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Member Since: 15 May 2009 06:55pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 76455

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  1. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2010 4:25pm UTC
    Colorguard vs. Cheerleading?
    Stop! When you say b*tchy stuff about the other, it only makes them hate you more, which makes them say more bad stuff which makes you say more bad stuff... It's a never-ending cycle so just stop!
    i'm on colorguard and i have nothing against cheerleaders... until they say b*tchy stuff about colorguard. i have 2 friends who are cheerleaders. one of them used to be on colorguard! now she's a cheerleader but she's still the same girl she was when she was on colorguard. so don't hate someone because of the sport they're involved in. hate them cuz they're a b*tch, but know that not all people on colorguard are b*tches, and not every cheerleader is a b*tch.
    i just needed to get that out there...

  2. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2009 4:28pm UTC
    You know how our grandparents say, "I remember when going to the movies only cost 10 cents." and our response is "Wow that was a long time ago."
    In 50 years, we'll be saying "I remember when Pluto was a planet." and they'll be saying "Wow that was a
    long time ago."

  3. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2009 8:40pm UTC
    And I am proud to say;;;
    I still order from the childrens' menu
    =] =p =D

  4. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2009 7:22pm UTC
    One time I woke up during the war and I only had one hand!
    Grandpa, you have both of your hands. That doesnt make sense.
    -Destery, IDEK 7
    DesandNate on youtube! Watch their videos and subscribe to them! http://www.youtube.com/user/DesandNate

  5. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2009 4:43pm UTC
    When I was younger...
    I thought a serial killer was someone
    who went around stabbing
    bowls of cereal

  6. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2009 7:57pm UTC
    Whenever someone says to you "Go to hell!"
    simply respond,
    "I already went, and I didn't like the way your mom ran things
    so I left."
    hehe. my friend jordain said this todayyy. x]

  7. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2009 4:48pm UTC
    What every guy wants...
    with -oline at the end ♥

  8. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2009 12:00pm UTC
    I want to be famous one day...
    .:Not for the fame:.
    $$Not for the money$$
    But so I can have my own page on wikipedia...
    And then edit it myself

  9. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2009 7:01pm UTC
    When life gives you lemons
    throw them back and say,
    "How do you like me now life?!"
    haha 6/16/09 best day ever! Angie and St ... good timesss... lmfao <3

  10. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2009 7:49pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2009 6:35pm UTC
    What would happen if you put a chameleon in front of a rainbow?
    Would it have a heart attack or something?
    x] haha. gotta love nick

  12. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2009 9:00pm UTC
    They say all good things must come to an end.
    Well, I was really hoping my
    Bag of M&M's
    would be an exception.

  13. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2009 6:39pm UTC
    I know it might sound kinda stupid but I've always wondered...
    Who was the first guy to say "I like boys!"?

  14. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2009 6:04pm UTC
    I didn't see you there...
    Really? I thought you did because we all
    scream like we're going to die
    when we see our friends!
    heheh...my mom bumped into me and screamed and said "i didnt see you there!" so it made me think of this. lol x]

  15. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2009 6:37pm UTC
    &+ Sometimes I get the urge to
    go to the firestation,
    stand right in the middle of the floor,
    and yell,

  16. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2009 6:21pm UTC
    Whoever said nothing is impossible
    has never tried to
    ** slam a revolving door **
    im not jocking. this is 100% MY quote! i heard it from a friend and thought it was funny =]

  17. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2009 2:14pm UTC
    ♥ Twilight ♥
    The books were great
    I was obessesed with it
    It was all I could talk about
    I would punch anyone who trash-talked them
    ** Then the movie came out **
    comment if you agree! the books were awesome but the movie was terrible.

  18. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2009 6:39pm UTC
    ~* Whatever floats your boat *~
    What if I don't want my boat to float?
    What if my boat's filled with people that I hate?
    Then I want my boat to sink!
    ~*I want my boat to sink god dammit!*~

  19. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2009 11:12am UTC
    Friends will tell you when you're acting like a complete idiot
    Best friends tell you when you're acting like a complete idiot, and then join you

  20. angelcent0824 angelcent0824
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2009 6:17pm UTC
    One time I asked Voldemort about The Boy Who Lived
    He said, "Who is he?"
    And I said, "Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived."
    And you know what he said?
    "Harry Potter? Well that's the boy who just wouldn't die!"


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