Witty Profiles

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  1. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2012 12:15am UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 31
    Clara's P.O.V.
    As Greyson walks onto the stage I feel excited and nervous. Did they vote for me and take the time to write Greysons name on the ballot? Something smells fishy and it isn't inbetween Maria's legs. He accepts his crown and stands beside me smiling. I flinch expecting cow intestines or something worse. Nothing happens. I look around and decide nothing is going to happen. Maria seemed genuenly shocked anyway so she couldn't have planned this and she would been the only one who hates me enough too plan this. I may have won this out of pity instead of spite. But I'm still going to enjoy my victory with Greyson.
    "Your King and Queen everyone!" The principal beams. Everyone starts to clap and cheer. I feel my heart pick up in pace rapidly as Greyson grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor. A spotlight hits the both of us as without you the glee version comes on.
    "This is so perfect," Greyson says twirling me.
    "All eyes are on us," I state.
    "Are you nervous?" He asks.
    "Very," I say, my knees go weak but he catches me. I feel a pain in my chest and I guess my heart is beating really hard.
    "I have butterflies," Greyson admits, I kiss him deeply, right in the middle of all these people. He cups my cheek in his hand and kisses me back passionatly. "I love you." He breathes when we break apart.
    "So do I," I say looking at Violet and Greg join us. After the simplest of dancing my breaths become short. I soon start gasping for air. This is no longer nervousness. I suddenly feel nausious and the pain in my chest becomes strong.
    "Clara?" Greyson says noticing me breathing heavily.
    "I'm fine," I say breaking away from him and doubling over.
    "Clara?!" Violet says running over.
    "Call 911," Greg says to a girl watching. She fumbles for her purse.
    "Clara," Greyson asks worried. I don't understand why he's worried this has happened before. I then realize I'm sobbing. I crash to the ground, my shoes falling off. I get into a fetal postion as my chest hammers against my ribcage. Greyson bends over and holds my hand. I notice the music has stopped.
    "Am I having a heart att-" I stammer and then it feels as if my chest explodes before I black out.

  2. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 8:43pm UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 30
    Greyson's P.O.V.
    I walk her up to the stairs leading to the stage.
    "Good luck," I say kissing her, "stay strong." I add.
    "Here we go," she laughs walking up on stage. Her eyes glittering against the lights hanging up. My breath catches and I swallow the lump in my throat. I go and join Violet and Greg.
    "Here you have it!" The principal whose name I fail to remember announces. "Your nominees for Prom king and queen!" Everyone cheers and Violet and I simotaniously scream "GO CLARA!" I see Maria roll her eyes and rise her red mini dress up. "Maria sucks!" Greg screams. We all burst into laughter. The principal calms everyone down and goes into an explanation on how we are having the prom in the middle of winter. I had always wondered that and apparently it's school tradition. I shrug and stare at Clara and her fidgeting hands.
    "Now onto the prom queen!" He says. "Angelina?" A tall girl walks on stage wearing a junior prom queen tiara. I'm guessing she was junior prom queen last year. Just a guess though.
    "I remember being awarded this tiara," she says into the mic, a little too close. "And I can't wait to give it too the next one!"
    "Yes, yes Angelina. Get to the point." The principal says.
    "Oh alright," she giggles. She takes an envelope out of her bra and Violet rolls her eyes. "The 2012 Junior prom queen is... Clara Fisher!" Everyone breaks out into cheers and applause. Violet and I hug and high-five and scream her name. Maria scoffs and walks off stage crying. Clara walks up to Angelina awkwardly sporting a gorgeous smile. Angelina places the tiara on her head and Violet takes pictures. If it wasn't for her age I would have guessed it was her mother with her crying and all. I laugh and clap.'
    "Um," Clara says talkign into the mic. "...Thanks." She stands to the side and plays with the flowers that were given to her. I love how much of a loser she is.
    "And your Junior Prom king!" Angelina announces. Obviously the Junior Prom king didn't bother to show up. She takes a while wrestling the card open. But when she does she raises her eyebrows up at it. "Well isn't this a surprise!" She laughs. "He wasn't even on the ballot!"
    She doesn't even need to say it before I know the winner.
    "You won," Violet whispers.
    "The 2012 Junior Prom king is... Greyson Ruffalo!"

