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anilevex3lisavhappy witty anniversary!


Member Since: 13 May 2011 03:54pm

Last Seen: 23 Mar 2021 02:50am

Birthday: October 20

Gender: F

user id: 173824

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  1. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2021 3:29am UTC
    somehow i randomly remembered this website and came on here to read some of the old stuff i had posted, and boy oh boy 😅 this was basically my online diary 😂 happy to report that I'm happily married to my best friend (going on 3 years now) and we have 2 beautiful babies & i can't wait to have more with this wonderful man ❤ my childhood (bc that's really what it is, i was 13, i was a kid) love is engaged to his girlfriend of what seems forever (plot twist, she's the one he cheated on me with) but no hard feelings bc homeboy had a glow down and i got my prince charming and my beautiful babies ❤❤❤

  2. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2014 11:13pm UTC
    and of course she got you. she got you while we were still dating, why wouldn't she get you after?
    and now you're with her, and i'm here, alone, stuck on you.
    and now she's the one making you laugh and smile, and i'm here, alone, with tears in my eyes.
    because no matter how hard i try, you just don't seem to realize-
    i still love you.

  3. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2013 11:08am UTC
    right from the start you were a theif, you stole my heart.

  4. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2013 11:05am UTC
    i miss him like crazy. i thought i was over him, and then everything came back and i couldn't stop the feelings. but what hurts the most is that he's picking her over me. he told me that as soon as i wanted to get back together, he'd be here waiting. so where is he now?

  5. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 2:20pm UTC
    Going back and rereading all my old quotes about you made me realize how much I miss us and what we had.

  6. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 2:11pm UTC
    Wow, I haven't been on here in forever, but I need to vent. So I'm happy Kris is moving on, but I'm also kind of upset I guess. Just thinking about all the stuff we did, all the good and bad times, and all the memories. I guess I'm just upset he'll do everything we did, with her. I'm afraid he'll forget about me, and completely replace me. Oh wow, I didn't realize I cared so much about this.. I'm just so upset what we had is over. He was an AMAZING guy, and I wouldn't trade the one year and one month I spent with him for anything in the world. But I guess since we won't work, we've got to go our seperate ways and just try to be happy. I still love and care about him just as much as I did since day one, and that'll never change. I'm not showing that this is hurting me because I'm happy that he finally found someone else, and I don't want him to feel bad. Well I just hope all goes well for him and this girl can make him happier that I did..

  7. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 3:25pm UTC
    30 Day Self-harm challenge
    1. How long have you been self harming? Discuss why you started.
    2. What part of your body is most affected by it? 

    3. What is your motivation to recover? 

    4. Do you consider yourself “addicted”? why or why not? 

    5. What part of self harm do you dislike the most? 

    6. What about it do you enjoy?

    7. list 10 activities that help you calm down.

    8. What the most supportive thing anyone has said to you about self harm?
    9. Have you ever taken pictures of your wounds? Discuss.

    10. How do you feel about your scars?

    11. Strangest place (school, park, etc) you’ve ever injured yourself?

    12. Where do you keep your ‘tools’? (Your room, in a box, disposed of them?)
    13. What is the biggest realization about self harm you’ve had?

    14. Is there anyone you consider to be an inspiration in your recovery?
    15. Do you visit any websites about self harm? If so, what are they?

    16. What advice would you give to someone about self harm?

    17. Do you know anyone else who injures themselves? 

    18. Write a letter to the future (recovered) you.
    19. List 3 reasons that recovery is worth it.

    20. What is the most vivid memory you have of self harm.

    21. Have you tried to stop in the past? What are you doing differently this time?
    22. Where do you feel the most calm?
    23. What is your favorite inspirational quote?

    24. What are some of your main triggers? Why? 

    25. Do you know any statistics about self harm?

    26. What is something that makes you the most happy?

    27. Discuss any and all progress you have made.

    28. What short-term goals do you have?

    29. Do you follow any self-harm blogs?

    30. Post your favorite picture of yourself and write a positive message to look back on.
    6. What about it do you enjoy?

    The relief it gives me.

  8. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:42pm UTC
    I just lost my bestfriend.
    because of my cutting.

  9. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2012 2:58pm UTC
    30 Day Self-harm challenge
    1. How long have you been self harming? Discuss why you started.
    2. What part of your body is most affected by it? 

    3. What is your motivation to recover? 

    4. Do you consider yourself “addicted”? why or why not? 

    5. What part of self harm do you dislike the most? 

    6. What about it do you enjoy?

    7. list 10 activities that help you calm down.

    8. What the most supportive thing anyone has said to you about self harm?
    9. Have you ever taken pictures of your wounds? Discuss.

