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  1. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 9:20am UTC
    Its tough when someone special starts to ignore you but its even tougher when you have to pretend that you dont mind

  2. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 9:03am UTC
    I hate when im tierd and sleepy ub when i get in bed my body is like just kiddin

  3. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 8:56am UTC
    bored---->goes to kithen----->opens frdge---->looks inside--->leaves empty handed

  4. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 8:45am UTC
    Dear i pods/ i phones when i put u on suffle what it really mean is for u to play my fav songs!

  5. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 8:42am UTC
    I hate when i make plans and then your mum says_ UH NO

  6. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 8:39am UTC
    Dud that song is old...so is your mum but u still listen to her.. lol got it from facebook

  7. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 6:56am UTC
    When your cush likes your photo
    normal people: naw yay
    O.M.G soo true

  8. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 6:53am UTC
    teacher:walks away
    me:dude i still dont get it u cant just leave

  9. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 5:45am UTC
    i play a song that no one likes weeks later they love the dam song!

  10. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 5:41am UTC
    I feel sad when i see an old person eating/sitting alone :(

  11. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 5:38am UTC
    Dear lazyy people
    64857436583639363838 seriously you didnt ever read the whole number did u?

  12. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 5:35am UTC
    That moment of dissappointmentt when you cant find the answer to your homework on google

  13. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 5:32am UTC
    Why i turn on tv:
    10% to watch tv 90% to use it as background noices so i feel less loney while im on the internet

  14. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 5:28am UTC
    That awkward moment when you try not to look at the person thats staring at you.

  15. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 5:24am UTC
    admit it.. you have tried to balance the ligh swich right in the middle at least once in your life!

  16. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 5:21am UTC
    When your drifting away from someone and cant do anything about it

  17. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 5:17am UTC
    That awkward moment when you come out of your bedroom in your pj's and theres guest over >.<

  18. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 5:15am UTC
    6 things we say in school:
    1.Im tired
    2.Im cold
    3.I dont get it
    4.Whats the time
    5.Im hungry
    6.I want to go home!

  19. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 5:12am UTC
    Boy: im a superhero. Guess my name
    Girl um superman ironman
    Boy no yourman..

  20. Xxtaylor123 Xxtaylor123
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 5:03am UTC
    Friend: hey can i copy your homework?
    Me: we had homework!?!


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