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Member Since: 26 Aug 2012 06:53pm

Last Seen: 27 Aug 2012 08:03pm

Gender: F

user id: 327562

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  1. VVolf VVolf
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 3:59pm UTC
    Against All Odds
    Chapter 4
    Niall's POV
    After dropping Liv off, I went back home to the guys.
    I walked in, and they were watching Skins.
    "Niall, where were you man?" Harry asked, not taking
    his eyes off of the screen. "You were gone all day!"
    "I met a girl," I mumbled before walking into the adjoining kitchen.
    I could hear the guys whoops of approval, I wasn't the one to date.
    "She cute?" Zayn asked from the living room.
    "Sure," I said, not wanting them to mess things up with me and her.
    "Does this mystery girl have a name," Louis asked, stepping into the kitchen
    to refill his glass.
    "Her name's Liv, and she just moved here for a semester."
    Harry's POV
    "What does she look like?" I quickly pitched in.
    Did he say her name was Liv? As in Liv from the plane Liv?
    "Brownish, orange hair, and these amazing eyes," He said, dreamily from the kitchen.
    All the guys 'awwed' and congratulated him.
    This couldn't be happening.
    "Where did you meet her?" I asked, hoping to get a clue as to where to find her.
    "By her apartment, across the river by your favorite bakery actually," he stated,
    coming back out of the kitchen looking happy," In that new
    apartment building."
    I was going to find this Liv, apologize,
    and make her fall for me now that I knew where she was.
    It's fair because I saw her first anyway, right?
    Niv or Larry? What do you guys think?

  2. VVolf VVolf
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 3:44pm UTC
    A New Beginning
    Chapter Four
    Madison’s POV
    "What do I even wear to a "get together"," I said,
    scanning my overpacked closet. "I have nothing."
    I eventually chose a light denim shirt, white shorts, and bold wedges.
    I decided to make my eye makeup dark, and threw my
    hair up in a braided bun.
    Go big or go home, right?
    I left a note for my mom and decided to wait on the front porch steps.
    It was 6:15 when Liam finally pulled up in his black BMW, honking.
    I ignored that.
    "Wow, you look great!" He said, his eyes straying from my eyes to my chest.
    "Thanks," I mumbled, before buckling up.
    When we got to the house, I immediately wished I didnt go.
    Kids were in the front yard, clearly wasted,
    plus I didn't know any of these people.
    Liam dragged me through the front door before fist-bumping all of his friends.
    I just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do with myself.
    "I'll go get us some drinks", Liam said, abandoning me on the couch.
    Kyle's POV
    I immediately saw Madison the moment she walked through my door.
    What was she doing with Kyle?
    Even though he was my best friend, he was a notorious player.
    I walked over to where he was, sloppily filling red cups by the keg.
    "So you know Madison," I inquired,
    not wanting to sound too nosey.
    "Yeah, I met her at school today. She's hot, right?" He boasted,
    punching my shoulder.
    "Yeah... she is," I said, furrowing my brow while looking at her.
    She was clearly uncomfortable.
    "Well, I gotta get back," Liam said, heading back to Madison.
    "Mhmm," I said, not listening to him, and not able
    to take my eyes off Madison.
    Madison’s POV
    Liam came back with two cups of cheap beer.
    "Here you go," He gave me mine before taking two
    huge gulps of his.
    "Do you want to get away?" He stated more than asked.
    "Yeah, sure," I reluctantly agreed, just wanting to go home.
    Liam took my hand and led me upstairs.
    His cup was emptied before I could take my first sip.
    All I remember was him pushing me
    into a bedroom, and locking the door behind him.
    Liam- http://www.availableimages.com/television/d/6460-1/the+vampire+4.jpg
    Madison - http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQzNzExMTcyMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDgxOTA4Mw@@._V1._SX214_CR0,0,214,314_.jpg
    lol hope you like it so far!