  3. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 12:36pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2012 10:40pm UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 28
    Greyson's P.O.V.
    "Bye Violet," I say walking up the drive-way.
    "See you at Prom!" She squeels getting into Greg's car. I walk up to her house and ring the door-bell. Clara's mom opens the door and smiles at me.
    "Clara! Greyson is here," she beams. I hear the clicks of heels above me. I loosen my bowtie and take a deep gulp. When I first see the flash of pink my breath catches. She walks down catiously and trips a little and grabs the railing for support.
    "I'm such a loser," she giggles.
    "Your so beautiful," I reply. Her dress bounces with her lightly and when she reaches the bottom she twirls for me. I grab her hand and kiss the back of it.
    "Thanks," she says kissing my cheek. I take out the clear box in my pocket and open it for her to see. "Oh Greyson it's gorgeous." I take the corsage out and put it around her wrist.
    "Do you like it?" I ask.
    "I love it," she replies. We looks into eachothers eyes and I resist the urge to kiss her because her mother is standing right there. We pose for some pictures, most of them consist of us making the dumbest faces because we're honestly not taking any of this stuff seriously.
    "You ready m'lady?" I ask cheesily. She curtses and takes my arm as we walk back to my old clunker of a car. "It's no limo," I say rubbing the back of my neck as I open the passangers seat.
    "It's perfect," she says kissing me gently.
    "If you insist," I say, feeling my face go bright red. She sits down and I walk to the other side of the car. I enter and take one of her hands in mine as I drive to the school.
    "What if I win?" She asks.
    "There's no if Clara. You will. And I guess your going to walk on that stage and accept it." I answer honestly.
    "You know I have to dance with the king right." She states.
    "Yeah I know," I smile. She looks dissapointed. "But if they try anything funny, I'm taking you away."
    "That's what I wanted to hear," she says giggling.
    "Are you really that nervous Clara?" I ask.
    "Yeah, I am." She admits. "What if they like dump pig's blood on me? Like in Carrie."
    "That won't happen baby," I say squeezing her hand lightly.
    "Oh God, I'm just going to enjoy this night and not give two shxts." She says honestly. I nod and pull up into the school.
    "Time to shine beautiful," I say cupping her cheek.
    "I was born to do this," she says confidently.

  5. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 8:17pm UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 27
    Clara's P.O.V.
    "What's wrong?" Greyson asks, holding me while we lay on the couch watching T.V.
    "Nervous for Prom," I answer honestly.
    "Why baby," he asks stroking my cheek. I cuddle up to him.
    "I don't know," I answer honestly.
    "It's a couple of hours away," he whispers in my ear. I feel a sharp pain in my chest and double over. Greyson keeps his arms around me as the pain slowly ebs.
    "Thats twice today," Greyson states. My heart is hammering against my chest.
    "I'm fine," I answer honestly.
    "If you sure," he says clicking on a cartoon.
    "Sing to me?" I ask closing my eyes.This is the first time I've ever asked him to do this, but I want his voice to calm me down. He sings Dream a little dream from Disney in my ear softly and it sends chills up my spine.
    "Dream a little dream of me," he sings the last line in my ear and nibbles it affectioantly.
    "What has gotten into you Greyson," I say smiling, he has been very physical of late.
    "You know, live every last day like your dying." He states kissing my jawline.
    "Save it for after prom," I say laughing.
    "Oh yeah," he says kissing my neck. We agreed that after prom we would... you know. The doorbell rings immediatly and we both jump. After we get over our fits of laughter I walk up to my door and see Violet there holding her dress and shoes.
    "Ready?" She beams, I nod and look at Greyson. He get's off the cuoch and puts his arms up.
    "I get it," he laughs, "I'll go get ready. Pick you up at 8?"
    "See you then," I say pecking him on the lips. He whispers in my ear before leaving "Stay Strong," like he always does whenever we say goodbye. Violet walks in and Greyson leaves. We run up to my room and we both start doing eachothers make-up. Violet takes longer cause she has her eyebrows and eye-lashes and hair to consider. I straighten her purple hair perfectly. After that massive challenge I notice we only have 1 hour until Greyson is picking me up and Greg is picking Violet up. I put on my dress and black pumps. Violet puts on her dress and purple pumps. We add soem jewelry and we take some weird pictures.
    "Ready?" Violet asks as the doorbell rings.
    "Ready." I confirm, twirling one last time.
    Violet's Dress: http://www.dress4formal.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/One-Shoulder-With-Black-Floral-Decoration-Black-and-White-Short-Prom-Dresses.jpg
    Clara's Dress- http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Jv8y-9GBGJA/Tc72p7UnCbI/AAAAAAAAJPI/KljjTfO3iYo/s1600/short-prom-dresses-2.jpg