    10. How do you feel about your scars?

    11. Strangest place (school, park, etc) you’ve ever injured yourself?

    12. Where do you keep your ‘tools’? (Your room, in a box, disposed of them?)
    13. What is the biggest realization about self harm you’ve had?

    14. Is there anyone you consider to be an inspiration in your recovery?
    15. Do you visit any websites about self harm? If so, what are they?

    16. What advice would you give to someone about self harm?

    17. Do you know anyone else who injures themselves? 

    18. Write a letter to the future (recovered) you.
    19. List 3 reasons that recovery is worth it.

    20. What is the most vivid memory you have of self harm.

    21. Have you tried to stop in the past? What are you doing differently this time?
    22. Where do you feel the most calm?
    23. What is your favorite inspirational quote?

    24. What are some of your main triggers? Why? 

    25. Do you know any statistics about self harm?

    26. What is something that makes you the most happy?

    27. Discuss any and all progress you have made.

    28. What short-term goals do you have?

    29. Do you follow any self-harm blogs?

    30. Post your favorite picture of yourself and write a positive message to look back on.
    5. What part of self harm do you dislike the most? 

    The scars, and the fact that it disappoints my boyfriend and best friend and it hurts them.

  10. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2012 4:11pm UTC
    30 Day Self-harm challenge
    1. How long have you been self harming? Discuss why you started.
    2. What part of your body is most affected by it? 

    3. What is your motivation to recover? 

    4. Do you consider yourself “addicted”? why or why not? 

    5. What part of self harm do you dislike the most? 

    6. What about it do you enjoy?

    7. list 10 activities that help you calm down.

    8. What the most supportive thing anyone has said to you about self harm?
    9. Have you ever taken pictures of your wounds? Discuss.

    10. How do you feel about your scars?

    11. Strangest place (school, park, etc) you’ve ever injured yourself?

    12. Where do you keep your ‘tools’? (Your room, in a box, disposed of them?)
    13. What is the biggest realization about self harm you’ve had?

    14. Is there anyone you consider to be an inspiration in your recovery?
    15. Do you visit any websites about self harm? If so, what are they?

    16. What advice would you give to someone about self harm?

    17. Do you know anyone else who injures themselves? 

    18. Write a letter to the future (recovered) you.
    19. List 3 reasons that recovery is worth it.

    20. What is the most vivid memory you have of self harm.

    21. Have you tried to stop in the past? What are you doing differently this time?
    22. Where do you feel the most calm?
    23. What is your favorite inspirational quote?

    24. What are some of your main triggers? Why? 

    25. Do you know any statistics about self harm?

    26. What is something that makes you the most happy?

    27. Discuss any and all progress you have made.

    28. What short-term goals do you have?

    29. Do you follow any self-harm blogs?

    30. Post your favorite picture of yourself and write a positive message to look back on.
    4. Do you consider yourself “addicted”? why or why not? 

    well kind of, because I cut a lot, and over everything randomly. its like i crave it.

  11. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2012 11:07am UTC
    30 Day Self-harm challenge
    1. How long have you been self harming? Discuss why you started.
    2. What part of your body is most affected by it? 

    3. What is your motivation to recover? 

    4. Do you consider yourself “addicted”? why or why not? 

    5. What part of self harm do you dislike the most? 

    6. What about it do you enjoy?

    7. list 10 activities that help you calm down.

    8. What the most supportive thing anyone has said to you about self harm?
    9. Have you ever taken pictures of your wounds? Discuss.

    10. How do you feel about your scars?

    11. Strangest place (school, park, etc) you’ve ever injured yourself?

    12. Where do you keep your ‘tools’? (Your room, in a box, disposed of them?)
    13. What is the biggest realization about self harm you’ve had?

    14. Is there anyone you consider to be an inspiration in your recovery?
    15. Do you visit any websites about self harm? If so, what are they?

    16. What advice would you give to someone about self harm?

    17. Do you know anyone else who injures themselves? 

    18. Write a letter to the future (recovered) you.
    19. List 3 reasons that recovery is worth it.

    20. What is the most vivid memory you have of self harm.

    21. Have you tried to stop in the past? What are you doing differently this time?
    22. Where do you feel the most calm?
    23. What is your favorite inspirational quote?

    24. What are some of your main triggers? Why? 

    25. Do you know any statistics about self harm?

    26. What is something that makes you the most happy?

    27. Discuss any and all progress you have made.

    28. What short-term goals do you have?

    29. Do you follow any self-harm blogs?

    30. Post your favorite picture of yourself and write a positive message to look back on.
    3. What is your motivation to recover?
    My boyfriend and bestfriend.

  12. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2012 2:27pm UTC
    30 Day Self-harm challenge
    1. How long have you been self harming? Discuss why you started.
    2. What part of your body is most affected by it? 

