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Member Since: 23 Jan 2011 07:03pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 148600

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Ello, my name is Ashley(: I'm 14 years old and am in 9th grade. I really try to get on witty when I can but lately I haven't I dunno why I just haven't been on. My old account is ashleybellax3 and I may go back on that one and I may  not but whatever...

I get some of my quotes from Faceook and Tumblr so if you have seen them before don't be bitchin like "OMG UR A JOCKER" because that makes you sound like a dumbass. Anyone can use the Facebook/Tumblr stuff so if youre gonna say that shit just GTFO. KTHANKS. This quote is made by DisasterLayouts so dont bother asking me that because I probs wont answer just because it's already in here. So yup. Uhmmmm my other account is ashleybellax3 without the two y's so check that out I just decided to not go on that one anymore I really don't know why. I just didn't want to so dont ask.  That account has a few quotes so like if you want but I really don't care at all. And do NOT ask me questions on that one. I won't answer.

Jockers and Such...
Mkay so trolls and jockers PISS ME OFF. If you go to me and say you jocked this well guess what I dont jock so its not. Just because someone else used a saying in their quote doesnt mean they created it. If someone has the EXACT same quote format and all and they say it's all theirs then yes they JOCKED. SO dont bitch to people obout "That's my quote." If it was on Facebook its not their quote so yeah NO. Oh yeah and trolls need to get fucking lives and GTFO like go away and dont come back and go outside and make frieds. KTHATSIT.

My views...
My views are very strong on certian topics. If I ever state my beliefs in a quote I will not fight with people about them. Now I will say the beliefs I get in trouble for the most I do not think marrige is necessary and I believe in homosexuality... I will not change my views and you can't make me so don't even attempt to beause you will fail.




  1. ashleyybellax3 ashleyybellax3
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2011 7:23am UTC
    Mom can I please get that shirt?
    Why not?? :(
    Because I said so.
    Why did you say so?
    Because I did.
    Mom how the hell is that answer?
    Because it is.
    ....I'm asking dad.

  2. ashleyybellax3 ashleyybellax3
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2011 6:32pm UTC
    I feel like I'm the only 15 year old who still cries when I leave
    Disney World

  3. ashleyybellax3 ashleyybellax3
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2011 6:20pm UTC
    .Looks a lot like my living room.

  4. ashleyybellax3 ashleyybellax3
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2011 8:06pm UTC
    For the love of a daughter ♥

  5. ashleyybellax3 ashleyybellax3
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2011 7:40pm UTC
    When I was 6 I had an imaginary
    Duck named Gilbert.
    My mom said we played jump rope together
    I have no idea how the hell that worked out.


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