  6. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 9:06pm UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 26
    Greyson's P.O.V.
    "Good lord mom, have you met Clara?" I grin. It's a week after my fight with Smitty and here my mother and I stand, after school, in the florests picking out Clara's corsage.
    "Sorry, I thought it was romantic," she says putting away a red rose.
    "It is, but I want something cute, something that when I look at it I think Clara."
    "D'aww Grey," she says pinching my cheek. The florest assisting us giggles.
    "Mom," I say, playfully rolling my eyes.
    "Sorry! This is exciting." She turns around and starts looking at some daisies. She touches a beautiful pink one and I stifle a gasp.
    "That one," I tell the florest. She nods and picks one.
    "What colour bow?" She asks.
    "Black," I respond remembering its the color of the sash around her dress. She's never actually shown me it but she told me the colors. I then remember I'll see her looking gorgeous at prom in 2 short days. The florest walks over to the cash register and fills out my order.
    "And you'll be here to pick it up for Saturday afternoon?" She asks.
    "Yep," I say giving her the fifty dollars. She gives me the pink slip with my order written out.
    "This girl sure is lucky," she smiles, winking at me as my mother turns around and looks at a bouquet of white roses.
    "I'm the lucky one," I say smiling and touching my mothers arm. "Do you want those?"
    "There beautiful but you don't have too," she says shaking her head. I take ten white roses and buy them. I give them to her and she smiles at me.
    "Like them?" I ask.
    "Love," she corrects. "I'm glad you have a girl to make happy Grey. You deserve it."
    "Thanks mum." I blush.
    "Seriously buddy." She says opening the exit. I walk through and unlock the car.
    "I hope she feels that way," I say, opening the car door. I walk around the front and sit in the drivers seat.
    "You love her, don't you." She states.
    "Yeah, I do." I reply.
    Hey gurl hey :3 I'd love if for you guys to read my profile about the sequel stuff :D Please commennntttttt.

  7. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 7:59pm UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 25
    Clara's P.O.V.
    "And he just left?" I ask.
    "Right in the direction of his house." Greyson answers simply.
    "This is all my fault." I say shaking my head. He grabs my hand, it is warm in spite of the cold weather that is blowing through in my backyard.
    "This is not your fault Clara," he says.
    "Yes it is," I resist. "You changed schools and now Smitty is mad at you!"
    "I chose to change schools because I was getting bullied at my old school-"
    "Like it's any better at your new one!" I say turning away. He touches my arm gently.
    "It is, I may have had Smitty's friendship to support me at my old school." He says placing his index finger under my chin and tilting my head towards him. "But now I have your love to support me in this new school." I feel a rush of warmth burning my cheeks. "I love you so much Clara."
    "I love you too Greyson." I say, he leans in close and his hot breath tickles my lips. He pauses there and I soak in his beautiful eyes. After what seems like an eternity he breaks the space that lingers between our lips. I slide my body down the bench and sit on his lap.
    "Your so perfect," he whispers as he plays with the tassles on my hat.
    "Your the perfect one Greyson." I reply as I wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips to his jaw. He wraps his arms around my waist and places his hands on the small of my back. I shiver slightly from the cold.
    "We should go inside," he whispers against my neck. I nod slightly, my throat dry. I slide off his lap and stand up. When he stands he picks me up bridal style and walks into the house.
    "Put me down Greyson," I giggle when we reach my bedroom. He drops me on my bed and I lay there looking up. He lays beside me and takes my hand in his.
    "Why do you love me Greyson?" I ask curiously.
    "I'd have to write a book to explain that one." He confesses.
    "Seriously," I say, Greyson starts rubbing his thumb in a circular motion on the back of my hand. He unlaces his fingers between mine and faces me. I face him in return.
    "Your bravery, your wits, your love of life no matter what anyone throws at you, your beauty..." He let's the sentence linger as he takes off my hat and un-zips my jacket slowly. I hold my breath until he finally gets it off. I lay there in my tank-top and jeans as he takes off his own jacket. Even though he isn't trying, something about the way he takes it off is seductive. He presses his lips against my collarbone and the heat lingers on my skin, I arch my back.
    "You we're my first kiss," I mutter as his kisses my jawline.
    "You we're mine as well." He breaks away looking my straight in the eye.
    "I'm not ready," I finally get out.
    "Neither am I," he says pressing his lips against mine. I close my eyes and kiss him back.

