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Member Since: 24 Dec 2011 09:54am

Last Seen: 12 Feb 2012 02:12pm

user id: 254921

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Hiii, I'm Anjali. I'm Indian and I'm proud to be one. I'm a hard core Harry Potter fan. I plan to marry both Justin Beiber and Rupert Grint. I'm totally in love with Animals. I have two dogs and they are all I could ask for. I'm gonna be a vet when I grow up. Being Indian does not mean that I'm into religion and stuff cos I dont believe in that shit. I feel that if there was a higher power, it would treat everybody equally. Considering how much I've gone through in my life, I feel if there was a god, he isnt really fair to me. I'm 14 and I've seen more life than people who live to be hundred. But forget the bullshit. I'm a really fun person. I believe you live only once, so why should we think about anything twice? I burst into laughter about things that happened yesterday.I dance around my house when no one is home.I am sarcastic and indecisive. I sing in the shower. I always get into trouble for no apparent reason, I love too paarty, I dont get a word of what's written in my textbooks but I love to read novelss. Music is my life and I play the guitar. I lovee to play basketball as well. Friendss make my world worth living and all of those assholes are everything for me.i’m always a mess. i can never keep my own secrets.
I've been into Witty for over an year now but I never really made an account. I finally decided to give it a shot and I'm really glad. And if you read the whole thing, you're beautiful and I'd be more than glad to talk to you. Have fun. XOXO

People who know me think I am AWESOME and let's face it, James Blunt thinks I am beautiful. ;)
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  1. anji97xx anji97xx
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 2:51am UTC
    Being depressed is nothing to be ashamed of
    (please read, long but worth reading)
    I have depression for a long time and you can't say that I am proud of it but that does not mean it interrupts in my will to live... Yes, I am suicidal and I am not proud of that either. I have tried to die thrice and I've learnt one thing from it, I am not meant to die right now.The 2 times I ate something poisonous was okay but very few people are lucky enough to survive a fall from the 4th floor. I came out with five fractures and it's been three months and I still can't walk properly. I am still recovering and the time I was bed ridden, I learned to appreciate everything around me. My mom, my brother, my friends, my dog, everyone. I realized who was true to me and who was fake. The time I was bed ridden, I learnt more than I had in my 14 year long life. I have also realized that nothing lasts forever and it really isnt in your hands how you die. What's in your hands is how you live and you should make every moment worth while. I still wish I hadnt tried to commit suicide but the lessons I learnt were worth my sacrifice. Life is beautiful and appreciate it while you have it. It would be snatched away from you when you want it most. Please favorite if you're against suicide.♥

  2. anji97xx anji97xx
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 12:29am UTC
    Harry Potter fact #2
    J.K. Rowling named a character in the Goblet of Fire after a nine-year-old Canadian fan who was dying of leukemia.

  3. anji97xx anji97xx
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 1:34pm UTC
    Kiss me underneath the mistletoe,
    Show me baby that you love me so.
    format: h0peful

  4. anji97xx anji97xx
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 12:27pm UTC
    J. K. Rowling loosely based Hermione at age eleven on herself at the same age. Pansy Parkinson was based on girls that teased her at school.


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