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Member Since: 27 Nov 2009 10:12pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 94680

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Purple Shadows

Kayso my name is Sam.
I live in New Jersey and I can't say I hate it but I don't love it.
I added to this world's population on October 25th, 1997.
I'm going to be thirteen this year and I can hardly wait for it. <3
I am a Scorpio. It makes sense to me why I am stubborn and easily jealous.
I have four best friends that go by the names Kati, Kara, Kristin and Adri.
I love guys so don't get any ideas.
My favorite colors are purple and black.
Jose is my best friend. c:
I hate it when people think they know everything because they don't.
I have an AIM and it's " SamiHammie ".
I like to meet new people but again- don't get any ideas. (:
I'm confused and people hate me and it's not gonna change anytime soon.
I have inside jokes that would make you pee yourself.
I've pretty much been a personal counciler the past two years so IM me when you need help or someone to yell at.
Jose is my best friend and I will win our AIM poke wars. <3
No, I don't have a Facebook or Myspace. I'll stick with my email or AIM.
Am I annoying? Rude? Mean? Yeah, I am. I'm crazy. A psycopath. But what are you gonna do?
Yes, I have a cell phone. I'm not going to give you my number because I don't want creepers calling me.
I love music it's my life. It can't be taken away from me.
Yes, I am a freak that everyone liked to make fun of from kindergarten until fifth grade but things are different now.
I used to be nicer and people wonder why it changed, well, my logic shows that when I was nicer people stepped all over me and it got me nowhere.<3
No one is perfect. Don't think you are because the brutal truth is that no one will ever be perfect. Everyone is screwed up.
Yes, I play The Game. And you just lost The Game. <3
I think about destiny and fate and karma a lot. The future too. Just remember, you never know who your boss is gonna be some day.
I hate her.
I really hate her.
She ruins my life as much as she can. I will never understand how the guys can like a slut like her.
I like love him so much and he'll always never know it.
She's going to be looked at as a slut this year, throwing herself on every guy she can and always wearing revealing clothes, she can't keep her mouth shut for her life and I hate her so much.
I wake up and tears are rolling down my face. It takes me a few minutes every day to realize I was dreaming of him again. <|3
Thoughts flood my head and I can never help the fact that they are all the same.
Three Days Grace tops every band ever, I listen to them when I can't take my life any more. Hollywood Undead are amazing, even if they are twisted. Taylor Swift and Avril Lavigne's songs are inspirational.
I don't need to scream to get someone to shut up, if you get on my nerves expect my handprint on your face.
I'm sorry, do you expect me to know how you're feeling? Well guess what! I don't know how you feel unless you tell me. Shocker.
Gatorade is good. So is water. And Coke is disgusting. Pepsi is much better. Soda is good in general.
Am I in love? Well, I guess you'll never know.

  1. XxSamxX XxSamxX
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2010 7:28pm UTC
    Thirty Days Thirty Letters-
    Day two- Crush
    Dear Crush,
    I've known you my whole life. I grew up with you and I don't think that there has been a time since preschool that I haven't liked you. Well we're going on eight years of knowing one another now and eight years of me liking you. This year I found out that you like me too. Well. It's kind of unfortunate that we're both unwilling to ask the other out. I know my reason but maybe you're afraid of rejection? Well I would never reject you. We get to go to Semi this year in late May or early June... Will you ask me? Will you even go? I'm already thinking about the negative. Of you asking her instead of me. I hate how your best friend knows all about this and you probably do too. I love your eyes. But I don't want everyone to know that I'm falling in love with you so I don't stare. I don't flirt as much as I want to. Do you like me? I doubt you know you love me yet because you are a guy and you are immature and naive. Did you know that anyone who knows that I like you makes fun of me? And they only do so because you aren't "hot" or "cute". Well I look past the surface and to your personality and it's one that I love. It's one that is caring and sweet yet competitive. You stick up for yourself and others when they need the help, your love of sports can get on anyone's nerves but I love it all the same. I know this letter is probably stupid but it allows me to say how I'm feeling without having to speak the words to someone's face. I'm such a chicken for not being able to tell you that I like you when I can sit there and tell your best friend and mine most of this. I ge butterflies when I talk to you sometimes, I doubt you knew that. You don't have a cell phone either so I don't talk to you over the summer unless I see you in a store or some other public place. It's upsetting in a way. Well. I guess I can finish this letter simply. I love you.

  2. XxSamxX XxSamxX
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2010 6:52pm UTC
    joccedlyn- aww. so close! its [[ jocelyn ]]
    alrxa- Alexa...
    bridgtet- Bridgette lol.
    vanessdsa- Vanessa :D ahhahaha!
    daqsey6- casey! waoh
    lilly- Lilly (: yay!
    daruibn- Darin
    racheol- Rachel almost!!skye- Skye ;) woohoo
    erica: Erica
    bella: Bella =D
    briana: yay (:
    kaitet- katieee (: Danggg
    beca- haha i was so close it's becca!
    marea- haha i did it!!
    t5q54qa-hahaha tara i suck! my nose is too fat!
    taylo944r- taylor
    szs m m b- wow wayy offf [ [ Sammy ] ]
    emily - emily! hhahahah i diid ittt
    ally -- Ally:)DID IT!
    katoy6jh - Kaitlyn not close!:( lol
    kj95tqh-Morgan LOL
    b3ety-haha beth
    jjullia- haha so close ((julia))
    whyqanjjno0nj- shannon haha
    Meghgwanj-Meghan pretty damn close i think
    megah ~Megan! Soo close! :)SHANNON~SHANNON!! GOT ITT!
    age3y6 - haha. way off. its abbey(:
    41q88fj39ec*batmansign*nvirmch9f94dfw0f9y-leah (so close!!) kkkarrramhjel-haha kara <3
    cou rtney~ haha space in the middle(a.k.a courtney!)meghan -- meghan YAY! hahaha im good
    lopedxazbyhnu rhbiazn jmj - Leah Rhiann, Hmm, very close!
    Kathryn Anne Rizzo ~ Kathryn Anne Rizzo (PERFECT!]t58jwtwq- Trista! Lmfao waaaay off!
    op76ywss - uhm this is nott even closeee! lyssa <3.
    wermnj8nmi8oklhyt---->omg how is that posssiblee.!? its emily.
    kqtui--kati XD kinda close?sam principato-- Sam Principato<3 Easyy<3

  3. XxSamxX XxSamxX
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2010 1:41am UTC
    Kayso I guess I'm going to do this "Thirty days thirty letters" thing...
    Day one- Best friend.
    Dear best friendd,
    I love you like a sister, even if you get on my last nerves sometimes and even if we fight a lot. I guess it's something that's going to happen a lot because of how close we are. Sisters fight all the time and honestly, if we didn't fight there would be nothing interesting for us. I can tell you anything and know you'll keep your mouth shut about it and vice versa. Yes, I tell you over and over again that you make stupid decisions but who doesn't? I do wish that you would shut up sometimes but when you do shut up and I don't talk to you for three days or more I'm ready to go crazy. <3


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