come to fear the next time you cut because you don’t know how bad it’ll be.
    Wait for the 10 cuts to turn into 20 then 50 then 100. You’ll be covered in scars and cuts.
    Your entire life will begin to revolve around your addiction. You’ll constantly be thinking about cutting, covering up your cuts, how you’ll hide your blades, scissors, bobby pins and the other objects you use to destroy your body.
    And then..the first time that you cut “too deep.” The bleeding won’t stop and you’re gasping, shaking, panicking, fear takes over you. You pray and hope that the bleeding will stop. Your purpose wasn’t to die, you won’t ever go that deep again. Right? Wrong. You’ll go there again, and deeper.
    But don’t worry. You’ll learn how to take care of your cuts so you don’t have to take a trip to the hospital every night. The better you get at treating your wounds, the worse they become.
    You’ll lie to yourself and try to justify it when you go to the pharmacy and drug store, finding yourself spending 20, 30, 40 dollars on dressings, gauze, alcohol wipes and sterile strips.
    You’ll tap your foot impatiently, hoping that no one stares and asks you why you’re buying all of these things. But at the same time..you hope someone asks, so you know they care.
    Be prepared to spend even more money on an entire new wardrobe. Long sleeved shirts, hoodies, long pants, boots, bracelets, wristbands. The list goes on forever.
    You’ll keep scanning other people’s bodies for signs of self harm, hoping that there is someone else out there who feels the same way you do. Hoping, praying that they will be like you. But that’ll never happen. You’ll see clean, uncut, unmarred arms and feel even more alone and ashamed than before.
    You’ll do a lot of things alone, be prepared to kiss your social life goodbye. You’ll always be doing your laundry, always in private so no one sees the blood stained towels and clothes. You’ll be spending hours scrubbing blood from the bathroom floor, and wiping dried blood off of your keyboard.
    You won’t be able to make it a day without cutting. You’ll carry an emergency kit in your wallet or purse. A key, safety pin, a needle, a paperclip, even a pencil. Everything around you will become a weapon. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it gives you that feeling that sends you reeling.
    Next thing you know, you’re in the bathroom stall at your school or work, picking open the scab of an old cut with a needle.
    Say goodbye to all of the things you took for granted. Shorts, sandals, tank tops, swimming in the summer, going to the beach. All of these things will be a far off memory.
    I hope you like itching and scratching non stop. You will itch and itch and itch. It’ll be so much that it’ll look like you have some sort of flesh eating disease.
    You will become an expert on your body as you carefully destroy it, taking it apart piece by piece.
    You will dream of cutting, dreaming of getting caught. It will haunt you day and night, in your dreams and when you are awake. Cutting will take over your life. It now has it’s hold over you, it controls you.
    You’ll hate yourself, hate yourself for making that first cut that threw you into this vicious, neverending cycle.
    You’ll wish you never made that first cut.
    You’ll wish you had read something like this, or that someone had told you what would happen.
    But as much as you hate your addiction and self harm, you love it and can’t live without it. You’d rather die than go just a few weeks without cutting.
    Now, I’ll tell you what the title pertains to.
    How to self harm.
    Here is where I tell you how to successfully hurt yourself.
    Put down the blade.
    Put down the pair of scissors.
    Put down the knife.
    Put down the needle, safety pin or paper clip.
    Because you are so much better than this.
    And believe me, you don’t want to get involved with this.

  2. Penguin848 Penguin848
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2012 12:29pm UTC
    Keep your eyes on the O, then press FAVE.
    You will be surprised of what happens next
    Fave if you tried it

