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Member Since: 30 Jul 2011 09:01pm

Last Seen: 21 Aug 2011 09:50pm

user id: 201596

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  1. _crazyforyouboo_ _crazyforyouboo_
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2011 4:58pm UTC
    //The day//
    Should I continue my story? I'm only on chapter 2, and it seems like no one is reading.. let me know please :)

  2. _crazyforyouboo_ _crazyforyouboo_
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2011 4:53pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. _crazyforyouboo_ _crazyforyouboo_
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2011 4:27pm UTC
    //The day//
    chapter 1
    Marianna's Journal
    I've never had a boyfriend. Weird right? almost everyone in my grade has already had about a million boyfriends. I'm 14. Is it strange that I haven't had a boyfriend yet? I don't know. We'll i actually do kind of know. I think I should date when I find the one I really like. I don't really like anyone right now. But only one guy has asked me out within these 14 years. And I didn't really like him. So I said no. Most girls in my grade would of said yes anyway cause they are all desperate whores. But I do like this one guy. His name is Spencer. He tried talking to me a couple of times, but I'm really shy. So I kind of ignored him. ugh. He must think I'm retarded not to hear him.
    ok so, tomorrow is the first day of school. I hope to find the one. My first boyfriend. Hopefully I'll make the right choice. Most guys are pigs. I don't know why anyone in my grade would like me though. I'm probably this shy freak to them. I look younger for my age too. I look like I'm 12, maybe even 9. All the guys go after the flirtatious fake girls. whatever. I'm different. They just have to accept me for me. The day I find the one that likes me for me, will be the best day of my life. I'll hold onto him forever.. Okay, It's midnight now. Gotta get ready for the big day tomorrow!!!!
    goodnight lovies :)
    Not good yet.. just wait.. And!!!! not all the chapter's are going to be through her journal! this is just her introducing herself. And whenever something "big" happens, that's when she writes in it. (btw):)
    feedback please? :)

  4. _crazyforyouboo_ _crazyforyouboo_
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2011 4:15pm UTC
    Why can't guys like girls for who they are?
    Not for their boob size,
    butt size,
    their body,
    their perfection...
    Why can't they just like you for you?
    The day I find that person,
    I will hold onto them, and cherish that day

  5. _crazyforyouboo_ _crazyforyouboo_
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2011 12:13am UTC
    Friends just aren't good enough,
    family is really all you need..
    They don't back stab, and are always going to be there for you.
    They last forever

  6. _crazyforyouboo_ _crazyforyouboo_
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2011 9:40pm UTC
    //The day//
    Marianna's Journal
    I've never had a boyfriend. Weird right? almost everyone in my grade has already had about a million boyfriends. I'm 14. Is it strange that I haven't had a boyfriend yet? I don't know. We'll i actually do kind of know. I think I should date when I find the one I really like. I don't really like anyone right now. But only one guy has asked me out within these 14 years. And I didn't really like him. So I said no. Most girls in my grade would of said yes anyway cause they are all desperate whores. But I do like this one guy. His name is Spencer. He tried talking to me a couple of times, but I'm really shy. So I kind of ignored him. ugh. He must think I'm retarded not to hear him.
    ok so, tomorrow is the first day of school. I hope to find the one. My first boyfriend. Hopefully I'll make the right choice. Most guys are pigs. I don't know why anyone in my grade would like me though. I'm probably this shy freak to them. I look younger for my age too. I look like I'm 12, maybe even 9. All the guys go after the flirtatious fake girls. whatever. I'm different. They just have to accept me for me. The day I find the one that likes me for me, will be the best day of my life. I'll hold onto him forever.. Okay, It's midnight now. Gotta get ready for the big day tomorrow!!!!
    goodnight lovies :)
    Not good yet.. just wait.. And!!!! not all the chapter's are going to be through her journal! this is just her introducing herself. And whenever something "big" happens, that's when she writes in it. (btw):)


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