  8. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2012 9:57pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 9:03pm UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 23
    Clara's P.O.V.
    "What about this one?" Violet asks, twirling in a black dress. It's a couple of days after the whole poster incident and Violet got the idea to start shopping for Prom dresses. So here we are at Salvation Army, shopping. After the costs of treatment we don't really have a lot of money. But suprisingly all of these dresses are gorgeous and really cheap.
    "I don't know, it kinda flushes you out," I say. She nods in agreement. I throw her a really pretty yellow dress and she walks back behind a room divider. I take a look out of the window and watch the January wind blow snow off of the ground and creat multiple clouds of white. A little girl in a snowsuit is in her mothers arms. I recognize the mtoher from the treatment center and smile. Violet coughs impatiently.
    "Sorry, I say turning my head. I try to stifle a laugh but fail.
    "Haha." She rolls her eyes and then poses. "I think it looks kinda hot." She's so wrong. I thought the yellow would look good with her purple hair but God no. The dress ends just under her knees and his all lace. It looks nothing like the pretty dress I saw on the rack.
    "Take it off, please." I beg and throw her a gorgeous white dress.
    "Alright," she says rolling her eyes. Just when she walks behind the divider I feel the vibrate of my phone in my pocket.
    Greyson: Did I ever tell you I hate shopping for tux's.
    Clara: When have you ever shopped for a tux?
    Greyson: A couple of years ago for a wedding.
    Clara: Do it for me?
    Greyson: Only for you.
    Clara: Love you.
    Greyson: Love you too.
    I smile and shove my phone back into my pocket as Violet shyly comes out.
    "VIOLET!" I shreik. She looks beautiful. The dress lands at her mid-thigh and is white with black lace along the side. "Is it the one?" I ask.
    "It's the one," she nods jumping up and down. She sits down on the couch and tosses me the five dresses I chose. The first three dresses look terrible on me. But when I put on the fourth one I fall in love instantly. The pink dress with the black sash hits my mid thigh and bubbles at the bottom. I twirl in it once in front of the mirror before walking out to see Violet.
    "Clara!" She squeels. I would have hushed her but the store is pretty much empty and the owner is Violet's mom.
    "That dress is too perfect!" Violet continues.
    "I hope Greyson likes it." I smile.
    "He would flipping love you if you showed up in a brown paper bag!" Violet grins, the statement brings heat to my cheeks.
    "He's not going to be to happy knowing he has to wear a pink tie," I beam. I quickly text him telling the color of my dress. He texts back that I'll look gorgeous.
    "Time to get shoes?" Violet asks snapping me out of my daze.
    "Time to get shoes." I confirm.

  10. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 8:21am UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2012 8:53pm UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 21
    Clara's P.O.V.
    I run and run until I can't feel my feet and my lungs are burning. I finally stop when I reach the park. I swerve around paths and different sections until I reach the place I'm looking for. I haven't been here in forever but some how my feet lead me here. I haven't been here since my father died. I sit down on the bench my father and I used to feed the birds. I stare at the unflowing fountain. Icycles form along the trees. I stare at my reflection, hating myself. Why did this happen to me? I'm a cancer patient. And I can't even be normal at that. I have one of the rarest cancers. I pick up a handfull of snow and through it at a tree. I start screaming and hit the ground. My hot tears burn my cold face and melt the snow underneath me. I just can't do it anymore. No matter how many times Greyson tells me to stay strong, I simply can't. But I need to fight, not for anyone else. But for myself. For all I know my life can end in 2 weeks. I need to at least try and act like what anyone says doesn't effect me. Oh god, who am I kidding? I just slapped Maria. I feel so hurt and tortured.
    "Why me?" I yell at no one.
    "Why you? I don't know. Probably because the jackass who is putting you through this knows your strong." I hear. Violet comes out of the trees. I don't say anything, I just stand and hug her. "It's going to be okay," she says rubbing my back. Her purple hair looks so out of place. But I barely notice I just cry. I notice my pulse is lowering, the adrenaline that brought me here is sucked out of my veins.
    "I just can't do this anymore Vi."
    "Yes you can Clara," Violet says holding me arms length away. "This isn't the girl that slapped Clara, that is walking into that treatment room for the past two tuesdays and getting the energy sucked out of her. So know what your going to do. Your going to walk into that school with your beautiful head held high. Your going to help Greyson rips those posters down and tear them into a million peices- which is what he's currently doing." I let her words sink in.
    "Thank you," I whisper.
    "Anytime Clarabear." Violet smiles.
    "Let's go show Maria whos boss." I laugh.

