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Member Since: 13 Feb 2011 01:01pm

Last Seen: 5 Sep 2011 01:00am

user id: 152900

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Follow>>>>aslongasthesunstillshines.tumblr.com hey the name’s sydney but most people just call me syd. im just like every other 14 year old. i'm going into 9th grade. i loved middle school but i also can't wait for high school. my lifes pretty great right now, but also crazy. i'm single and always have been, i'm just another girl who loves a boy that will never like her like that. the internet is basically my life, i love witty and facebook and tumblr. i love my friends, a lot. i couldn't live without them. somehow whenever i go on the computer i end up on witty. i love my ipod to death, music is my life. one of my favorite quotes by one of my friends (well actually we’re not friends anymore) is this: she's beautiful, but she'll never admit it. music is her life, literally. ask her for 1 good song, she'll give you 5. jeans and t-shirts are her trademark she is afraid of the dark. and obsessed with the internet. when she smiles, her whole face lights up. and her hearts been broken by a guy who doesnt love her anymore. but you know what? she does care. basically my life in a nutshell. i love the colors blue and lime green, the colors of my room. i always have got a pack of gum with me, and thats what people know me for. i love the water, i could live in it. like a fish. maybe that's why i'm a swimmer. i also play lacrosse. my teams pretty beast. we've gone undefeated for the past three years. i am loving summer 2011. i can give advice to basically anyone but i can't take it for myself. i'm very book smart and kind of quiet, unless i'm around my friends of course. give me sugar and i will go insane. i'm not much of a people person and if i don't know you that well i'll be kind of awkward to talk to. my favorite kind of milkshake is banana. i love bananas with a passion. i also really enjoy sharpies and duct tape, and writing on duct tape with sharpies. haha just kidding. i have braces but i'm hopefully getting them off in a month. if i have nothing to say to you, i won't say anything. i've been told that i'm a good writer but i can't believe it. i'm too much of a perfectionist. i love to paint, with oil color. my room is filled with trophies from random sports i have done. and my walls are covered with the pictures i have painted. heres a quote to describe my best friend miranda: i couldn’t tell you why we are best friends, because you wouldn’t understand. the explanation is full of too many inside jokes and made up words. its full of too much care and too many tears, too many laughs and too many blonde moments. i don’t think i will ever be able to give you a better reason except. shes always been there. yeah so that's pretty much me described in a paragraph, and a long one at that. if you witty girls have any questions, feel free to ask away. k thanks. Bye

I just wanna say thanks
cause your hate is what gave me this strength. -Eminem♥

  1. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2011 10:36am UTC
    every finish
    is the beginning
    .·´¯`·×» of a new race.

  2. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2011 10:30am UTC
    everyone reaches their breaking point
    just some sooner than others.

  3. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2011 10:13am UTC
    scars remind us where we've been
    they don't have to dictate where we're going.

  4. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 9:13am UTC
    you have to lose everything
    in order to find out
    who you really are.

  5. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 11:00pm UTC
    and what if
    you were given a second chance at the life you were meant to live?

  6. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 10:54pm UTC
    well i finally got that hug from you,.
    but the truth is,
    i lost a few things along the way; some best friends, and i made some not so great friends. i met a lot of new people and the truth is... it wasn't really worth the wait. because i don't, i can't think of you the same anymore.

  7. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 10:47pm UTC
    you had a lot of crooks
    try and steal you heart. never really had luck couldn't really figure out how to love

  8. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 10:33pm UTC
    i almost fell into that hole in you r life,
    and you're not thinking about tomorrow because you're the same as me but on your knees
    -not mine

  9. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 10:25pm UTC
    ha well you're
    nothing lost
    to me.
    layout credit to b1air
    -not my format-

  10. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 10:21pm UTC
    i can't do this
    anymore being second best
    to the ones
    that i hate. just know
    if you come
    you were the one that pushed me away.

  11. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2011 10:39pm UTC
    these days
    i can't even listen to that song anymore,
    .·´¯`·×» because it reminds me of you.

  12. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2011 10:23pm UTC

  13. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2011 4:33pm UTC
    One day you will see
    who you were meant to be,
    and all those people who left halfway through,
    won't mean a thing to you.
    not my format.

  14. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 10:42pm UTC
    & she wanted to relive
    those few hours over and over again. ♥

  15. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 7:42pm UTC
    so what if i like you?
    don't you know you've had me smiling from the ;

  16. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 7:32pm UTC
    do you see what you did to her?
    [you made her smile again]. but now you're gone it's okay though because nowadays
    her smile shines for a different boy. ♥

  17. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 5:21pm UTC
    you have no idea how absolutely insane
    you make me go.

  18. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 5:14pm UTC
    and that was the day,
    that you fell asleep on my shoulder. ♥

  19. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2011 10:46pm UTC
    so tell me;;
    is it really that wrong
    t o l i k e y o u ?

  20. aslongasthesunstillshines__x aslongasthesunstillshines__x
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2011 8:13pm UTC
    her blue eyes say
    everything her mouth never could. ♥


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