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  1. Flmw Flmw
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2011 1:29am UTC
    Today, whilst on google, I came across an interview with J.K. Rowling explaining that the "t" in "Voldemort" is silent and it's really pronounced "Voldemore". I feel like my whole life has been a lie.

  2. addicted_to_you1014 addicted_to_you1014
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2010 2:51pm UTC
    I packed it in a box last night
    Everything that reminded me of you
    I was hurt, and I was angry
    And you didn't even fight back
    You didn't fight for me last night
    So I figured I must not be that important
    I packed it up and never wanted to see it again
    Put it in a corner of my room
    And cried myself to sleep
    It was all packed up and ready to go
    But when I saw you today--
    I couldn't do it.
    I trusted you, and if you told me you didn't do it,
    I believe you.
    Something in you told a different story.
    It sat in my room as we talked downstairs
    "So you're saying you think this could still work?"
    "What if I said.. I didn't?"
    My heart shattered, but I had to pull together.
    You asked if I was okay
    Called me a liar when I said I was
    I said "big girls don't cry.."
    "Big girls do cry. And so do big boys"
    I shook my head no,
    But as you hugged me, I broke down
    "I packed your things in a box,
    They're ready for you"
    You came upstairs and began looking through it.
    "This is all yours," you said.
    You named each and told why it was mine.
    I picked your heart- shaped silly band out of the box,
    And you didn't notice.
    I took your hand, and placed it in your palm,
    Slowly closing your fingers around it.
    You looked at it for a moment and said
    "This is yours too"
    And slipped it back upon my wrist.
    I walked to your car,
    You gave back my hat
    I asked for my necklace back.
    You handed it to me.
    I stared at it for a moment.
    Suddenly, I ripped a charm off and returned it to you.
    "This is still yours"
    I said, placing my small silver heart in your hand.
    You smiled, and took it.
    Good byes are the hardest for me.
    They hurt the worst
    "You act like its forever"
    The words still ring in my ears
    And I don't know what to make of it.
    You drove away, and i stood there in the cold rain
    Thinking, 'isn't life ironic?'
    I packed it all in a box last night,
    Everything that reminded me of you.
    And there it sits
    At the foot of my bed
    Right where you left it

  3. Broken_x Broken_x
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2010 2:55pm UTC
    MLIA's #6
    Today, i had a realization that on my wedding
    day, people will be crying years of sadness
    rather than tears of joy because
    my name will no longer be
    Katie Bell, the Gyrffindor
    chaser in Harry Potter

  4. daniC108 daniC108
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2010 3:08pm UTC
    ur texting someone and
    getting really
    that they haven't
    responded yet
    and then
    you look back in your
    and see that
    your text didn't
    even send ...

  5. rosiecon9 rosiecon9
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2010 4:49pm UTC
    What is wrong with you?
    How dare you make fun of someone for something they can't control?
    She has squinty eyes.- Do you want her to cover them eyeliner and mascara?
    She wears Wal-mart clothes.- Not everyone can afford Abercrombie.
    She has acne. - Do you think she chose to have red spots all over her face?
    Her nose is big. - Who cares? Is she supposed to get plastic surgery? Hmm?
    She has crooked teeth. - I've never met someone who got braces just for fun.
    She wears glasses. - Do you think people like being half-blind? They don't.
    She has freckles.- Is she forced to cake her face in foundation every day?
    She has big ears.- Do you want her to pin them back or something? Huh?
    She's too tall. - No boy would care about her height, why do you?
    Her hair is frizzy. - Some people don't like frying their hair w/ a straightener.
    She's not a size 0. - Oh, I'm sorry that some of us aren't afraid to eat cookies.
    Imperfection is beautiful.

  6. mcskittles828 mcskittles828
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2010 3:27pm UTC
    How long will you love me?
    *throws rock into ocean*
    gO find it
    But that'll take forever
    there's your answer
    not my format

  7. eswingle711 eswingle711
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2010 5:33pm UTC
    w h o . f a l l . f o r . s t u p i d . b o y s

  8. coconutmebabii coconutmebabii
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2010 5:21pm UTC
    » I like him way more than I ever thought I would.
    I like him way more then I ever wanted.
    & I like him way more then my heart can handle.

  9. secretsunspoken secretsunspoken
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2010 2:49pm UTC
    Do you want to talk to me one day, then ignore me the next?
    FINE, i can do the same.
    Do you want to flirt with her while im standing right next to you?
    FINE, i can do the same.
    Do you want to keep sending me mixed signals?
    FINE, i can do the same.
    Are you going to keep playing games with a girl who can play them better?
    FINE, be my guest.
    Because whatever you can do, I can do better.
    not my quote

  10. Abbey_Hilton Abbey_Hilton
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2010 3:24pm UTC
    Woah why are you mad?

  11. oXHuntressXo oXHuntressXo
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2010 4:30pm UTC
    Mulan is the best disney princess.
    She joined the army,
    made everyone think she was a guy,
    made the captain think he was gay,
    totally defeated the huns
    AND saved China.
    All sleeping beauty did was wake up.
    oXHuntressXo ©

  12. laurennxo15 laurennxo15
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2010 4:12pm UTC
    * this is for the girls //
    the ones who aren't perfect.
    the ones who don't have the best boyfriend.
    the ones who cry themselves to sleep at night.
    the ones who daydream about 'him'.
    the ones who put on a fake smile everyday.
    the ones who go on witty for inspiration.
    the ones who don't get everything they ask for.
    the ones who have a 11:11 wish every night.
    the ones who have ever been heart broken.
    the ones who don't know who they can trust.
    the ones who are human.
    format credit: caseyissexy

  13. Yumsterr Yumsterr
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2010 2:15pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. oxjoyyxo769 oxjoyyxo769
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2010 2:16pm UTC
    i get my hopes up way to high.

  15. _sexii_moma_ _sexii_moma_
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2010 1:47pm UTC
    Is your name Google?
    No, why?
    'cause you've got everything I'm looking for :)
    ahl mine bitchzz

  16. starstruckkx3 starstruckkx3
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2010 9:14pm UTC

  17. Konquest9 Konquest9
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2010 9:03pm UTC
    I knew about Pretty Little Liars...
    and they ruined it =P

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. simplesecrets simplesecrets
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2010 9:05pm UTC
    ONE DAY...
    Global Warming will kick in, and the world will end.
    People will be screaming and the world will be in turmoil.
    I can't wait for this day, because suddenly........
    you *won't matter anymore*
    my quote, i re-did it

  20. Jamerzx3 Jamerzx3
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2010 9:06pm UTC
    When I Look At You
    My Heart Starts To Melt
    My Knees Start To Weaken
    My Voice Starts To Fade
    My Mind Starts To Wander
    I Think Its Called Love <3


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