  12. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 5:10pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2012 5:48pm UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 19
    Clara's P.O.V.
    I leave the treatment center dragging my weight.
    "I can't do this Greyson." I choke out as he holds my hand, supporting me.
    "Yes you can Clara." He says leading me to his car. My mother left after I was done, she has a date. Greyson's mom is beside Greyson, suprisingly strong. She get's into his car and I get into the front. He drives me home and he opens the door for me and walks me up the drive-way.
    "I'll be back, Stay Strong." He says to me hugging me before going back to his car. I open the door and must up the energy to my room. I fall on my bed and fall asleep instantly.
    I wake up to the feel of stroking on my forehead. I notice I'm sweating and freezing at the same time. I shiver violently and the hand puts a blanket closer to my chin.
    "Greyson?" I mumble.
    "Yes," he replie, "your mom let me in."
    "What time is it?" I ask, my eyes still closed.
    "3 in the morning," he replies.
    "How long have you been here?" I ask, finally opening my eyes. It's not use because it's completly dark. Once my eyes adjust I notice a streak of moonlight hitting his one eye and the side of his face. The blue in his eyes sparkle and I'm transfixed.
    "Since about 9 o'clock." He replies.
    "Did you get any sleep?"
    "I slept a little on your couch but I was to busy calling my mom and checking up on you. How are you doing anyway?" He asks concerned.
    "I don't feel like breaking down and crying, thats for sure." I try to joke. He lets out a weak laugh and kisses my forehead.
    "Your so strong Clara. Don't give up now." He get's out. I see a tear glisten in his eye.
    "Don't cry, please." I choke out. I hold back the tears. I can't be a hypocrite by telling him not to cry and crying myself.
    "I love you Clara." He says honestly.
    "I love you too Greyson." I reply.
    "Promise me. That you will try to keep that heart beating."
    "I promise. But the moment my heart stops beating, it will not be the moment I stop loving you." I say brushing hair away from his eyes. I grasp his cheek and pull him toward me. I kiss him gently.

  14. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2012 4:54pm UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 18
    Greyson's P.O.V.
    "This was probably inevitable," I smile.
    "What was?" Clara asks curiously. After school we thought it was a good idea to go for a walk before we went to the hospital. One we reach a wide meadow full of snow, I take her to the middle of it. I get onto my knee and take her hand.
    "Princess Clara, will you go to prom with me?" I ask. She blushes and looks away. I stand up. "So?"
    "Yes!" She laughs. I wrap my arms around her. I pick her up and spin her around. Before I know it we start to dance across the field. I twirl her around and we both fall onto the white ground laughing. We both face eachother.
    "How was your first day ?" Clara smiles, poking my nose.
    "You sound like my mother," I smile, "I guess it was good, I got to see you."
    "Your so cheesy," Clara states. I kiss her nose to prove it. I'm not going to lie, every part of my wants to take her in my arms and kiss her like the world is ending. But I don't know, I really want to wait.
    "Ready for tomarrow?" I ask.
    "I'll never be ready for that." She says.
    "Right," I say stupidly. I take hold of her hand in mine. The warmth spreads in my body as she interlocks our fingers. "Your so perfect," I say without thinking. All she does is blush.
    "Prom is going to be amazing," she says. "I just hope they don't pour pig's blood on me if I win."
    "Not if. When. And I'll make sure that doesn't happen." I say smiling. She smiles back and kisses my cheek.
    "Two weeeeks." She squeels.
    "Are you going to get a dress?" I ask casually.
    "Well yes. But do you honestly care about that?" She questions. I laugh in answer. She starts to shiver.
    "This snow is cold, we should stand up and go to my mother." I state.
    "Sure," she replies. I get up and take her hand in mine. She jumps up full of energy. I know it's not going to last but I will take advantage of it.
    "Race you to the car?" I ask.
    "Your on." She giggles.

