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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. thesewoundswontseemtoheal thesewoundswontseemtoheal
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 10:14pm UTC
    *Please Read This
    My sister has been fighting depression for two years now. Last summer she was rapped by her ex boyfriend. When I found out I was beyond upset. For a long time it was hard to imagine that someone could do this and cause her so much pain. Over the past year she was admitted to several different hospitals eleven times. She is only fourteen years old, no one deserves to live this way. It kills me to know how much pain she is in. I love her beyond belief. If you are still reading this I love you so much. Please favorite this for her, I'd love to see her smile when I tell her how many people care about her.
    Fav for Kimmi<3

  3. blairisepic blairisepic
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 5:33pm UTC
    When I think of him, my heart skips a beat.
    When I walk towards him, I get butterflies.
    When I look at him, I'm hypnotized.
    When I look into his eyes,
    I know that he's the one ♥

  4. itsalyssa_rawr itsalyssa_rawr
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 5:33pm UTC
    Society says you need to had big boobs and a butt. Society says you have to be skinny, but not too skinny because that's disgusting. You can't be overweight either. Society says you have to be tall, but not too tall to be "freakish", but too short isn't good either. Society says you have to have a flat stomach, curves, and small waist. Society says you have to have perfect skin and hair, but not too perfect to be fake. Society thinks this is what makes you beautiful. Society wants you to have nice, perfect teeth, but braces look weird. Society wants you to see perfectly, but glasses are apparently dorky. Society says you have to be smart, but doinf well in school makes you a loser. Well you know what I say? forget society. Your flaws and imperfections make you who you are, and in my opinion, they make you beautiful.

  5. lexidanielle_xo lexidanielle_xo
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 5:34pm UTC
    you sit there in your heartache
    to come & save you~

  6. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 2:56pm UTC
    >>>>>>in another life,<<<<<<
    i would be your girl,
    we'd keep all our promises,be us against the world.

  7. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 3:19pm UTC
    do you feel like a man,
    when you push her around?
    >>>>do you feel better now,
    as she falls to the ground?

  8. jimmy365 jimmy365
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 9:26pm UTC
    facebook, what b ook?
    S l u t - b o o k ? T h e y n e e d t o c a l l t h i s m u c k - b o o k .
    Picture lookin' good , but in person?...Yuckbook.
    Hellbook.Tellbook. P e o p l e c a n ' t s pe llb o o k . Hate
    behind your back, but in person wish you wellbook.
    Glitchbook. Snitchbook. F a k e f a m i l y l i s t book.
    Rudebook. Feudbook. Tell your every move book.
    Don't need a real book-stuff is here! Newsbook.
    f o l l o w m e , i f o l l o w b a c k : ) - j i m m y 3 65

  9. DamnnTaylerx DamnnTaylerx
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 7:24pm UTC

  10. MySweetEscape MySweetEscape
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 3:29pm UTC
    A drop in the ocean,
    a change in the weather, I was praying that you and I would end up together.

  11. DamnnTaylerx DamnnTaylerx
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 3:49pm UTC
    being your self
    is the best way to be different ♥

  12. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 3:08pm UTC
    When Sarah likes Mike but Mike is going out with Jane, when Jane actually likes Dylan but Dylan likes Sarah, so Dylan asks out Sarah and Jane gets mad and breakes up with Mike so she can go out with Dylan, Then Sarah asks out Eric instead, and Eric likes Hannah and Hannah likes Mike so Hannah asks Mike out and Jane gets jealous so she tries to make up with Mike.

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. Cutecat0413 Cutecat0413
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2012 6:43pm UTC
    Forever lost inside my mind; the monster I've become.
    So empty, torn, and twisted now; only recognized by some.
    They knew me once, I know they did, before I went insane,
    Before I gave away my soul to the devils of the pain.
    They broke me dear, they took my heart and told me not to cry.
    I didn't cry though, I stayed strong, 'cause I'd rather lose than die.
    People change dear, it's not your fault; you never let me down.
    The steady flow that kept me standing, slowly let me drown.
    My eyes grow red and tired now, because I chose to play with fire.
    The smoke now burns within my heart, but I never trust a liar.
    Society broke through my skin and left once all was gone;
    An empty shell of memories, but the story still plays on.
    I trusted them, I shouldn't have; they stripped me of my pride.
    My sanity was taken dear, but they were never satisfied.
    A pounding in my shallow head, dwindled to a stop.
    And the beating deep inside my chest, began to slowly drop.
    My hands grew cold and shaky, but my energy stayed strong.
    I crumbled from the pressure dear, and knew it all felt wrong.
    I feel so helpless dear, against my own pitied self control;
    But dear, don't try to find me, for the monsters took my soul.

  15. livelovedance livelovedance
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 6:01pm UTC
    i've always wondered
    if i took a leap of faith,
    >>>>would it pay off?

  16. ZiZi123 ZiZi123
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 8:24pm UTC
    Have you ever seen a drunk give up his bottle?
    The winner of a jackpot, give up his lotto?
    surrender his sword? So why would I ever give up

  17. h0peful h0peful
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 6:19pm UTC
    DO NOT ERASE THE FORMAT CREDITformat and quote by: h0peful.

  18. confessions_of_a_cutter confessions_of_a_cutter
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 9:02pm UTC
    Why is it that the word itself grabs
    your attention immediately, but
    the actions leading up to it
    go completely unnoticed?

  19. TheGirlWhoLived TheGirlWhoLived
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 1:01pm UTC
    Muggles can't read this quote.
    Congratulations. If you're reading this, you're a wizard.
    To prove your dedication to the wizard world, please
    favourite this quote, and let the dumb muggles wonder as
    to why this has so many favourites. HOGWARTS RULE.
    credit to whoever made the ninja one.

  20. coolpeps33 coolpeps33
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 6:09pm UTC
    The 3 years ago today;;; I was surrounded by family. My uncle was visiting, & my grandma. We were celebrating you turning 49 years old. Haha, I kept thinking. woah. my moms so old!!! Two years ago, i was in my basement, with bailey & haley watching the notebook(one of your favorite movies) I got asked out on that night. But you weren't there. Daddy was working, so you went out to the bar to drink. I let you, because well, you were 50! You could do whatever you wanted(: a year ago, No one was home, so i went to my friends house, I missed you a lot. Walking home, that same boy caught up with me. Told me he'd always love me, but couldnt handle a relationship, neither could i. I told him i loved him, and walked away, and never looked back. I went home, and prayed that you would give my some strength. Today, i tried desperately to find someone to hangout with..to get my mind off of your birthday...You'd be 52... but no one cared. Not even my own sister, or father. I'm all alone. But i went outside, looked up at the stars. & i know they're holding you tonight. I love you Mom. Happy Birthday. RIP
    not mine


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