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Member Since: 24 Dec 2011 09:09pm

Last Seen: 5 Jan 2012 12:50pm

user id: 255139

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Hi guys! Thanks for stopping by(:

My name's Amy, and this is my stories accoount. If you wanna check out my quotes, my account name is acc_1029.

I'm starting out with a non-fiction called "And Then There Were None," but then I'll starts on some romance, 'cause I know that's what you wanna read.

But I assure you, "And Then There Were None" has romance, secrets, and girl trying to discover herself. Maybe you'll be able to relate :)

Anyways, read ahead, and I accept both positive and negative criticism.

Follow for a follow :) Juss wanna get the story out there and get some feedback!
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  1. andthentherewerenone andthentherewerenone
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2012 8:26pm UTC
    a t r u e s t o r y
    I woke up in the morning feeling dull and empty inside. My stomach burned with
    anxiety. After two hours of attempting sleep before it washed over me last night,
    I still woke up three times for an hour each. And on top of that, my parents
    told me that I had to go to school for the full day.
    After hitting snooze five times, I finally dragged myself out of bed
    and slid into the bathroom to look in the mirror.
    After throwing on skinny jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, I decided that my hair
    could go up, and I walked out the door to school.
    In Spanish, I waited for Mark.
    He slid into his seat and started his routine hello's,
    gradually making his way to me, yet skipping right over.
    Spanish was about half over when Mark finally turned to me and smiled
    his big, toothey grin that I loved. My cheeks flushed
    and I smiled back, trying to look casual, yet failing.
    Third hour, speech, was much looked foward to. Mark didn't look at me at
    all again, and I really wanted to see Kevin. He always looked so cheery
    to see me, and it gave me hope.
    I smiled and giggled to myself as he walked in, and he sat down next to
    me and asked how my night was.
    "It was alright," I said. "How was yours?"
    "Fine, but I meant like...how are you feeling?"
    "Oh...I'm alright." I lied.
    I got home that day and slumped down onto the couch.
    "How was your day?" my mom inquired, a little too nicely. She's always asked
    how my day was, but she never sounded like she cared.
    Now that I was back from the hospital, she's been wanting to talk a lot more,
    and it made me feel way too uncomfortable. I hate talking about my feelings.
    "It was great," I mumbled. Really, I had just gotten more work, and my teachers
    expected me to get projects done in two day's time. It all stressed me out.
    "Well that's good," my mom replied. I could tell she looked uncomfortable, too.
    I spent the rest of the day sitting on the couch, watching tv, looking forward
    to going to bed. At 8:00 I finally decided that it was an appropriate
    time to go upstairs. I ditched getting ready, way too unmotivated, and grabbed the
    razorblade instead, and followed the previous night's ritual.

  2. andthentherewerenone andthentherewerenone
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 7:08pm UTC
    a t r u e s t o r y
    By the time lunch came, I couldn't take school anymore. The teachers
    were giving me so much work and barely any time to do it, and I was getting
    tired of telling so many different people why I was gone.
    So, I called my mom and had her pick me up.
    Normally she wouldn't hear of it, but she was starting to understand the fact
    that most times I look fine on the outside, but that doesn't mean I'm not blowing
    up on the inside.
    My parents and I went to Taco Bell, and later I collapsed into my bed, thinking
    about my day.
    Later that night, Josh called. "Hey babe," he said carefully.
    "How was your day?"
    I let out a rough sigh. "Do you really have to ask?"
    "Well, did anyone seem happy to see you back?"
    "Mark did a bit," I said quietly. I knew Josh wasn't too fond of him after he broke
    my heart.
    "Mark? I thought you were over him?" Josh groaned. "I don't want you to get
    hurt. Not again."
    "I won't," I concluded. "Anyways, other than that, my day was pretty upsetting."
    "Why's that?"
    "I swear, it just hit me today that I...comitted suicide and was in a hospital." My
    voice started to shake, and tears began to sting behind my eyelids.
    "Well, yeah, you did," Josh said. He sounded upset.
    Josh and I talked a bit more, and I hung up the phone, still in a bad mood after
    talking to my best friend. After they switched my medication at the hospital,
    I just felt more numb than I was before. It had been fine for the first few days
    that they switched me to Zoloft, but now I'm just back to where I was
    before. Walking around in a daze 24/7, not feeling
    anything. Things that should make me happy just didn't, and things that should
    make me upset didn't either. And the truth is, I'd rather feel pain than
    nothing at all.
    But what can I do to make myself feel again? I briefly wondered myself.
    As thoughts were racing through my head, I walked into the
    bathroom and grabbed my shaving razor and a pair of scissors.
    Sitting down on the toilet, I put the tip of the scissors in between the
    blades of the razor and pushed, being careful to muffle the snap! of the plastic
    around me. The razor blades fell to the floor around me, and I gently pulled up my
    sleeve over my arm. I stared longingly at the healing wounds on my skin as I reached down
    and picked up one of the thin razor blades.
    The last thought I had was "I wish I had taken more pills instead of stopping like
    a coward" and then I pushed the razor blade into my skin and pulled.
    My skin instantly split open and blood started to pour from the cut and onto the floor.
    "That's the deepest a razor blade has ever let me go," I murmured to myself.
    The stinging subsided, but before putting the razor blade down, I did it again.
    And again.
    And again, and again, and again.
    Soon, my wrist was covered in blood, and so were the fingers that were holding the
    razor. I took in a deep breath, and the world around me became clear.
    I smiled to myself, cleaned up the blood, and went to bed.