  15. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2012 11:32am UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 17
    Clara's P.O.V.
    I'm not fine, but I wasn't going to tell Greyson that. I can't let Maria and everyone else get to me like I did last week. I continue doing my work, feeling Greyson's eyes on me. I try to ignore it but the shiver in my spine tells me I must look up. I meet his eyes and he places something on my desk while the teacher is working on her laptop. I take it in my hands.
    "Open it," he mouths. I oblige. It's written in neat hand-writing, almost caligraphy:
    I know your not okay, please don't listen to her. Or anyone for that matter. Stay strong.
    I write back:
    It's harder than you'd think.
    Is that a bet?
    I then suddenly remember his mother. But that doesn't mean he knows the weakness you feel. He doesn't know the pain that comes after. The numbness of your nerves. The loss of hair that was once a part of you. It may seem silly crying over the loss of hair, but it's like losing a right. You have the right to have hair, have control over what goes on in your life. Now I have neither. He has been there for the last week to support me through all of this. And I;ve been there to support him and what has happened to his mother. But he doesn't understand, he never will unless it happens to him directly. The crackle of the announcements breaks my train of thought.
    "Hello staff and students!" The cheerful voice of our class-president Candy starts. "As you know, Junior Prom is in just 2 weeks! And we all know what that means! Here are your Princesses and Princes for the 2012 Junior Prom! Your "rinces are as follows: Frank Mistow," jock, "Pheonix Hightower," poetic Heartthrob. "Ryce Milton," another Jock, "And Dustin Fletcher" Never heard of him. "And your Princesses! Candy Smith," she giggles at that, "Maria Plutana," she flips her hair infront of me, "Adriana Gyran," a skanky cheerleader, "and Clara Fisher." Everyone in the room looks at me. "And there you have it!" The announcer crackles again and dies.
    "Why her?" Maria shreiks.
    Why me?

  16. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2012 10:36pm UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 16
    Greyson's P.O.V.
    Walking into the school I'm not very nervous. What the worse they're going to do? Hit me? Been through that. But then I look at Clara. It's worse on her, I can take getting hurt, but not Clara. She's hurting enough. Many girl's stare at me and I shift my weight uncomfortably. I never really got this much attention at my other school. Then I notice there staring at Clara and I's interlocked hands. We ignore the questioning mutters, no doubt everyone in this school knows, and walk into the office. I get my scheduale and notice I have English, Lunch and Geometry with her. Seeings that both of us take academic everything, it was innevitable we would share some classes. I get my locker number, I wasn't as lucky with that. We are completly different sides of the school. I leave the office and quickly un-load my books into the locker. We have the same program at my school so I don;t have to catch up on anything and the text books don't change. I keep English in my bag as Clara waits for me. After that we walk down to the English room which is near Clara's locker.
    "I'll get them," I say automatically when she opens her locker. She hands me them and her cheeks redden. I smile at her and we walk down the hall to the English room, talking mindlessly. I enter and we sit down beside one another in the back. A girl struts into the room and stands infront of Clara's desk just as I place her pencil case on it.
    "Look who decided to show," she laughs viciously. "What? Have a heart attack?" I immediatly get the urge to slap her, because that's what happened to my mother.
    "Shove it Maria," Clara says.
    "And who''s this? Another cancer patient? Oh wait, he has hair." She snickers, moving her legs and standing infront of my desk instead. I stand up.
    "Have something to say? Go tell one of the 5 guys you slept with last night, we're not interested." I snap. And ugly grimace forms on her face, showing just how blotchy her make-up is. I get a couple of 'ohhs' before she sits down. I slowly lower myself into the chair and the teacher walks in.
    "He'll regret that," she whispers to another girl in front of me.
    "Trust me, I won't." I answer for her.
    "Have something to say- Mr. Ruffalo?" The teacher says, "Ahh yes, the new one."
    "Yes, Greyson Ruffalo." I say bored.
    "We're not going to have a probelm, now are we?"
    "No, ma'am." I answer as politly as possible. I try so hard to dismiss the fire in my chest. But it's difficult.
    "It's nice to see you back Clara." The teacher smiles sympathetically, then looking at me as if to say, Why are you with him? She nods and then puts her head down.
    "Are you okay?" I mouth, catching her eye.
    "I'm fine," she answers. But I know she's not. That's just a thing girls say. I don't fall for it. No guy does, they jsut find it easier to dismiss a problem than face it head-on.
    "Now back to verbs," she says.