  3. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 8:26pm UTC
    Girls Like me.
    Chapter 2.
    “I call spinning first!” Zoe snatched the bottle from Jake’s hands.
    “Okay, spaz.” Jake teased.
    “Wait, what happens if I land on Noah?” Zoe asked Jaycie.
    “I suggest you spin again.” She said sternly, pulling Noah closer to her.
    “Whatever.” Zoe brushed it off, giving the bottle a hard spin.
    It landed on Ryan.
    “Get it girl.” I laughed, knowing she had the biggest crush on him since 4thgrade.
    “It’s just a kiss, let’s be a little mature.” She gave me a glare.
    “Said the girl who can’t even say 69 without laughing.”
    She giggled a little, then without hesitation, kissed Ryan.
    Not that Zoe was a sl///t or anything, but she had kind of given herself a reputation for making out with guys.
    “It’s your turn to spin, Ryan.” Noah pointed out.
    He gripped the bottle tightly, then spun it on the carpet.
    I watched it spin around and around, until finally, it stopped.
    To everyone’s surprise, it landed on me.
    This was my chance to see if Jake really did still have feelings for me.
    “Get it girl.” Zoe mocked me.
    I rolled my eyes, leaving a big smirk on her face.
    I then leaned over to kiss Ryan.
    I placed my hands on his shoulders, kissing him passionately, making sure Jake could see.
    When I pulled away, Jake’s face was red with what looked to be anger.
    I gave a pleased smile, and then sat back down.
    It was then Jaycie’s turn, who spun until it landed on Noah.
    I understood that they were a couple and all, but it kind of defeated the purpose of the game to spin until it landed on the person you wanted to kiss.
    “Your turn, Jake.” Ryan handed the bottle to him.
    He took the bottle and placed it on the floor, taking in a deep breath.
    Then, he gave it a gentle spin.
    I watched it spin around and around, secretly hoping it’d land on me.
    Not because I wanted to kiss him, but because I wanted to show him what he could never have again.
    As the bottle came to a stop, it landed on Zoe.
    She went over to him, nearly sat on his lap, and made out with him.
    I clenched my fists, how could she?
    She knew how much I used to like him.
    As I watched them kiss, with her hands around his neck and his hands around her waist, I felt feelings growing inside of me.
    It was anger, it was hatred, it was revenge, and as much as I hated to admit it,
    It was jealousy.
    Thank you all again for the feedback [: I'm sorry for the chapter delay, but i've been trying to find a more efficient way to notify all of you. So, I came up with text message notifications. (These will be a lot faster.) You do not HAVE to do this, but for those of you who do, you will get your notification's before the people I notify via witty. If you are interested in text notifications, text your username to this #-- 603-522-7302 (It's an ipod number) I just think this will be a lot faster. ALSSO, i am beginning the hint thing like my last story.(: If this chapter gets 750 faves, i'll give you guys a hint in the next chapter.[:
    Also, for those who have requested layouts on my layout site, I apologize. I have decided to stop doing Layout requests because they take too long, and there are too many..However, I have added another one direction layout like many of you have requested.:p Characters are up on my profile [:
    No more asking for notifications. Notifying over 430..
    [[[ Fave--Comment--Follow ]]]
    © Format Credit; The.Mascara.Series

  4. c00kiem0n5ter c00kiem0n5ter
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2012 10:12pm UTC
    Sunset Springs Summer Camp
    Ali Monroe and her best friend,
    Brooke Walters are expecting a nice, peaceful,
    laid-back summer in their hometown of Johnsonville, Massachusettes.
    But, what happens when their mothers decide
    to send them to Sunset Springs,
    one of the best teen summer camps in the US.
    Thats not even the worst part.
    Where is this miracullous summer camp you ask?
    Citrus Heights, California.
    Jakob Thomson is a tough, ruthless player
    who is loved by all the girls, and envied by all the guys.
    He drinks, smokes, and is an all around bad kid,
    according to his mother.
    Jakob wants a hot summer,
    filled with wild parties and amazing hook-ups.
    However, his mother has other plans for him.
    As punishment for his bad behavior, he is sent from his
    small town in Colorado, to the one and only,
    Sunset Springs Summer Camp in California,
    with his partner in crime/bestfriend, Ryan Federline.
    The two are total opposites,
    Ali would never go for a wild, crazy,
    out of control low-life, like Jakob.
    While Jakob wouldn't lay a hand on an up-tight,
    spoiled snob like Ali.
    But when there is a mistake in the cabin assignments,
    and the four are forced to move
    into an ajoining cabin, what will happen?
    Alls i can say is,
    let the prank war begin
    feedback anyone?c:
    I'm really trying to start this new story so let me know if you like it, and if anyone finds any mistakes or think it can be improved in any way, please let me know as well!

