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Sunset Springs Summer Camp

Ali Monroe and her best friend,
Brooke Walters are expecting a nice, peaceful,
 laid-back summer in their hometown of Johnsonville, Massachusettes.
 But, what happens when their mothers decide
to send them to Sunset Springs,
one of the best teen summer camps in the US.
Thats not even the worst part.
Where is this miracullous summer camp you ask?
Citrus Heights, California.
Jakob Thomson is a tough, ruthless player
who is loved by all the girls, and envied by all the guys.
 He drinks, smokes, and is an all around bad kid,
according to his mother.
Jakob wants a hot summer,
filled with wild parties and amazing hook-ups.
However, his mother has other plans for him.
As punishment for his bad behavior, he is sent from his
small town in Colorado, to the one and only,
Sunset Springs Summer Camp in California,
with his partner in crime/bestfriend, Ryan Federline.
The two are total opposites,
Ali would never go for a wild, crazy,
out of control low-life, like Jakob.
While Jakob wouldn't lay a hand on an up-tight,
spoiled snob like Ali.
But when there is a mistake in the cabin assignments,
 and the four are forced to move
into an ajoining cabin, what will happen?
Alls i can say is,

let the prank war begin

feedback anyone?c:
I'm really trying to start this new story so let me know if you like it, and if anyone finds any mistakes or think it can be improved in any way, please let me know as well!


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Sunset Springs Summer Camp Prologue Ali Monroe and her best friend,

5 faves · Jun 2, 2012 10:12pm






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