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Member Since: 23 Jul 2009 05:16pm

Last Seen: 10 Oct 2011 01:16am

user id: 83787

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this account has moved to....
now i will just post my contest entries and everything on here because i dont like it cluttering up my other account. (:

Lautner_12.jpg picture by dancerrxjenxfor pugznkisses51
for blackandwhite1.jpg picture by dancerrxjenx for iluvsamoas's contest
smile.gif picture by dancerrxjenxfor request_fanart's contest!

ice-cream-1.gif picture by dancerrxjenx for everything_here's contest
Oregon-Hot-Air-Balloon-1.gif picture by dancerrxjenxfor simplelayoutsIMG_0191.gif picture by dancerrxjenxfor Deeply_Beautiful_Fan_Art
hearts31-1.gif picture by dancerrxjenxfor penguinxoxoxobeaches_020.gif picture by dancerrxjenxfor.LiSSAYx3babey
heels1-1.jpg picture by dancerrxjenx* for kellyxo1's contest
IMG_3487.gif picture by dancerrxjenxfor all_contests's contest

taylor_lautner_.jpg picture by dancerrxjenx *for smilelaugh96's contest

3508638150_a242ce89a1_o.png picture by dancerrxjenx for penguinxoxoxo


Fanart examples(:

these are fanart examples you can request

mitchel-musso-taken.jpg picture by dancerrxjenx
ball1.jpg picture by dancerrxjenx
penguin1.jpg picture by dancerrxjenx

fanart4.jpg contest for all_fabulous_ picture by kawa9688 enterd by kawa88
  1. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2009 3:16pm UTC
    &in a lifetime
    x - x - x
    you get your shares
    of drama, and memories,
    and friends, and all of that.
    but you only get 1 share of true love

  2. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2009 3:12pm UTC
    snap &+ roll
    i like the way she move and the way she

  3. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2009 3:09pm UTC
    you stare at the phone,
    he still hasn't called
    and then you feel so low,
    you cant feel nothing at all
    and you flash back to,
    when he said
    { ( forever &+ always ) }

  4. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2009 12:37am UTC
    everything is effed up, straight from the heart, tell me what do you do
    when it all falls apart

  5. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2009 3:18pm UTC
    dont you hate it when
    you get this brand new outfit, and
    its so adorable, but then when
    you try it on, it doesn't fit.

  6. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2009 3:16pm UTC
    dont you hate it when
    your so hungry, and you go home after
    school thinking you can find some-
    thing to eat, but then when
    you get home, theres
    nothing to eat!

  7. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2009 3:14pm UTC
    dont you hate it when
    you make really great plans and
    your so excited to start
    hanging out but then
    you get sick.

  8. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2009 3:13pm UTC
    dont you hate it when
    your so excited to get home and play
    your new video game or wii
    or something and then
    theres a storm and
    the power went

  9. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2009 2:49pm UTC
    when you say brb shower
    your friends
    say ok
    my friends
    say have fun in the shower!

  10. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2009 2:45pm UTC
    dont you hate it when
    your having a sleepover and you wake up in
    the morning and your friends
    not up so you just
    sit there until
    their up?

  11. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2009 1:28am UTC
    & theres a time in every girls life where they realize,
    no one knows you as good as your
    best friends
    x - x - x - x

  12. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2009 3:55pm UTC
    I've Finally Realized.
    we shouldn't make ourselves all
    pretty for boys who will never see
    our effort. we shouldn't spend hours
    to look good for them. all of us
    teenage girls, we need to look
    good for ourselves. not for him.
    we should wear what we want, and
    do what we want. he shouldnt be our
    cause of action. ourselves should be.

  13. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2009 3:49pm UTC
    We're Teenagers.
    we use sarcasm a hundred times a day,
    we put on loads of makeup for that one
    special boy. we spend hours of time
    just doing our hair. we use our cell-
    phones every second of the day. we
    all have been heartbroken, we all
    have expieriece. we spray loads of
    perfume on us every day, to make
    sure we dont smell bad. we have to
    go through shaving our legs, having
    our pms, getting manicures, making
    sure we look just as good as the
    other girls aroud us, but most of all,
    We're Survivors.

  14. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2009 3:37pm UTC
    tjust be yourself
    thats more than enough
    x x x x x x x x x

  15. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2009 3:17pm UTC
    type here
    All I Want
    is someone to hold me, and kiss me in the rain,
    to love me like im an angel, and to prove that all
    the boys out there in the world, aren't the same.

  16. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2009 1:45pm UTC
    type here
    lets take a stroll
    down memory lane, the endless pathway to hurt and pain, the pathetic
    memories of you and me, that took so long to find out we weren't meant
    to be. the tears and the anger, the way you treated me like just for show,
    like you could do whatever you wanted and i wouldnt care. like i was a doll
    with no emotion, you tried to get away with so much, but it all came back
    to me, crushing me with hurt, but now im walking step by step, to get off
    of memory lane, and create a happier one, without you or any of the pain

  17. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2009 1:31pm UTC
    my computer doesnt listen to me,
    i think its calling the computers of the world
    and getting ready to take over the world and kill us all

  18. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2009 12:42pm UTC
    i think we all can admit
    we're a bit addicted to witty ü

  19. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2009 12:35pm UTC
    who shot that arrow in your throat?
    who missed the crimson apple? well it hung
    heavy on the tree above your head, this chaos
    is calamity this garden once was perfect give your
    immortality to me ill set you up against the stars

  20. WhenLoveTakesOver_xo WhenLoveTakesOver_xo
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2009 12:29pm UTC
    type here
    i thought that
    you'd catch me when i fell,
    that you'd be the one that
    would sweep me off my feet,
    turns out your just like those
    other guys, your nothing special


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