  5. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2012 1:23pm UTC
    Girls Like me.
    Chapter 1.
    “Come on Bree, let’s go!" Zoe hollered up the steps.
    “Coming!” I screamed back down.
    I sprinted down the steps, slamming the front door behind me.
    “Jake totally has a thing for you again, Bree.” Jaycie winked at me as we crossed the street to jakes house.
    “Oh whatever.” I rolled my eyes sarcastically.
    “She’s right Bree, that was not just a friendly hug. That was an ‘I want to get in your pants’ kind of hug.” Zoe added.
    “Zoe!” I giggled, playfully punching her arm.
    “Well, it was!” She said defensively.
    “Knock Knock.” Zoe said, walking into Jake’s house without actually knocking.
    “I think I finally understand why parent’s like you so much.” I teased her as we made our way downstairs.
    “No one answered the door, so we just came in.” Zoe told Jake, as she made herself comfortable in the corner of the sofa.
    “Yeah, or you just didn’t knock.” I mumbled under my breath, shooting her an accusing look.
    “Yeah, that too.” She said, shoving a few chips in her mouth.
    “So, what do you guys want to do?” Noah asked. “I mean, it has to be something crazy, this is Bree’s first time home in 2 years.”
    “How about we go egg that house down the street. You know, the red one?” Ryan suggested.
    “I said crazy, not illegal.” Noah said, wrapping his arms around Jaycie.
    “How about we play spin the bottle?” Zoe offered.
    “Fine.” Noah agreed. “But we have to do something better later.”
    “I’ll go get the bottle.” I said, standing up.
    “Are you sure you remember where it’s at? I could help you.” Jake offered.
    “I think I’ll be fine.” I smiled slightly, walking up the stairs to the kitchen.
    I searched through the kitchen cabinets for an empty wine bottle.
    Usually, Jake kept it above the fridge, but he must’ve moved it, because it wasn’t there anymore.
    As I turned to look underneath the microwave, I felt myself press against Jakes warm chest.
    It was only after that, that I realized we were falling to the floor.
    “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” I blurted.
    “Bree, it’s fine.” He smiled, helping us both up from the floor.
    I felt his breath brush against my cheek as I stood up.
    We were standing a lot closer than I had thought.
    His piercing brown eyes stared into mine, and I realized my hands were still gripping his arms from the fall.
    As he leaned into kiss me, I pulled away, knowing that I couldn’t give him what he wanted.
    Not yet, anyways.
    “We should probably get back downstairs.” I muttered, pushing a few strands of hair out of my face.
    “Y-yeah.” He stuttered, snapping back into reality and grabbing an empty bottle off of a shelf.
    Pulling in Jake was going to be a lot easier than I had planned.
    Sure, maybe he was a different person than he was two years ago.
    It didn’t matter though, I was going to teach him a lesson.
    I was going to teach him that when you play with fire, you get burned.
    Not only that, but I was going to teach the player,
    How to play the game.
    YOUGUYSARETHEBEST. I can't thank any of you enough for the amazing feedback. No more asking for notifications, for obvious reasons..If you commented on the prolouge, you're officially on the notifying list [: Also, like my last story, I will be giving hints as to what will be in the next chapter if you guys reach the given number of faves. This will be starting next chapter. (: Thanks again for all of the support everyone, you're amazing.<33 Please be patient with the notifications, they'll probably take two hours, at least..
    No more asking for notifications. Notifying over 400..
    [[[ Fave--Comment--Follow ]]]
    © Format Credit; The.Mascara.Series

  6. maddieee* maddieee*
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2012 2:10pm UTC
    Everyone has
    that one secret they can't even tell their best friend

  7. pleasespeaktomyface pleasespeaktomyface
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2012 3:11pm UTC
    Giving Gum to a Friend
    is like a drug deal. "You didn't see anything, you didn't hear anything, and you didn't get it from me!"

