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Member Since: 2 Feb 2009 10:02pm

Last Seen: 4 Dec 2011 12:30am

user id: 65986

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  1. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2010 6:22pm UTC
    i find it kinda funny
    that everyone keeps saying
    "it's gonna be okay,"
    just to make me feel better..
    ..but what do i do to help myself?
    i just sit here, listening to taylor swift
    and looking at pictures
    ..it all reminds me of you.
    i find it kinda funny..

  2. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2010 6:18pm UTC
    im not going to cry over you..
    ..because i've learned from my past.
    and you know what?
    it does nothing at all for me.
    so i'll keep my chin up and stand tall
    with a smile on my face.
    i'll keep everything inside..
    ..untill i explode.

  3. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2010 4:34pm UTC
    defenition: the best way to show people how you feel.

  4. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2010 4:32pm UTC
    have you ever met that one guy that you thought,
    "this might just work out ."
    and then you find out....he has an effing girlfriend ?
    and you feel like..!@#$%^&*
    ha, yeah, it's the worst feeling in the world :(

  5. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2009 5:50pm UTC
    i can't help but wonder..
    if he knows that what he's done causes me to fall asleep at 2 a.m. blasting taylor swift songs because they all remind me of him.
    it sure seems like it because the last time we really spoke was God knows when, and it's killing me inside. does he see the pain in my eyes when he turns away when look at each other, even when it's just for a second?
    i can't help but wonder..
    does he even care?

  6. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2009 5:20pm UTC
    but I know..
    one thing..
    that I love you.<3
    -say hey(i love you) michael franti

  7. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2009 2:58pm UTC
    when i become a star,
    we'll be living so large,
    i'll do anything for you.
    -whatcha say, jason derulo

  8. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2009 2:48pm UTC
    hey stephen, i know looks can be deceiving, but i know i saw a light in you.
    -hey sephen, taylor swift<3

  9. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2009 2:08pm UTC
    *so me and my friend, courtney, were talking about how we were gonna work out in the weight room at a hotel we were staying at for our brothers' soccer tournament. and her sister says "what if you need to be a certain age and they ask for your ID?" this is the plan we came up with*-->
    hotel worker- and where is your ID?
    us- uhm..it's home charging(;

  10. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2009 5:33pm UTC
    my momma told me don't lose you
    cause the best luck i had was you
    and i know one thing that
    i love you.
    say hey-michael franti & spearhead

  11. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2009 5:10pm UTC
    -->It takes a minute to have a crush on someone,
    an hour to like someone,
    and a day to love someone,
    but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.-->
    and i will never forget you.
    sorry if im jocking. just reallyyy love this quote. i changed it up all little though. :)

  12. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 2:47pm UTC
    my 20th quote!
    80 more till 100 [(i feel special)] Ü

  13. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 2:29pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2009 6:32pm UTC
    i feel like the whole world
    is moving on without me and i'm just standing here all alone.

  15. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2009 10:58pm UTC
    i'm an inside-out oreo!! thats how hood i am!!

  16. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2009 10:53pm UTC
    Z: "It's something white and it flies.."
    X: OMG! Does it have wings!?"
    Y and Z: "NO!"
    X: "Well then how could it fly!?"
    funniest conversation ever!! hahahahaha!!!!!

  17. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2009 5:30pm UTC
    How much i loved you dont know,
    so here's a poem to tell you so.
    It started as a little crush.
    When you talked to me it made me blush.
    My heart for you just grew and grew,
    but now you have it broken in two.
    Everyday you were on my mind,
    but my yearbook you never signed.
    Then came that question you left blank.
    When that happened my heart just sank.
    Now I dont know what to do.
    Thanks for breaking my heart in two. </3
    my best friend ever made this poem for me!<<333 i love her. she always knows how i feel ecspeically now..she doesnt want me to put her name, but its a great poem..what a shame.hehe.im a poet too!

