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  1. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2009 11:22am UTC
    People always say hate is a strong word,
    but so is love & we throw that around like it's nothing.

  2. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 10:42pm UTC
    i'm done.
    i'm done spending countless hours
    trying to make myself look pretty and
    pretend to be someone i'm not for a
    boy who doesn' teven know i exsist, if
    he doesn't love me when i'm falling apart
    then he doesn't d e s e r v e me when i'm
    gorgeous, independant &+ outgoing..
    someday i will find someone who really
    loves me, for me. i'm done playing this
    stupid game of who can pretend to be
    someone they aren't. if you don't love
    me at my w o r s t, you sure as hell
    dont deserve me at my best. your loss.
    sorry boy,
    i a m d o n e.
    **all mine.
    please don't steal

  3. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 9:37pm UTC
    What am i supposed to do when the best part of (( me )) was always [[ you ]]?
    I'm falling to pieces
    breakeven :: the script

  4. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2009 9:56pm UTC
    he makes me want to believe in
    love stories again <3

  5. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2009 9:38pm UTC
    I hope the days come easy & the moments pass s.l.o.w.
    & each road leads you where .:you want to go:.
    & if your faced with a choice & you have to choose I hope you choose the one that ( means the most ) to you
    & if one door >opens< to another door <closed> I hope you keep on walkin til you find a .:window:.
    & if it's cold outside.. show the ( world ) the warmth of your smile
    but more than anything, more than anything...
    my wish for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to.
    your *dreams*' stay big your worries stay small
    you never have to carry more than you can hold.
    &+ while your out there getting where your getting to
    i hope you know [[ s o m e b o d y ]] loves you,
    & wants the same things too,
    yah this, is
    my wish.
    **credit for edit
    fabulousfades (;
    i LOVE this song.
    took forever
    favorite if you like(:

  6. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2009 12:46pm UTC
    If you don't ( love ) me at my worst,
    you don't d.e.s.e.r.v.e me at my best.
    **not mine
    saw it somewhere

  7. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2009 12:26pm UTC
    i love you,
    forever & always
    *credit to fabulousfades

  8. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 8:25pm UTC
    ain't it sad? you can't ( forget ) about
    what we had. take a look at her
    &+ do you like what you see..
    or do you wish it was me?

  9. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 8:12pm UTC
    Why is it
    that e v e r y t h i n g that
    always felt so right
    can feel so wrong?

  10. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 11:41am UTC
    ain't it a shame?
    a shame that e v e r y t i m e you hear my name
    brought up in a casual conversation
    you cant think s.t.r.a.i.g.h.t.
    **the best days of your life

  11. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 11:31am UTC
    be carefree. laugh it off.
    take it easy. Be laid baCk.
    Don't stress. be yourself.
    look on the bright side.
    Simply Life Laugh &+ Love
    *found it.

  12. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 11:19am UTC
    &+ In just a b l i n k of an eye
    your entire world can change
    >everything< you've ever k.n.o.w.n
    can be pulled out from right under you

  13. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 11:08am UTC
    &+ Nothing could ever replace
    that ( feeling ) you get
    with the ball at your feet &+
    the whole field
    ahead of
    -soccer <3

  14. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 10:54am UTC
    "When you care more about if someone else ( lives) than you do about yourself..
    Is that what l o v e is like?"
    -My Sister's Keeper <3

  15. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 10:26am UTC
    &+ sometimes
    you hurt more for the people you love
    than for yourself

  16. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2009 10:12am UTC
    The Hardest Part
    about loving someone when your 13
    is knowing the odds of it really lasting forever
    aren't all that great
    & when he just happens to be the first person you've ever loved
    you can't help but be scared,
    knowing that heartbreak is just around the corner
    but if you truly love him
    your able to
    hide x all x your x fears <3

  17. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2009 4:37pm UTC
    Parents make rules to protect their child from making the
    same stupid mistakes they made but if your supposed to
    (learn) from your mistakes..
    how can you learn from mistakes you never made?

  18. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2009 2:03pm UTC
    I'm in trouble
    I'm an addict
    I'm addicted to this guy
    he's got my heart tied in a knot
    & my stomach in a (whirl)
    **not mine
    nevershoutnever:: trouble
    my edit / coloring

  19. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2009 9:25pm UTC
    I can't help but be scared;
    scared that in one minute I could lose my everything
    scared to get too close to him for fear of getting hurt
    scared that all the constant compliments wont mean what they used to
    scared that those three words will lose all the meaning they used to; if said to often
    scared that i'll lose the best friend I've ever had
    scared that I'll lose the best firends that were -always- there for me
    scared of what the future holds
    but in the end I finally realized
    Love is just a scary thing
    one of my old ones i tried to fix up

  20. XxpeacelovesoccerxX XxpeacelovesoccerxX
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2009 1:39pm UTC
    you know you are in Love
    when you get in fights...
    over who loves eachother
    more <3
    ([ & you actually have reasons to prove it ])
    **all mine
    credit to nodxo3
    for the top fade
    ^^she's ahmazing


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