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Member Since: 1 Sep 2006 05:41pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 40136

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I like butterflies I like kisses I write poems-quotes-stories-songs you name it i write it I'm AMAZING for a 14 yr old!
  1. butterflyykisses butterflyykisses
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2006 5:49pm UTC
    I don’t regret the things I did,
    I regret the things I didn’t do,
    When I had the chance to

  2. butterflyykisses butterflyykisses
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2006 5:48pm UTC
    Sick of your hate
    Sick of your lies
    Sick of the way you make me feel inside
    Tired of listening to all your crap,
    Tired of the way I always feel trapped

  3. butterflyykisses butterflyykisses
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2006 5:48pm UTC
    I’m tired of trying
    I’m sick of crying
    Yea, I’m smiling
    But inside, I’m dying

  4. butterflyykisses butterflyykisses
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2006 5:48pm UTC
    Forget the times you walked by
    Forget the times you made me cry
    Forget the times you held my hand
    Forget the sweet things if I can
    I can no longer pretend
    I have to remember, you’re just my friend

  5. butterflyykisses butterflyykisses
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2006 5:47pm UTC
    Our love is special. Our love is strong
    Our love together where it belongs
    Falling in love was meant to be
    I am for you as you are for me
    Never stop loving me, our love is rare
    Never stop giving me the time to care
    Maybe in time others will see
    That you and I were meant to be

  6. butterflyykisses butterflyykisses
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2006 5:47pm UTC
    I think of all my problems, I think of all my pain
    I think of all my sorrows, until I go insane
    I think of all the smiles I’ve worn which hides my sorrows underneath
    No one seems to notice that I go through so much grief
    My tears seem to keep flowing, inside my tired eyes
    Each time I want to tell you, my words come out as lies
    These days I’m feeling distant, far away and weak
    My sadness pulls me farther from the happiness that I seek
    I’ve just began to realize that all my hopes and dreams are gone
    I’m walking down a dead-end road, humming a tune-less song
    I’m standing on a rooftop although I’m afraid of heights
    I’m watching the cars beneath me and somehow it doesn’t feel right
    Now I think of what I’m doing, I know I should find a way
    To beat through my depression, will I be able to someday?
    Someone might be there, to help me make it through
    Maybe they will listen and tell me what to do
    I’m seeing through the darkness, starting to trust a few
    I think I’ll try to make it so I can be there for them too

  7. butterflyykisses butterflyykisses
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2006 5:47pm UTC
    You’re the thought that starts each morning, the conclusion to each day
    You are all that I do and everything I say
    You’re the smile on my face, the twinkle in my eye
    The warmth inside my heart, the fullness in my life
    You’re my silly mature, honest thoughtful guy
    The one holds me tightly when I need to cry
    You are all I ever wanted all I ever need
    You are all I’ve ever dreamed of; you are all of this to me

  8. butterflyykisses butterflyykisses
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2006 5:46pm UTC
    I hope you surf the waves in from the ocean big and small
    I hope you watch the sunset from a mountain straight and tall
    I hope you sing a song to all the angles loud and clear
    I hope you’ll always try new things, never giving into fear
    I hope you fall in love with the one that makes your world go ‘round
    I hope that if you fall out, you’re feet stay on the ground
    I hope that you can understand that true love waits for you
    That you may have to wait awhile, but when it comes, it’ll be true
    I hope you feel the sand hot on your feet on your roes on summer’s day
    I hope you learn the sandals help keep the pain away
    I hope you find a rainbow and realize it was worth the rain
    I hope that through you journey you’ll learn to balance smiles with pain
    I hope that you will realize life isn’t on your side
    I hope you know when hope is lost, in me you can confide
    I hope that when you’re lost, you’re the one to find
    I hope that your hand will never grow too big for mine
    I hope you watch the stars shoot by, upon a grassy hill
    I hope you know I love you, always have and always will

  9. butterflyykisses butterflyykisses
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2006 5:46pm UTC
    This feeling over whelms me, a swelling of the heart
    I never truly thought I would be this happy at the start
    You take me by the hand and lead me by the heart
    Over a beach of sand through the grasses that we part
    You kiss my lips so tender, embrace me through the night
    To you I have surrendered myself, so hold on tight
    So strongly, you hold my hand, whisper softly in my ear
    I really feel you understand everything you hear

  10. butterflyykisses butterflyykisses
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2006 5:45pm UTC
    He needed your help, but you didn’t know
    He smiled so the pain never showed
    It went on, day after day
    He lied and told you “Everything is okay� plan
    Little did you know about his little plan
    About the suicidal thoughts and the knife in his hand
    There he goes, his life ended
    The life of a person, who you befriended
    POINT: Happy endings aren’t always there
    Expessaly for the ones you care

  11. butterflyykisses butterflyykisses
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2006 5:45pm UTC
    You talk to her more than me
    I scream, I cry, as you can see
    It’s killing me, the pain inside
    All I want to do is run and hide
    We’re getting into fights, more and more
    It’s hurting my heart, making it sore
    Should we go on, with nothing to gain?
    Except more sadness and even more pain?


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