  8. oursong oursong
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2012 2:11pm UTC
    when i'm really bored...
    i like to lay down
    on my kitchen floor
    and pretend i'm a crumb.

  9. xStoleMyHeart xStoleMyHeart
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2012 7:44am UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. MaeMae103 MaeMae103
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2012 9:07pm UTC
    Bad things about having your period:
    -You want to kill eveyone that breaths.
    -Sleeping in a pool of blood.
    -White pants are out for the week...
    -You feel like you can eat a super market
    -It feels like you stomach is going to explode.
    -When you cough/sneeze it seems like you just blew up.
    -Taking the rapper off is so loud the whole world knows you have it.
    - That gross feeling when you feel a crap load come out.
    - You sit awkward in every class.
    -Fearing it went through your pants.
    Good things about your period:
    -Your not pregant.

  12. lexidanielle_xo lexidanielle_xo
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2012 8:38pm UTC
    I hate you.
    I hate me too.

  13. InsaneAndBroken InsaneAndBroken
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 9:31am UTC
    *Me at Starbucks, just finished ordering*
    Starbucks Guy: What's the name?
    Me: Primrose Everdeen.
    Starbucks Guy: Oh, oh. *makes coffee*
    Starbucks Guy: *finishes making coffee* Primrose Everdeen!

  14. ThatonegirlJazzx3 ThatonegirlJazzx3
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2012 8:50pm UTC
    because $20 is an outrageous
    amount of money..

  15. 2thekids 2thekids
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2012 1:08pm UTC
    Here's to the kids who memorize lyrics faster than vocabulary words.

  16. BellaSwan14 BellaSwan14
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2012 4:26pm UTC
    A 50 year old white woman arrived at her seat on a crowded flight and immediately didn't want the seat. The seat was next to a black man. Disgusted, the woman immediately summoned the flight attendant and demanded a new seat. The woman said "I cannot sit here next to this black man." The fight attendant said "Let me see if I can find another seat." After checking, the flight attendant returned and stated "Ma'am, there are no more seats in economy, but I will check with the captain and see if there is something in first class." About 10 minutes went by and the flight attendant returned and stated "The captain has confirmed that there are no more seats in economy, but there is one in first class. It is our company policy to never move a person from economy to first class, but being that it would be some sort of scandal to force a person to sit next to an UNPLEASANT person, the captain agreed to make the switch to first class." Before the woman could say anything, the attendant gestured to the black man and said, "Therefore sir, if you would so kindly retrieve your personal items, we would like to move you to the comfort of first class as the captain doesn't want you to sit next to an unpleasant person." Passengers in the seats nearby began to applause while some gave a standing ovation.

  17. j3susfr3ak j3susfr3ak
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 3:24pm UTC
    RULES: You can only say yes once & no once.
    Are you beautiful _____... Are you lying? ____.
    Just some inspirational quotes to make your day(:
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  18. juturna* juturna*
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2012 7:26pm UTC
    Most Wittians have to atleast remember or know some of these:
    The Brandoncyrus days.
    The "Big 2011 Witty crash".
    When DamnnTaylerx, Jayciecutie01 &, Jade672 ruled the top quotes section.
    FramingMatthew is the most courageous, strongest &, amazing person on witty. (Nobody will ever take his place)
    R.I.P Matthew. All of Witty misses you ♥
    When not even one person talked about One Direction or Hunger Games.
    AlNicholas was the ultimate Witty boy.
    When Lollipopx3 wrote the best witty stories.
    SocietyKilledTheTeenager is the strongest witty girl on here ♥
    When the advertisements were never here
    When we saved Witty Profiles from getting deleted! :D
    When quotes came from the heart ♥
    When Witty was Witty

    Where did this Witty go? :(
    No hate comments, please.

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. iamkenzie97 iamkenzie97
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2012 12:32pm UTC
    That awkward moment when:
    you look in the mirror.
    while crying.
    and you just start crying more.


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