  3. andthentherewerenone andthentherewerenone
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 11:00pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. andthentherewerenone andthentherewerenone
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 10:20pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. andthentherewerenone andthentherewerenone
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 9:22pm UTC
    First period, Spanish. Walk in quickly, ask the teacher about make-up
    homework, keep your head down, no need to have a conversation with anyone.
    My old friend Sammie sits in front of me, and she took her seat sparingly,
    glancing at the long sleeved shirt shrugged over my shoulder.
    "Hey." She smiled weakly. I could tell that she felt uncomfortable.
    "We missed you."
    "Thanks." I gave a sheepish grin and bowed my head, occasionaly glancing
    at the door for him.
    Him. Sounds stupid, doesn't it? For a 16 year old girl to be in love, I mean.
    Well, I never asked for it to happen, but it did. It happened the beginning of freshman
    year when I walked into class and he saw me and yelled my name.
    Yeah, he's obnoxious, but he's always been so smart, so sure of his feelings,
    so true, so confident.
    But we had a terrible break up after my depression and food eating disorder became
    too much to handle, and we haven't spoken since. 9 months later, you'd think I'd be over
    waiting for him to walk into class. But I did, and I nervously snapped my head back to my
    decoy-- a romance novel-- so he wouldn't tell that I was waitint for him.
    Mark took his seat one row away from me and started talking to his friends. Everyone loves him;
    why can't everyone else love me like that?
    After a few minutes, Mark casually rotated around, saying his daily "hello's" when he spotted
    me. He gave a friendly smile and walked over.
    "Hey," Mark breathed. "Where have you been?"
    Now here was mistake number one. I should have just told him I was sick and left
    it at that. He doesn't care, just tell him...
    "I'd tell you I was sick, but I'd lying." Da mn you! I thought.
    The corner of Mark's lip dipped a bit. "Oh well, where were you then?"
    But at that moment, the teacher yelled at Mark to stop wandering around, so I
    decided to write him a note.
    As the teacher started to write spanish conjugations on the board, I scrawled onto a
    piece of paper "I attempted suicide...It didn't work. I've been in a mental hospital
    for a week."
    I knew it was stupid to think he'd care, but I threw it to him anyways, and watched his
    face as he read. Mark raised his eyebrows at me in response and mouthed "That's a good thing" then
    started to write back a response.
    Spanish droned on, and Mark was yelled at twice more for speaking out of turn,
    so he decided not to risk passing the note and having it read out loud to the class.
    At 8:15, the bell announced first period over, and Mark tossed the note on my desk
    as he walked passed without turning around.
    I opened it with eager hands, and it read "I'm really glad you're back."
    I knew it was him being friendly, but I couldn't help the butterflies.

  6. andthentherewerenone andthentherewerenone
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 9:20pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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