  18. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2009 4:45pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2009 6:46pm UTC
    1 Full Name: Alexia
    2. Nicknames: Lexi,Lex
    3. Birthday: February 5
    4. Place of Birth: USA
    5. Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
    6. Male or Female: Female
    7. Year at College: Im in midle school?
    8. School: ___
    9. Occupation: none..
    10. Residence: my house :P
    11. AIM Screen Name: ____
    __Your Appearance___
    12. Hair Color: light brown, with natural blonde and red highlights
    13. Hair Length: when curly:shoulders, when straight:a little past shoulders
    14. Eye color: amber-ish-brown
    15. Weight: idk
    16. Height: 5'7"
    17. Braces:Nopee.
    18. Glasses: Contacts(;
    19. Piercings: ears
    20. Tattoos: nope
    21. Righty or Lefty: Righty
    ___Your 'Firsts'___
    22. First best friend: Vanessa
    23. First Award: dance recital
    24. First Sport You Joined: dance.. well if u count that as a sport
    25. First pet: Dog named Buddy
    26. First Real Vacation: Ocean City, Maryland?
    27. First Concert: Hillary Duff
    28. First Love: none :)
    29: First kiss: none :)
    ___ Favorites___
    29. Movie: Twilight
    30. TV program: American Idol
    31. Color: purple
    32. Rapper: Flo Rida
    33. Band: 3OH!3, The Fray, and soo many others
    34. Song: We Made You
    35. Friends: i love them all
    36. Sweet: chocolate
    37. Sport to Play: volleyball
    38. Restaurant: Caraba's
    39. Brand: idk..
    40. Store: american eagle
    41. School Subject: Science
    42. Animal: monkey
    43. Book: twilight, clique series
    44. Magazine: PopStar.. Quiz Fest.. Bop!
    45. Shoes: flip flops
    46. Feeling: cold
    47. Single or taken: single
    48. Have a crush: mhm
    49. Eating: strawberries
    50. Drinking: ice tea
    51. Typing: This survay thing
    52. Online: Duhhh.
    53. Listening To: brother and cousin playing
    54. Thinking About: this survey...
    55. Wanting To: go to Dorney
    56. Watching: the compuer screen
    57. Wearing: short shorts and a hollister shirt
    58. Want Kids?: yup. i want 2
    59. Want to Be Married?: yeaaa
    60:Carreers in Mind: Ortho
    61. Where do you want to live?: idk
    62. What kind of pet do you want?: Golden Retriever
    __Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___
    63. Hair color: dirty blonde or brown
    64. Hair length: short or shaggy+sexy
    65. Eye color: blues and greens
    66. Measurements: taller then me
    67. Cute or Sexy: either..
    68: eyes or lips: eyes
    69. Hugs or Kisses: both.
    70. Short or Tall: tall.
    71. Easygoing or serious: easygoing
    72. Romantic or Spontaneous: Both.
    73. Fatty or Skinny: Skinny.
    74. Sensitive or Loud: either is finee
    75. Hook-up or Relationship: idc.. either
    76. Sweet or Caring: Both.
    77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant: either
    ___Have you ever______
    78. Kissed a Stranger: uhh.. no
    79. Had Alcohol: sip of wine, champaign
    80. Smoked: eww no wayy
    81. Ran Away From Home: haha yeahh
    82. Broken a bone: No
    83. Got an X-ray: nope
    84. Had a serious relationship: no
    85. Broken Someones Heart: i dont think so
    86. Broke Up With Someone: no.
    87. Cried When Someone Died: Uhh.. yeah
    88. Cried At School: yeah
    ___Do You Believe In___
    89. God: yesyesyes
    90. Miracles: yes definately
    91. Love At First sight: nope. you have to know someone to love them
    92. Ghosts: A little.
    93. Aliens: no
    94. Soul Mates: maybe.. idk
    95. Heaven: yes
    96. Hell: yes
    97. Angels: yes
    98. Kissing on The First Date: nahh
    99. scopes: sometimes
    100. Magic: depends what kind

  20. WishOnStarzXOX96 WishOnStarzXOX96
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2009 8:29pm UTC
    Words Can't Explain How I Feel..Ü


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