    3. What is your motivation to recover? 

    4. Do you consider yourself “addicted”? why or why not? 

    5. What part of self harm do you dislike the most? 

    6. What about it do you enjoy?

    7. list 10 activities that help you calm down.

    8. What the most supportive thing anyone has said to you about self harm?
    9. Have you ever taken pictures of your wounds? Discuss.

    10. How do you feel about your scars?

    11. Strangest place (school, park, etc) you’ve ever injured yourself?

    12. Where do you keep your ‘tools’? (Your room, in a box, disposed of them?)
    13. What is the biggest realization about self harm you’ve had?

    14. Is there anyone you consider to be an inspiration in your recovery?
    15. Do you visit any websites about self harm? If so, what are they?

    16. What advice would you give to someone about self harm?

    17. Do you know anyone else who injures themselves? 

    18. Write a letter to the future (recovered) you.
    19. List 3 reasons that recovery is worth it.

    20. What is the most vivid memory you have of self harm.

    21. Have you tried to stop in the past? What are you doing differently this time?
    22. Where do you feel the most calm?
    23. What is your favorite inspirational quote?

    24. What are some of your main triggers? Why? 

    25. Do you know any statistics about self harm?

    26. What is something that makes you the most happy?

    27. Discuss any and all progress you have made.

    28. What short-term goals do you have?

    29. Do you follow any self-harm blogs?

    30. Post your favorite picture of yourself and write a positive message to look back on.
    2. What part of your body is most affected by it?
    My left wrist, and my right thigh.

  13. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2012 2:25pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2012 2:00pm UTC
    Being cheated on sucks.

  15. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2012 2:28pm UTC
    time to vent.
    so, my one cousin, she's been like a sister to me, but recently she stabbed me in the back, and we drifited. okay, so, she was talking to this one kid at the begining of last summer, Kris, and she introduced me to him. as soon as i met him, i knew there was something special about him. they stopped talking towards the end of summer. she told me she had no feelings left for him, and he didnt have feelings for her either. me and him started talking just as friends, and eventually it grew to more than a friendship. we flirted, and before i knew it, he told me he had feelings for me, and so did i, then we started dating. the worst was telling my cousin about this. she got so mad at me. she accused me of "taking" him from her. she wouldnt talk to me for a month. i dont think she had the right to get mad at me because she told me she didnt like him anymore. anyway, i couldnt tell my mom about him because i knew she wouldnt let me date him cuz i'm bulgarian and muslim and hes american and chrisitan, and my mom wants me to date a bulgarian whos also muslim. and my cousin knew that. the one day, i told my mom i was going to my friends house, but she didnt know he was coming over too. my friend lives down the street from me and you could see her house from my porch. when it was time for me to go home, he was leaving too and we kissed outside. when i got home, my mom told me she saw. i knew someone had to tell her to go outside because she never goes on the porch while i'm coming home. i got grounded and she tried to make me break up with him, but it didn't work. we still dated. and my being stupid, i thought i could trust my cousin, so of course i told her. Kris and i saw eachother a couple more times. the one time, he came over, and no one knew about it except for my cousin and my bestfriend who was at my house with us. a couple days later my mom tells me she knows he was over. i knew it wasnt my bestfriend who told cuz why would she also rat herself out? i put all the clues together and realized it was my cousin. i knew it was her because all the other times me and him hung out and i didnt tell her, my mom never found out, but the times i told her, my mom somehow found out. i asked her if it was her telling my mom but she denied it. well of course she would. now everytime we hang out she always asks me about him. about whether or not i still talk to him, if we've hung out lately and stuff like that. i know better than to tell her the truth. what really kills me is the fact that she stabbed me in the back. i trusted her with everything. with all my problems. with all my fears. i told her about me cutting, and im pretty sure she told my mom about that too. do any of you guys know how bad it hurts to get stabbed in the back by the one person you thought you could trust? the one person you least expected it from? things will never be the same for me and her. ever. i will never be able to forgive her. i may act okay, and pretend i forgive her, but i dont. and i never will. she broke my trust, theres no way she will ever have it again. if you read all of this, thank you. <3 it means a lot to me, i've had this on my chest for a while now, and it feels good to get it all out.

