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Member Since: 19 Aug 2011 04:06am

Last Seen: 3 Sep 2011 07:19pm

user id: 208967

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I'm Brianna. New York. 14 years old. Insecure. Depressed but covering it with a smile. Single. Enjoy my quotes. c:
  1. breezymariiex3 breezymariiex3
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2011 8:34pm UTC
    Chapter One- The Beginning.
    'LET'S GO KAITLYNN! GO FOR THE GOAL!' my mom screamed from the sidelines of my soccer game. I was 14, a freshman in high school and I was already playing on varisty soccer teams. I guess by me saying that you would figure, I am prety good at soccer, huh? Well I am. My dad is a big soccer fan so he wanted his little girl to play soccer for her whole life and that I will. This whole dream of his started when he first found out my mom was pregnant. They were extatic! My mom, Amy and my dad, Anthony were both still young, their late 20's, when this all happened but they were ready for anything. My parents knew that this would change their lives forever, I mean a baby on the way says a lot about two people in love. There was a lot of questions about whether or not they were ready and the answer was always the same, 'we can do anything we set our hearts too.' My mom had always wanted a baby girl, my dad on the otherhand wanted a little boy. A couple months after, their little mircale was born and according to my dad, the moment he seen me he knew I was born to play soccer because I was running in the doctors hands. I seen the photographs of my infantry, I was like cutest little ball of energy. The videos of my spectacular moments will always be replaying in the back of my head, my first steps, the first words, my first hair cut, my first soccer game and my first days. My mom was always by my side to see all of these moments but, as for my dad, he was always away. He is a solider in the United States Army. As I got older, I got used to not seeing him to often so it doesn't hurt as much when he gets deployed. He is such a dedicated man to his country. My grandmother always told me that when my dad was younger everything he did, he would do with pride and say, 'Mr.President would be proud of me Mommy!'

  2. breezymariiex3 breezymariiex3
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 3:44am UTC
    Is It Gonna hurt To See You With Her ? Yes. But Theres Nothing i Can Do To Stop you. So Go Be Happy While I Sit Here And Cry My Eyes Out. But You Know What You Taught me? Not To Believe Every Single Word You Say. People Dont Change Because They Want You They Change Because They Need You. I've Changed For you But You Couldn't Do The Same Thing For Me. I'm Sorry For Always getting my Heartbroken In the End And Wasting Everything On You. I Gave You My Everything And What You Gave Me Was Nothing..

  3. breezymariiex3 breezymariiex3
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2011 3:55am UTC
    If you can't stay true to the relationship, why think the ther erson should make an effort to stay? A relationship isn't about what one person wants and the other having to satisify his or her wish it's about friendship and love being joined as one. Not one and the other, not the other and one but together. You guys are two different people with one heart.

  4. breezymariiex3 breezymariiex3
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2011 6:07am UTC
    The most common question after a break up is, 'Is he still thinking about me?' You can ask everyone around you and they will all respond 'I don't know.' They aren't saying it to get you annoyed or because they don't know how to answer they are saying it because they don't know what is on his mind nor do they know what he thinks about every moment. he may be thinking about you or he may be thinking about the next girl. You don't know, they only one who will give you the honest answer is theone you can't stop thinking about.

  5. breezymariiex3 breezymariiex3
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2011 5:22am UTC
    When someone says, 'there are other fish in the sea' they don't understand what you are going through. The only fish you want is that one. There may be others but they don't have what this one does. They don't know how to make you smile like this one. They don't know how many jokes you guys had or how many tears you shared. All they know is what you could show on the outside. Nothng less and nothing more.

  6. breezymariiex3 breezymariiex3
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2011 5:09am UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. breezymariiex3 breezymariiex3
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2011 5:04am UTC
    I wish I was the perfect girl with that perfect, straight, gorgeous smile, the gorgeous eyes, the amazing body, the great personality, the flawless face, the perfect hair and then one who is always on your mind. I am far from that girl.I just that girl that has the messed up teeth, the fat stomach, the dirty brown eyes, the terrible personality, the disgusting face, messy hair and the one nobody cares to even think about. I would love to be that girl for just a day. To have that one someone who can make me feel like I mean the world. That would go to the end of the world and back to make sure that I never felt less than what I am. Would be there for me whenever I needed it. No one is ever going to show me that because you're the only one I want but, you're one of them who I can't have.

  8. breezymariiex3 breezymariiex3
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2011 4:59am UTC
    I'm not going to be the kind of girl who will have loads of make-up on or straighten, scrunch, curl,etc everyday just to impress one guy. There are a bunch of real men who can accept a girl for who and what she is. If you don't like the way my real beauty looks like underneath my mask than I don't want you in anyway. A girl needs to know that in the morning when you wake up with your true colors you will be there to say 'Good morning beautiful'. <3.~


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