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Member Since: 26 Oct 2011 04:02pm

Last Seen: 29 Jan 2012 03:19pm

user id: 231331

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hey im breezy ,and i got a witty because i want a place to tell people about my life who will care a little and i am just me and no one can change that soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
i love all of you who read this <3

  1. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2012 10:23am UTC
    you stole my heart ,
    so in revenge i will take your last name
    ^_^ <3

  2. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2011 4:44pm UTC
    if your gonna be in a relationship,....
    dont act single ....

  3. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2011 4:42pm UTC
    he get mad because i got mad at him for hitting another girls butt on prepose and so he says to his friend " if she dosent want to b with me then thats her problem".... and now he might break up with me because he hit my bestfriends butt
    like or comment if u think this is wrong ??

  4. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2011 12:20pm UTC
    i yawn my eyes fill with water...
    he asks: baby y r crying who hurt u ? dont cry i love u <3
    i say : no one hurt me ? i just yawned
    him: oh ok haha i love u :)
    it makes me happy to know he noticed that my eyes had tears in them and that he cared about it <3

  5. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2011 8:38pm UTC
    i know that im here and ur there but we still have our love, we move just like the moon and sun,
    the sun comes up the moon rolls down a world apart but they dont make a sound and know their loves spins us round

  6. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2011 6:19pm UTC
    me: i love babys and i love babysitting
    him: i hate babysitting unless they r older then 10
    me: aww y i love babys and my mama always said that im gonna make a great mom and when i get older i want 3 kids firstboy named quin second girl katlin third boy but i dont know his name yet<3
    him: ok?
    me: its a girl thing to plan out our family and kids :D
    him : i think when i marry u i want our third childs name to be kalvin and the girl we have will look exactly like u and have your beautiful eyes that sparkle and your flawless skin and amazing personallity and she will be exactly like u witch is perfect and i will love her forever just like i will love u forever and when she needs me i will b rigtht there to hold her and protect her from any guy who teys to hurt her and the day she grows up to get married i will pass her on to a man who i only trust with my life and untill the day i die she will be my baby girl forever <3
    me: im crying <3
    him: dont cry babygirl i love u
    me: when can we get married?
    him: when ever u want
    me: now i want to marry u right now
    him: i have to get something first so we can get married tomorrow ok?i want to do it in person
    me : ok of course but i have to go night boo i love u
    him: i love u too babygirl night <3
    tomorrow after school...
    the boy gets down one knee and pulls out a 10 karrot dimond ring and asks for the girls hand in marrage...
    the girls crys and says yes
    the boy: crys along with her and puts ring on girls ringer
    the girl is only 14 and the boy is 14 and they r still together after 44 years
    the first part was me and bf texting and then my aunt hacked my witty and out the rest because it was what happened to her and my uncle and my bf actually gave me a ring but it was a ringpop that i still have and never ate and my aunt and uncle r still together today <3 this is what gives me hope

  7. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2011 4:39pm UTC
    dont fall for a guy because he says the right things fall for him because he is the right guy
    my delema between me and my bf and one of his friends</3

  8. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2011 4:37pm UTC
    i hate...
    when im in a good mood
    and then i text one of my best guy friends and then they get mad at me for no reason and then the rest of the day im in a bad mood because i like him a little and wish he was bf sometimes but then im mad because if we were together would he treat me like this ?
    heart= broken

  9. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2011 5:14pm UTC
    that akward moment when ur bf's friend is like in love with u and he calles u pretty and sexy and hot as hell
    yepp just happened
    and it kinda sux because he made me feel pretty and he said if i was his gf he would tell me every day that i was pretty ya so what he made me feel special but now i dont know what to do :/

  10. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2011 4:55pm UTC
    when i sit on my roof all i want is for some random sexy guy like taylor lautner to come sit next to me and we can sit there alone

  11. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2011 4:53pm UTC
    i sit on my roof
    and when all i want is to be
    and when im
    its because spme people cant take a hint that i want to be
    and when im in a bad mood all i want is to be
    so next time im
    leave me
    so i dont need to go all ninja on u
    when ur

  12. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 4:19pm UTC
    i just noticed that if all girls had their period on halloween no one in the male population would have candy because all the girls would have already eaten it the day before
    :D fave if u agree

  13. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2011 7:45pm UTC
    i am
    a princess
    dammit !!
    and u can't
    change that

  14. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2011 7:27pm UTC
    why is it when im in a relationship guys like me but,
    when im single guys reject me
    f**king confused

  15. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 5:40pm UTC
    everbodys love is different...
    its warm
    its comforting
    it is always there
    it hurts
    it breaks
    it lasts
    and dosen't stay
    or will never leave
    its long distance
    or right next to u
    it has consiquences
    and opportunitys
    it seeks
    or finds
    its in front of u
    or maybe u already missed it
    it is invisable
    or very noticeable
    it will last forever and will never die out <3

  16. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 5:29pm UTC
    me: heyy
    him: hey whats up?
    me: nuffin
    him: i got a question for u
    me: ok ask away
    him: y do u love me?
    me: because... u r amazing and funny and stuff like that :D
    him: oh ok just wondering
    me: k i got a question for u
    him: ok
    me: y do u love me ?
    him: don't even get me started the list is to long <3
    k so that was my first boyfriend talking to me
    second boyfriend
    me: hey
    him :hi
    me: im tiered
    him: me too
    me: hmm...
    him : what?
    me: nuffin
    him: ok
    me: y do u love me?
    him: idk because i do
    me: oh ok :P
    him: why?
    me: idk just wondering
    him: ok
    no love no nuffin and just think i dumped my first boyfriend because he played video games more than talk or hang out with me
    witty sisters help me decide if i should stay with my boyfriend or not he hangs with me and says he loves me but i sometimes dont beleve it because i think he loves one of my bff's who was his first girlfriend and first kiss but yet when he is with me its like he is perfect (for the most part) but when he is around her (my bff) and me he always acts different :/
    k so fave if i should stay with him and comment if i shouldn't

  17. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 5:16pm UTC
    french toast
    in life

  18. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 5:07pm UTC
    when he is around me he is so sweet :D <3 but when he is around her...
    im invisable to him even though he is my boyfriend

  19. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 5:04pm UTC
    i hate being bored...

  20. breezydory breezydory
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 5:02pm UTC
    i wish...
    i could know why he even likes me


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