Witty Profiles

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  1. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2012 8:00pm UTC
    Mom: "We should get a Wii Fit Balance Board."
    Dad: "Wii Fit right in."
    Me: "Yeah, to the whale family."
    Me: "Yeah I said it."
    I <3 1D

  2. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2012 7:55pm UTC
    Dear people who make pancakes on the television,
    Flipping the pancake in the air doesn't work.
    I now have a hot, mushy pancake stuck to my face.
    I <3 1D

  3. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2012 5:30pm UTC
    It seems that when my trackphone runs out of minutes I become instantly 20 times popular because suddenly I have 15 new messages that I can't open.

  4. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2012 10:47pm UTC
    Me: "Nom, nom , nom."
    Mom: "Why are you eating?"
    Me: "This is the first thing I have had all day."
    Mom: "It's only 2:30 A.M."
    Me: "My point exactly."
    I <3 1D

  5. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2012 10:40pm UTC
    In Math Class:
    So I'm just sitting there when a** 1 takes my book off my desk and slides it across the floor to a** 2. I ignore them and continue working, until a** 1 opens the book. First off I hate it when people take my book marks out. So when he started looking for it I got pi**ed.
    Me: "Give me my book back, don't take the book mark out."
    A** 1: "There is no bookmark in here."
    Me: "Haha, that's because it's tiny just like your d***."
    Him: O.o

  6. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2012 9:41pm UTC
    *My mom and her bf watching football on the TV*
    (Some guy is rearranging his shoulder thingy)
    Mom: "You pervert, grabbing oyur own boobs!"
    Guy: *Stops rearranging*
    Mom's bf: "Oh my god he must have hear you! Haha!"
    Mom's bf: *Immitating guy's voice: "Oh! I am?"

  7. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 11:47pm UTC
    My Aunt: "Do you want a cookie?"
    Me: O.o "Did you seriously just ask that?"

  8. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 9:56pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 9:35pm UTC
    (In Grown Ups)
    *Guy drives car into parking lot*
    Adam Sandler: "I see you drove your piggy bank here."
    I <3 1D