  17. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2012 9:00pm UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 15
    Clara's P.O.V.
    I wake up in my bed to the sound of my alarm. I've never really been excited for school, but I remember Greyson telling me he loves me and I remember telling him I love him too. I know I have to stay strong and know that Greyson and Violet are by my side. Shaking out my tiredness I wrap a bandana that Greyson made around my head. He's the one who makes them for his mother. The gold patterning in the aqua brings out my dull eyes. I put on aqua skinnies and a plain black sweater. I put on black converse to match and grabm y backpack. I run downstairs and down a whole bunch of cereal before I hear the honking of a car.
    "Bye mom," I smile when she drudges into the kitchen.
    "G'bye sweetheart." She grumbles. I get up and walk out the door. I see Greyson's old clunker and smile. He notices me and his perfect smile forms on his face. My breath get's caught in my throat. I don't get how kids could torment someone so badly. He seems like the guy that would be surrounded by friends. He get's out of the car and struggles to open the passanger door but manages. I walk up to him and he kisses me on the cheek.
    "G'morning beautiful." He chuckles. I blush in response. He motions for me to sit and I do. He takes my bag and throws it in the back. He gets into the drivers seat and we make our way to the school.
    "Greyson, could you maybe pick up Violet?" I ask, he knows who I'm talking about but they've never met.
    "Yeah no problem," he says. I point to the place where we meet and she's already leaning against a tree, head bobbing to music. He laughs and stops the car beside her. I crank down the window.
    "Excuse me little lady," I say, faking a pedophile's voice. She jumps and turns.
    "Damn you Clara. You gave me a damn heart attack." She laughs.
    "Greyson's driving you to school." I smile, she winks and walks up to my window.
    "He's cute," she whispers in my ear.
    "Tell me about it," I grumble. She walks to the back door and works to get it open, but she does. She pushes my bag out of the way and sits down.
    "I'm Violet," she introduces seductivly. Greyson takes no notice.
    "Greyson," he says, supressing a smile. He did notcie. I cough uncomfortably.
    "Ready to go?" I ask.
    "Ready," Greyson says, putting the car in drive.

  18. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2012 4:16am UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 14
    Greyson's P.O.V.
    About 4 days go by and things remain the same. It's Sunday and Clara has never left my side. She has a pile of homework on her lap, I had already finished mine and now I'm helping her to pass time.
    "And you square it and then multiply it by pi." I explain. She punches numbers into the calculator.
    "Is that it?" She says writing it down.
    "Yeah!" I let out a sigh of relief. She does a cute little dance and puts her algebra away. She is full of energy. Not as weak as I know she will be on Tuesday.
    "I'll do English later, I kind of get zoned out when I write," she smiles. "It's not due 'til Tuesday morning anyway. I'll work on it at school." She frowns a little. "I have to go back for at least Monday and Tuesday to catch up."
    "No, I understand Clara." I say touching her nose. "You have to do what you can do while you have the energy."
    "No amount of energy will help me deal with the kid's at school though. Why can't I just be home schooled." She says stretching her legs out underneath the caf table. We've spent most of our time here.
    "Because you need to be strong, love. You need to show them that they don't own you. Your stronger than they are." I say. I'm not very good at motivational speaking, but it's worth a try.
    "I'll try," she says, not convinced. I guess this is a good time as any to tell her.
    "Whem my mom was in one of her stronger phases, I got her to call the schools." I start, she looks at me intently. "The papers are being faxed over tonight and she needs to sign them to make them final. But since it's so close to the next semester..."
    "No way..."
    "I'm going to your school starting tomarrow." I announce. She jumps in the air. Slowly she sits down.
    "I can't ask you to do that you must have loads of friends and a girl or something like that you just can't pick up and leave-"
    "First, the only friend I have at that shithole is Smitty. And really, you think I have a girl? Your the girl in my life Clara." I take her hands in mine. "I want to protect you, I want to give you strength." I say.
    "But we've only known eachother for six days and your transferring schools." She says.
    "I was already going to transfer for certain reasons. But I was on the fence. If anything you just made my desicion final. Please let me do this. For me, for you." She stays tense for a while and then her shoulders drop. She wraps her arms around my neck and I place my hands on the small of her back.
    "Thank you," she whispers in my ear.
    "I love you,"

