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Member Since: 23 Apr 2013 09:37pm

Last Seen: 24 Apr 2013 12:05am

Gender: F

user id: 358143

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NOTE: The quotes on here are not intended to make you hate or turn against your favorite celebrities. They are simply showing that there may be problems with your role models/idols. You do not have to change your mind and dislike these people, nor do you have to keep liking them.

Also I get everything here from yourfaveisproblematic.tumblr.com and celebreceipts.tumblr.com. Since Witty has limitations there are no images or link sources. If you want anything like that, those tumblrs will have the whole thing.
  1. YourFaveIsProblematic YourFaveIsProblematic
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2013 10:36pm UTC
    Your Fave is Problematic #2 - One Direction (Band and Individual Members)
    1. Exploits the insecurities of women and imply that self-esteem can be healed with a man's approval. "What Makes You Beautiful", "Little Things"
    2. Admitted to cat-calling a woman from their car.
    3. White saviorism and promotion of the stereotype that Africa is universally poor.
    4. Appropriation of Japanese clothing in "One Way or Another".
    1. Made a sarcastic comment on the attractiveness of women in Tamworth, a stereotyped "trashy town".
    2. Retweeted an edited picture of him in blackface and stereotypical gangster clothing.
    3. Threw up a west side gang sign.
    1. Asked out a girl 22 times before she eventually gave in.
    2. Questioned Boy George's gender
    1. Said "you act like a little girl" as an insult
    2. "Shut up and make me a sandwich", he tweeted to his girlfriend Eleanor Calder
    1. "I've seen the slums right in front of me!" This is no joke! They really need your help! Poverty is real!"
    2. Called a group of female fans a "shower of c*nts"
    1. Used the term "fr*pe" in an interview (Facebook R*pe)
    2. Culturally appropriative Ying Yang tattoo
    3. Used STD's as an insult: "Alright chlymadia boy," he tweeted to Max of The Wanted

  2. YourFaveIsProblematic YourFaveIsProblematic
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2013 9:57pm UTC
    Your Fave is Problematic #1 - Justin Bieber
    1. Ra cist comment - "I'm actually part Indian. I think Inuit or something? I'm enough percent that in Canada, I can get free gas."
    2. Thinks h0m0s*xuality is a "choice". "It's everyone's own decision to do that."
    3. Doesn't support women's rights - "I really don't believe in ab ortion. It's like killing a baby."
    4. Thinks r*pe happens for a reason - "I think that's really sad, but everything happens for a reason."
    5. Has a culturally appropriative Native American tattoo.
    6. Has a culturally appropriative Hebrew tattoo.
    7. Has a culturally appropriative Kenji tattoo.
    8. Wrote this in the Anne Frank house guestbook: "Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would've been a belieber."


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