  10. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 9:25pm UTC
    Name: Bailey
    Age: 13
    Birthdate: April 6
    What Was Your:
    1. Last beverage - Apple Juice
    2. Last phone call - To my father
    3. Last song listened to - Kiss you by One Direction
    4. Last time you cried - Yesterday
    5. Last person you texted - Meghan S.
    Have You Ever:
    6. Dated someone twice - Only ever had one bf, so no.
    7. Been cheated on - Haha refer to last question for answer
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it - I suppose not
    9. Lost someone special - Yes, she was very special to me
    10. Been depressed - Hells yes!
    11. Been drunk and threw up - Ah no, I've never been drunk
    List Three Favorite Colors:
    Within the last year, Have You:
    15. Made a new friend - Yes
    16. Fallen in love - Yes
    17. Laughed until you cried - Yes
    18. Met someone who changed you - Yes
    19. Found out who your true friends were - Yes, just in the past few days...........
    20. Found out someone was talking about you - YES!
    21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list - Haha, no.
    22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life - I don't friend anyone unless I know them in real life.
    23. Fav. food? - Red velvet cupcakes
    24. Do you have any pets - 4 cats, 1 bunny, 1 dog, and I suppose me and my grandma R. share the horses on her farm.
    25. Do you want to change your name - Yes, first and last name
    26. What did you do for your last birthday - I had a pool party/ sleepover at a hotel
    27. What time did you wake up today - around 11:00 A.M. because it's a Saturday
    28.What were you doing at midnight last night - sleeping..........
    29. Name something you CANNOT wait for - When I turn 14 because Niall thinks that 12 to 13 year old perverted fans are scary.
    30. Last time you saw your Mother - 0.00000000000000 seconds ago when I glanced over my shoulder.
    31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life - My weight
    32. What are you listening to right now - Actually I'm watching Grown Ups while simultaniously listening to Little Things
    33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? - Yes, there is a guy in my grade named Thomas.
    34. What's getting on your nerves right now - My supposed 'friends'
    35. Most visited webpage - Witty of Wattpad
    36. Nicknames - When I was little my grandma called my munchkin
    37. Relationship Status - In love with a celebrity who doesn't even know I exist.
    38. Eye color - green/brown, it depends on the lighitng
    39. Zodiac sign - Aries
    40. Male or Female - Female
    41. Elementary -Auburndale Elementary
    42. Highschool - Auburndale Middle/ Senior High School
    43. College - I haven't really decided but definitely somewhere for nursing
    44. Hair color - Blondish Brown and I used to have pink tips.
    45. long or short - long
    46. Height -5'5"
    47. Do you have a crush on someone? - Haha, yes.
    48. What do you like about yourself? - My hair, sometimes.
    49. Piercings - Two on each ear
    50. Tattoos - Umm I want a tattoo so I put fake ones on my wrist everyday
    51. Righty or lefty - Righty.........
    52. First surgery - Never had surgery but I was hospitalized a lot as a child because I had really bad asthma and had attacks everyday.
    53. First piercing - My ears when I was 2.
    54. First best friend - Meghan D. when I was 3.
    55. First sport you joined - Haha, cheerleading.
    56. First vacation - To Florida when I was 6.
    57. First pet - I had three turtles when I was two that my neighbor caught for me.
    58. First pair of trainers - WTF are those?!
    Right Now:
    59. Eating - Asian Hamburger Helper with hamburger instead of chicken.
    60. Drinking - Milk
    61. I'm about to - Answer the next question.
    62. Listening to - Like I said b4 Little Things..........
    63. Waiting for - Tommorow?
    Your Future:
    64. Want kids? - Yes.
    65. Get married? - Definitely.
    66. Career? - Nurse.
    Which Is Better:
    67. Lips or eyes - Eyes.
    68. Hugs or kisses -Hugs.
    69. Shorter or taller - Just a bit taller than me, like Niall. Haha.
    70. Older or Younger - My age.
    71. Romantic or spontaneous - Both.
    72.stomach or nice arms - Personality.
    73.Sensitive or loud - Both.
    74. Hook-up or relationship - Relationship
    75. Trouble maker or hesitant - A little bit of both.
    Have You Ever :
    76. Kissed a stranger - Umm no, I was dating the guy for like a week.
    77. Drank hard liquor - Yes, but have never been drunk might I point out.
    78. Lost glasses/contacts - More times than Ican count........ (:
    80. Broke someone's heart - Idk.
    81. Had your own heart broken - If you mean when Niall didn't automatically sweep me into his arms after I declared my love for him to my friends even tough he was an ocean away, then yes.
    82. Been arrested - Haha, no.
    83. Turned someone down - Yes, when I guy asked me out as a joke, it wasn't funny to me.
    84. Cried when someone died - Hells yes!
    85. Fallen for a friend - No.
    Do You Believe In:
    86. Yourself - Haha maybe.
    87. Miracles - I belive inChristmas miracles! jkjk.No.
    88. Love at first sight - No.
    89. Heaven - No.
    90. Santa Claus - No. I learned when I was six that parents lie. ):
    91. Kiss on the first date - Depends on how the day went
    92. Angels - No, unless you count Niall Horan.
    Do you Wish:
    93. You could switch schools? - Not before becasue the last time I switched schools i was bullied but now maybe because what people from my current school have said, and my bff moved to a different school.
    94. You could change positions with someone for a day? - Hells Yes!
    95. You were in love right now? - I am in love................. With Niall Horan (:
    96.That you were in a different Country? - Maybe England because 1D live there.
    97.Which is better Blonds or Brunnetts? - Either.
    98.If you could go back in time, how far would you go? - to liek 1800 so I can see what it was like.
    99. Afraid to fall in love? - Yes, with some one I know, otherwise if it's a celebrity I'm okay wiht it because I already know it is pointless and wont get let down
    100. Are you going to publish the 100 Truths? - Yeah! Why else would I take the time to fill it out?
    (BTW I took this quiz/survey/thingy from JustAnotherWittyGuy's profile because I am bored)

  11. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 8:05pm UTC
    So me and my mom were sitting in the living room and I was at the computer on guess what?
    She was talking to me and then she realized I wasn't listening.
    So then she said: "You know what? I could fart, light it on fire, make the couch go up in flames, and you still wouldn't notice.
    So then I was like: "Huh?"
    I <3 1D

  12. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 7:51pm UTC
    I hate when people steal my quotes and get more favorites than me just because they are more popular.
    I <3 1D

  13. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 1:08pm UTC
    The mini heart attack you have when you leave something metal in the microwave and it looks like there is a lightning storm going on in there.
    I <3 1D

  14. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 1:06pm UTC
    He broke her heart, she broke his X-box.
    I think we know who cried harder.
    I <3 1D

  15. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 1:03pm UTC
    The two things I wish I could clone:
    Niall Horan & Food.
    I <3 1D

  16. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 12:56pm UTC
    Some people say that the only four letter word they need is Love.
    I only need two four letter words: Food & Wifi.
    I <3 1D

  17. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 12:39pm UTC
    Who else gets excited when they see the toy section in a christmas magazine?
    I <3 1D

  18. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 12:37pm UTC
    2012: "Cool story bro, tell it again."
    1800: "That was a magnificent tale bretheren, shalst you please repeat it?"

  19. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 11:48am UTC
    Niall *To Louis*: "But I want Nandos mommy!" *Hugs Louis*
    Louis *To Zayn*: "Honey, give him the money for Nandos."
    Zayn *Mumbling to himself as he counts out money.*: "Let's have kids he said. It will be fun he said."
    I <3 1D

  20. HashtagWhoreo* HashtagWhoreo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 11:32am UTC
    Complaining about being fat as I eat a cupcake.
    Contradicting myself tastes sooooooo good.
    I <3 1D


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