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Member Since: 30 Jan 2010 09:15am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 99862

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Name: Bria
Age: 14
I like to write quotes.. All my quotes i come up with
by myself.  I dont think im that good at it But leave me comments and give me ideas. I usually look at quotes and it gives me idea. Follow me. Dont follow me.do whatever that floats your boat because i just do it to vent.. kbye .

  1. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2010 3:50pm UTC
    Who here lives in Rhode Island
    the smallest state..
    but you think its the biggest place when
    your little but now its the smallest place now
    favorite it if yor live in rhode is-land :]

  2. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2010 5:05pm UTC
    You cant spell heart without
    he is our life
    even when were not his

  3. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2010 7:52pm UTC
    Imma be the type of parent
    When people ask ohh how old is your kid?
    imma say 69 seconds for 69 seconds
    imma say 69 minutes when its 69 minutes
    imma say 69 hours when its 69 hours
    Imma say 69 days when its 69 days
    imma say 69 months when its 69 months
    im gonna make sure my kid knows about 69 cuz if not
    huston we have a problem

  4. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2010 3:24pm UTC
    Sometimes you have to be strong when you love someone
    when they leave your life.
    you will be different.
    make sure you tell the person you love before its to late
    remember itt might be the last time you talking to them..

  5. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2010 9:34am UTC
    I didnt chose to fall in love wit you.
    my heart did. and i follw because babe idont want another broken heartt
    beacusee these 3 words melt my heart when you say them
    because babe your my everything i ever wanted.
    babe i can promise you one thing
    ill loved you before
    ilove you now
    and forever
    -minee no jockin
    clicckk the <3
    thank you[:

  6. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2010 3:21pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2010 5:35pm UTC
    Babe im fallin for you.
    I hope you fall for me to
    Wanna know why?
    Because we can catch each other
    Then we be soaring babe.
    Sky high nothing going to bring us down
    Our love will be to much to handel
    People be staring at us
    Because babe i got the best thing in the world...
    -mine no jockin'

  8. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2010 5:43pm UTC
    Girl: what does my boyfriend see in me?
    boy: cute funny. nice caring beautiful
    girl:why do you only see this and no one else
    boy: im the only one who took time to see ur beauty
    girl: your craking up
    boy: no im telling the truth ur amazin
    girl: thanks but no one cares about me.
    boy: I DOO!.
    girl: your the only one who does
    boy: im the only one that matters
    girl: yea your just amazing
    boy: no. you are
    girl: nope. diss agree not agree wit me
    boy: fine but ithink ur not beautifull
    girl: why did you say it
    boy: i think your beyond it
    girl: aw iloveyou
    boy: iloveyou to.
    -the girl is me. ha. true story :] HELL YEAH.

  9. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2010 4:09pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2010 4:07pm UTC
    I just want a..
    -trust worthy
    Guy is that to much to ask
    - major ventationg :p
    favooor if yoou agree[:

  11. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2010 3:52pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2010 6:55am UTC
    Girl: I have to tell you something...
    Boy: Tell me what.
    Girl: Well i really dont know how to explin it..
    Boy: Give it your best I have to tell you something to.
    Girl: Well.. I uh kinda fell
    Boy: I feel the same. Babe iLoveyou
    Girl: Really?
    Boy: Yeah its going to be me and you forever. your going to be rocking my last name.[;
    Girl: Aww its going to be me and you babe forever no matter what
    -wouldnt it be nice if it could end like that
    sorry to lazy to make it pretttyy
    but favor is you ever wished it could happen like this

  13. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2010 9:29pm UTC
    If I had a penny for everytime I wish I
    was yours I be a millioniare. Wait no
    more like when im rich you finally
    will come around because i finally
    have something you want but guess
    what. im going to slam the door in
    your face and tell me how it feels.
    But take it from my point of view
    of how much you messed with
    my heart. Babe your just an
    idiot with a cute face. But
    i won't fall for it your just
    a stupid boy that i fell in
    love with.

  14. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2010 4:10pm UTC
    Have you ever just wanted to scream and shout about
    the certain p e r s o n you cant go a day with out thinking
    about. or cant stop day dreaming about them. or even
    saying that your going to be the girl of their dreams
    then they get a girlfriend. and jus leave you there
    staring and standing there along like an idiot.
    or even thought that you guys had something .
    but he chose h e r over you. it jus makes you
    want to go hide and not face anyone because.
    you finally thought you found the once. but
    ends up he just another guy that makes a
    girl's mascara run with out stoping and makes
    her heart just stop when he looks at her with his
    cute almond brown eyes and his curly brown hair .
    it just hurts that hes not the boy thats going to be your
    prince in your fairy tale. and you acutally thought..
    -venting sorry..

  15. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2010 9:39am UTC
    kissing test
    1.hold you breath
    2.click add a quote
    3. copy, paste, and change the color of "kissing test"
    4. add this quote
    5.good now ,if you did it without breathing you are a good kisser or your comuter is fast

  16. baaamx95 baaamx95
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2010 9:31am UTC
    I tell you iLoveyou you say it back.
    Simple right? Your wrong we actually
    wounder if you mean it. When we have
    a broken heart your going to have a broken
    face by her friends. don't say it unless you mean
    it. Because shes head over heels in love with you


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