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Member Since: 24 Aug 2010 12:47pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 122266

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  1. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2010 8:25pm UTC
    Stepping back,
    I know those months we spent together were short.
    But if you look deep into them,
    like how we looked into each others eyes everyday,
    and you may realize how hard it is for me to let go...
    of us......
    .......of that
    Of the past.
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  2. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2010 8:22pm UTC
    It wont be the same.
    Never again.
    No matter how hard we try,
    or how much we work to
    cover it all up.
    There will always be...
    the thoughts,
    the hopes,
    the regret,
    the wonder
    of what could have been.
    But having the knowledge to know
    it wont be the same,
    Is the first step
    to becoming closer
    to what it was.
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  3. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2010 8:17pm UTC
    Sadly, your always on my mind.
    I don’t know what it is, maybe it was because I gave you my heart.
    Or maybe it was because you took it, and threw it on the ground.
    But none the less, your always there…
    And I don’t know what else to say about it other than
    ...I miss you.
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  4. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2010 11:59am UTC

    People always tell me that it's the past. Let it go.
    But sometimes it's so hard to let go of something you miss the most
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  5. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2010 11:46am UTC
    "You never truly know how strong you are, until being strong is all that's left."
    //x@_//--->and when every drop of strength has been drained out of you,
    you find that all that's left is the sadness of what had happened,
    shattered trust, and the knowledge of what to do next time.
    but for me, he wont have a next time<---//x@_//
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  6. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2010 11:38am UTC
    You know its bad when you:
    Start tearing up in church when theres total silence
    because you don't want to know the true thoughts
    and prayers hidden deep inside.
    Because you cant hold everyone up any longer.
    Because its too hard to step back and see that
    everything your doing has no reward, no satisfaction,
    just the knowledge to not let your
    guard down again and to look out for you and only you.
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  7. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2010 11:31am UTC
    If you really knew me:
    you would know that
    me saying "I'm fine."
    is not my only lie;
    but it seems to be the
    one that fools everyone.
    comment if you think i should make a series...?
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  8. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2010 11:24am UTC
    Past Tense...
    {[doesn't change the
    feelings that were strong.
    and the hearts
    that were broken.]}
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  9. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2010 11:12am UTC
    You know he was your first love when
    your heart gets a small stabbing feeling
    in the core
    when you picture him.
    you look through the love quotes
    and say to yourself
    "that would have described us to a tee."
    you lay in bed with pillows surrounding you
    hoping it would resemble
    how he held you.
    One simple thought floods your mind
    with how things were
    between you both.
    your becoming sad realizing that
    everything you just read reminds you of him
    and that its all past tense.
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  10. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2010 2:40pm UTC
    Do you remember when you first learned the monkey bars?
    and you would start, then after a couple the pressure became too much.
    and you knew you had to let go and fall,
    but you knew it would hurt.
    you had to choose between staying up there,
    and dealing with the pain,
    or falling to the ground,
    and dealing with having to get back up there again.
    thats where i am.
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  11. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2010 2:26pm UTC
    I understand your angry with my silence.
    But I've found this family thrives from the silence and the lies.
    I'm not only protecting the ones I love,
    but hurting myself in the process.
    I'm only showing you how i feel,
    but without saying a word.
    silent sufferers are the ones who hurt the most.
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  12. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2010 2:16pm UTC
    If I drew you a picture of my heart....
    Would you shrug it off, or throw it away?
    If you saw the scars and bruises...
    Would you think it was fake, or over-drawn?
    And when you noticed the tear drops on the paper...
    Would you finally understand my pain?
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  13. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2010 2:09pm UTC
    Smiling is the best thing you can do.
    Hide the pain.
    Make it seem like your okay.
    And act like your at the top of your game.
    When really,
    Your just waiting to fall.
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  14. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2010 1:39pm UTC
    shes there.
    with her heart in her hands,
    and the scars to prove shes fallen before.
    shes there.
    acting like everything is okay, when really,
    its all falling apart around her.
    but she knows, somehow,
    things will get better.
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  15. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2010 1:14pm UTC
    her whole life shes built up her exterior from nothing.
    she built it not only to hold herself together,
    but, to protect the ones she loved.
    now that everything is falling apart around her,
    she has nothing left.
    nothing sturdy to hold on to.
    nothing to keep her head up.
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  16. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2010 1:06pm UTC
    shes holding on by a string.
    to the past, to the smiles, to the laughs.
    she wants to forget.
    she wants to go back.
    before the regret,
    before the betrayal, before the broken dreams.
    and before it hurt.
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  17. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2010 1:00pm UTC
    Silent sufferers
    are the ones who hurt
    the most.
    this is an original
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.

  18. alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3 alwaysXforgiveXneverXforgetX3
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2010 12:57pm UTC
    she wears a mask
    a mask covering the tears,
    the loss, the regrets, the betrayals.
    when you see her you see confidence,
    happiness, a smile that could light up a room.
    but behind all that, is a girl
    trying to hold it together.
    but when shes alone,
    and that mask disintegrates,
    so does her world.
    i didn't put color due to my
    not wanting it to be noticed
    because of the format, but because of how it reached a person.
    please no joking.


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