  16. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2012 3:14pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2012 3:02pm UTC
    Thirty-two secrets. Be honest
    no matter what.
    One -
    Where was your profile pic taken? baby shower.
    Two -
    Are you being honest? yes
    Have you ever lost a close friend? yeah.
    Four -
    What is your current mood? sickkk.
    Whats your brother’s name? hassan.
    Six -
    Where do you wish you were right now? in his arms ♥
    Seven -
    Have a crazy side? oh yeah.
    Eight -
    Ever had a near death experience? yes.
    Nine -
    Something you do a lot? text my baby, listen to music, go on tumblr and twitter.
    Ten -
    Angry at anyone? yes.
    Eleven -
    What's the last thing you said to your mom? mkbye
    Twelve -
    When was the last time you cried? last night..
    Is there anyone you would do anything for ? yes, Kristopher.
    What do you think about when you are falling asleep? damn, i love him.
    Do you still have pictures of an ex boyfriend/girlfriend? no.
    What was the last thing in your mouth? candy.
    Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? mom.
    What is your favorite song? just a kiss.
    What are you doing right now? waiting for his soccer practice to finish.
    Twenty -
    Where did you get the top you are wearing? aero.
    Do you enjoy drama? no.
    Twenty two-
    Describe your life in three words? far from perfect
    Twenty three-
    Who are you thinking of right now? my babbbe.
    Twenty four-
    What should you be doing right now? putting clothes away.
    Twenty five-
    What are you listening to? nothing.
    Does it annoy you when PEOPlEzz TAlk likE THiS? yes
    Twenty seven-
    Who was the last person who yelled at you? dad.
    Twenty eight-
    Why were you last sad? dad.
    Twenty nine-
    Do you use smiley faces on the computer? yes.
    Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? yes
    Thirty one-
    Are you happy with life right now? partially.
    Thirty two-
    Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now? eh.

  18. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2012 2:57pm UTC
    30 Day Self-harm challenge
    1. How long have you been self harming? Discuss why you started.
    2. What part of your body is most affected by it? 

    3. What is your motivation to recover? 

    4. Do you consider yourself “addicted”? why or why not? 

    5. What part of self harm do you dislike the most? 

    6. What about it do you enjoy?

    7. list 10 activities that help you calm down.

    8. What the most supportive thing anyone has said to you about self harm?
    9. Have you ever taken pictures of your wounds? Discuss.

    10. How do you feel about your scars?

    11. Strangest place (school, park, etc) you’ve ever injured yourself?

    12. Where do you keep your ‘tools’? (Your room, in a box, disposed of them?)
    13. What is the biggest realization about self harm you’ve had?

    14. Is there anyone you consider to be an inspiration in your recovery?
    15. Do you visit any websites about self harm? If so, what are they?

    16. What advice would you give to someone about self harm?

    17. Do you know anyone else who injures themselves? 

    18. Write a letter to the future (recovered) you.
    19. List 3 reasons that recovery is worth it.

    20. What is the most vivid memory you have of self harm.

    21. Have you tried to stop in the past? What are you doing differently this time?
    22. Where do you feel the most calm?
    23. What is your favorite inspirational quote?

    24. What are some of your main triggers? Why? 

    25. Do you know any statistics about self harm?

    26. What is something that makes you the most happy?

    27. Discuss any and all progress you have made.

    28. What short-term goals do you have?

    29. Do you follow any self-harm blogs?

    30. Post your favorite picture of yourself and write a positive message to look back on.
    1. How long have you been self harming? Discuss why you started.
    I've been self harming since December 2011. I started because I started to get really fed up with my parent's sh*t, mostly my dad. I couldn't take it anymore. It was the only way for my to releive my pain, and it really did work for me, and it still does. I most definetly do not recommend self harming to anyone.

  19. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2012 12:49pm UTC
    I can't get yesterday out of my mind.
    The way you kissed me, so passionately. It really showed me how much you want me. The way you held me, you made me feel so safe. I've never felt safer. The way you looked at me, it gave me butterflies. Those big gorgeous eyes of yours. The way you told me you loved me, gave me chills throughout my whole body. The way you touched me, left my head spinning, gave me goosebumps all over.
    I need you again baby.

  20. anilevex3lisav anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2012 3:10pm UTC
    Baby, this one's for us. <3
    I'm so glad your in my life. So glad you've been here for me so many times. So glad you understand me. So glad you can put a smile on my face any day. So glad you don't judge me. So glad you respect me. So glad you love me for me. So glad you've stopped me from ending my life so many times. We may fight at times, over stupid stuff. And I may get jealous really easily, but it's only because I love you. Because I care about you. Because I've never felt like this before. I've never cared so much about one person before. I've never loved someone so much that it hurt. I care so much about you, never think I don't. I'd be so lost without you. You complete me. You know me better than I know myself. We've been through so much together, but I will never regret the day I met you. The day we first started talking. That was the day everything changed in my life. It was a good change too. It'll be six months next week. I can honestly say these were the best six months of my life. All the pain and suffering I went through to be with you was deffinetly worth it all. Even though this is a hard relationship, I promise you, it will be worth it all in the end. I can say I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. I love you so much. <3 112211.


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