  19. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2012 2:57am UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 13
    Clara's P.O.V.
    He trusts me so much. I don't think I can handle getting so close to someone so quickly. But it feels... Right. Like even if I have only known him for 2 days. I came here with him to help him through this with his mother. He trusted me with two huge chunks of himself. I don't know if I love Greyson. But I know I want to be a part of his life. I want him to be a part of my life.
    "Clara?" Greyson asks after draining his coffee. "You okay?"
    "I'm fine," this time, I'm not lying.
    "Promise?" He asks raising an eyebrow.
    "Promise." I say mimicking him. He smiles and I laugh.
    "So, what do you want to do now?" He says picking up our garbage.
    "A walk around the hospital?" I say.
    "That sounds great, I know somewhere we can go." He leans across the table and kisses my nose then stands. I follow his lead, my cheeks red and her thrrows out the garbage. He offers his arm and I take it. We walk through the caf and he holds the door open for me once again. We talk about mindless things as we walk down the empty halls. He seems to know this hospital through and through. It sends a shiver up my spine. Greyson must feel it because he un-links our arms and wraps both around me in a hug. He presses me up to a wall and we stand there for a while. I look up at him and he is looking straight at me. He bends down slightly and leans in. Our faces are so close I feel his hot breath on my lips. The sound of a gurney squeeking down a hall breaks us apart. Greyson curses under his breath and I stifle a giggle.
    He takes my arm again and leads me down the hall and opens a door. The bright colours startle me and then I notice a group of kids sitting in the middle of a baby blue carpet. The lady is singing to them. Everyone turns and smiles spread on there faces. It's only then do I notice they all have one thing in common, there bald heads. I stifle a sob.
    "Greyson! We haven't seen you in a while, your timing is perfect!" The lady says, she looks quite young with her red hair and golden eyes. I notice a couple of freckles on her pale skin.
    "Hey guys," he smiles. 3 little kids come running and Greyson picks up one of them and the other two wrap there arms around his legs. "Are we ready to rock?" He asks.
    "Yeah!" They all squeel. The kids holding his legs let go and a little girl comes up and hugs me. I smile brightly and she goes to sit at the carpet. I follow Greyson's lead and we both sit down next to the lady.
    "Ready Pat?" Greyson smiles. She hands him a hermanica and he plays a couple of notes. He is brilliant at it. He teaches the kid's a simple 8 note song. First he says the lyrics, and then he sings them. My breath is taken away. No one can compare to the beautiful melody excaping his mouth. I'm hypnotyzed when he speaks normally, but his voice is startling. The kids seem hypnotyzed and I sing along with them all. When he is finished I'm breathless. We sing a couple of other songs and then it's time for some kids to go into radiotherapy. My heart aches because the girl who first hugged me and has been sitting on my lap is a part of that group. She follows Pat and Greyson and I leave.

  20. bothsidestory bothsidestory
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2012 12:58am UTC
    Stay Strong
    Chapter 12
    Greyson's P.O.V.
    I had to get out of that room before I broke down. I walk down the sterile hallways hand-in-hand with Clara. She is so amazing for staying here with me. I squeeze her hand gently.
    "Do you know where the caf even is?" She jokes.
    "Actually, I do. I've been here plenty before." I reply.
    "I didn't mean anything by it-" she stammers.
    "Neither did I," I say flashing a smile. She imediatly calms down. After a couple more turns I find the large polished oak doors. I hold the door open for Clara and I swear her cheeks heat up. I want to kiss her then and there, but the situation isn't right. I take out some change from my front pocket and we walk to the area with the food. I get a blueberry muffin and a black coffee and Clara get's a chocolate chip muffin and large hot chocolate. I pay the lady and we walk to a table. Just then do I realize how deserted it is. I sit down and Clara sits across from me. She starts picking at her muffin.
    "So when did you figure out," I ask, taking a sip from my coffee.
    "3 months ago," she replies. "When was your mother diagnosed?"
    "Two years ago," I reply simply. "Same year my dad left." I add under my breath.
    "Wait, what?" She asks grasping my hand. Damnit, she heard.
    "My dad, he left... When my mom was diagnosed." I admit.
    "He left you two with nothing?" She asks repulsed.
    "Pretty much," I say, "but there's more to the story that makes me angry." I say breathing in and out.
    "What is it?" She asks, her voice shaky. I just met the girl and she knows so much about me. And now I'm going to tell her something not even Smitty knows.
    "I had a sister. She was sexually assaulted and killed in the process a year before." I say blinking back the tears. One betrays me and falls down my cheek. I quickly look away and hope she didn't notice. "Now you think I''m weak."
    "Far from Greyson, you are one of the strongest people I know."


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