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  1. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 3:25pm UTC
    Don't wanna be without you,
    my judgements clouded, like tonight's sky ♥

  2. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2012 3:45pm UTC
    & have I ever let you know
    that I could never let you go.
    my heart is like the loves drum
    beating like never before♥

  3. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2012 8:58pm UTC
    You're thinking about suicide? You're thinking of taking your entire life away when you're only a teenager. I know, you've been through a lot & you just can't do it anymore. Hello?! You have your entire life ahead of you to get through whatever it is! Maybe your friends left you or your parents are always on your case, no matter what it is, prove to them that you're stronger than that! You could have kids, get married to an amazing guy..yeah they're all jerks now but give them a chance, I mean, they have to put up with US don't they? Trust me, it gets better. Think of those people in your life that love you, maybe you don't love them back but you mean something to them. Your grandparents, think of them. How would they feel if your mom or dad had to give them a phone call breaking their hearts. You're not only hurting yourself, your hurting those around you. We're teenagers. There is absolutely nothing in this world that you can't get through. You can do it. Maybe you feel like you dont belong in the world. Let me just tell you that you're absolutely wrong. Well, if you take your life away, you'll never know what you could have done 10 or 20 years from now. I believe in you. ♥

  4. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2012 6:22pm UTC
    every storm that comes
    also comes to an end.

  5. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2012 6:18pm UTC
    And your actions speak
    louder than your words.
    And you're about to break
    from all you've heard but
    don't be scared,
    I aint going nowhere.

  6. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2012 6:04pm UTC
    Get out of my head,
    and fall into my arms instead. ♥

  7. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2012 2:56pm UTC
    I remember tears streaming down your face
    when i said i'll never let you go♥
    -careless whisper - juliet simms, alex gaskarth, 3oh!3

  8. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2012 9:32am UTC
    f ollow m e on tumblr;
    I follow back!

  9. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2012 11:12am UTC
    i remember you said,
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>don't leave me here a l o n e .

  10. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:34pm UTC
    i guess there's something about you, i got these feelings cant let 'em show, 'cause i went & let you go. </3
    format by sandrasaurus

  11. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 7:43pm UTC
    we're just having fun, we dont care who sees. so what we go out, thats how its supposed to be, living young & wild & free♥

  12. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    March 5, 2012 7:00pm UTC
    Hey, I just met you.
    and this is crazy. But here's my number,
    so call me maybe?

  13. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    March 5, 2012 1:11pm UTC
    what happened.
    are you gonna forget about me? or still talk to me like nothing happened
    between us? you said i was different. not like any other girl. I guess that
    was all a lie. i'm not gonna sit around & be miserable about you. i'm gonna
    move on & show you that i can do better. :)

  14. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 7:19pm UTC
    The pain you caused has left me
    dead inside. I'm gonna make sure you reGRET THAT NIGHT.
    I feel you close, I feel you breathe.
    & now its like you're here, you're haunting me.
    You're out of line, you're out of sight

  15. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 6:39pm UTC
    I Only Miss You
    when i'm breathing ♥
    -careless whisper - juliet simms, alex gaskarth, 3oh!3

  16. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2012 11:56am UTC
    you can learn a lot from your grandparents♥
    My Grandpa; i never learned how to take him seriously. He's always doing
    something no one can understand, So today, at breakfast, I asked my mom
    why Grandpa never understands, why he can never have a real conversation
    with me. Her answer? "A lot of people don't know that your grandpa is very lucky
    to be the way he is, as a child, his parents were very abusive. There were 15
    kids in that house & Grandpa was the middle child." My heart stopped. I never
    knew that.. she also said "His parents didn't allow them to play sports. He would
    use a paperclip & string to go fishing, Thats why he treasures all the fishing
    poles he has now." I said "Did they ever change?" My mom said, "Actually,
    they changed because of your grandpa. One day, he was 17 at the time, he
    had enough. He went up to his father & said 'If you ever lay your hand on my
    brothers and sisters again, I will pop the head right off of your neck..' He
    threatened his own father, to make sure his siblings were safe." I asked "Welll,
    did it work?" My mom answered "From that day on, your great grandfather
    never hit his children again."
    I'm proud of my Grandpa, because he never took after his father &
    abused his children. He grew to become the goofy Grandpa I have today,
    & for the first time, I look up to him because of it♥

  17. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 4:11pm UTC
    Don't You Get Tired
    of being stero typed & placed into a category? Last time I checked, you have a name; & thats a title of your own. No one should be pointed into a direction of criticism for who they are & what they enjoy.
    credit to my best fraaand Madi.

  18. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2012 6:52pm UTC
    even though i know whats wrong,
    how could I be so sure if you never say what you feel?
    I must've held your hand so tight
    you didnt have the will to fight.
    i guess you needed more time to heal♥

  19. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 10:01am UTC
    »»» Can you imagine a time when
    the truth ran free, the birth of the sun,
    the death of a dream.♥

  20. YouGottaLoveMe YouGottaLoveMe
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 9:37am UTC
    Always remember,
    one girl out there has it worse than you do.
    one girl out there wishes she could live your life.
    the life you think is worth nothing.
    The life you only get to live once.
    "Life's too short to be sittin' round miserable."
    Stay strong through it all.
    then that girl will realize she has it made.


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