  3. VVolf VVolf
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 5:12am UTC
    A New Beginning
    Chapter Three
    Madison’s POV
    My first class was geometry so I swiftly escaped to there,
    I sat down in the back of class
    not wanting to attract attention.
    "Hey," a guy said poking me from behind.
    "What!" I snapped, whipping my head around.
    I was already annoyed with the whole Kyle incident.
    "Ummm I was just wondering if I could borrow a pencil,"
    a really cute guy said, obviously wondering
    what he said wrong.
    "Uh... yeah, sure. Sorry," I said flustered, trying to
    avoid his concerned gaze.
    I quickly handed him a pencil and turned back around.
    During the middle of Miss Pazinski's hour long
    lecture on what we would need in order to succeed, a piece
    of paper landed on my desk. I looked around,
    but no one else seemed to notice.
    I quietly unfolded it, trying not to attract too much attention,
    Hey do you wanna talk?
    I slowly turned around and gave the guy behind me a questioning look.
    He stared at me sympathetically.
    Wow, I know this guy for half a block and now he thinks I'm a nut-job.
    Great, just great.
    I rolled my eyes, and turned back around.
    When class was over I rushed out the door.
    On my way to my locker the guy from math came up next to me.
    "I think we got off on the wrong foot, my name is Liam,"
    he said as I looked into his soft brown eyes.
    "Uhh Madison," I responded, "and uh sorry about earlier today, in class."
    "Yeah about that, are you sure you're okay," he said, sounding worried.
    "Yeah, it was just a little misunderstanding," I said.
    I mean it wasn't a lie?
    I'm not going to dwell on a stupid player the first day of school.
    "Well, Madison, a couple of friends and I are
    having a little get together at my house tonight," Liam said,
    giving me a nudge, " you should come!"
    What did I have to lose? It's not like my mom would notice
    my absence.
    "Yeah, sure." I smiled.
    "I'll pick you up at 6?" he asked.
    I nodded before closing my locker and walking to my next block,
    all the while smiling.
    Liam- http://www.availableimages.com/television/d/6460-1/the+vampire+4.jpg
    Madison - http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQzNzExMTcyMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDgxOTA4Mw@@._V1._SX214_CR0,0,214,314_.jpg
    SO who do we like ;) Liam or Kyle... I have a pretty good idea but I want you guys' opinions!
    Do you like it so far though? And please like so I know someone wants me to keep doing this.

  4. VVolf VVolf
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 5:06am UTC
    Against All Odds
    Chapter 3
    Niall's POV
    You could have spotted her from a mile away.
    Her hair was in a bun, and she looked at London like it wasn't familiar.
    I picked up my pace so I could introduce myself,
    and that's when she distractidly ran into me.
    I tried to keep my cool as I met her beautiful green eyes.
    Whoever this girl was, I wanted to know her.
    Not taking no for an answer, I grabbed her hand and wanted to show her London,
    so she would fall for it like I fell for her.
    Liv's POV
    "It's just up here," Niall said, while we zigzagged through people.
    "May I present the East Market?" He anounced in an exaggerated accent,
    while taking a dramatic bow and holding out his hand.
    "Why thank you, Niall," I responded,
    mimicking him and grabbing his hand.
    I pulled him over to a churro stand and started to hand the vendor 5 pounds.
    "No, it's on me," Niall said, giving the guy money in exchange
    for my favorite food.
    I jokingly slapped his shoulder and told him he didn't have to.
    "Now what kind of tour guide would I be?" He said again,
    stealing one of my beloved churros.
    "Very english, by the way," He sarcastically chuckled,
    his mouth full with fried goodness.
    "I didn't catch your name..." Niall started
    "Liv," I said, smiling, finishing his sentence.
    3 hours later
    I could have spent the entire day with Niall,
    but unfortunately I had to get back home and start
    unpacking my things. He walked me to my door
    and started to lean in. His eyes looked deeply
    in to mine and then down at my lips. I leaned in and gave him
    a peck on the cheek.
    "Thank you Niall," I said, giving him a wink before
    closing the door behind me and smiling.
    I could get used to this place...
    SOOO what did you guys think? I promise it's going to get interesting in the next chapter... I just have to set things up, y'know?
    If you liked it, let me know so I know I atleast have an audience xx :)

  5. VVolf VVolf
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2012 9:34pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. VVolf VVolf
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2012 8:17pm UTC
    A New Beginning
    Chapter One
    5:45 AM

I moaned, rubbing my blurry eyes.

    I reluctantly slid out of my warm covers and made my bed

    before going to the bathroom. 

    I didn't even recognize myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth.
Ever since the move, red puffy eyes clouded my once 
bright hazel ones,
    and my cheeks were stained black with running mascara.

    I took a quick shower and decided to put my hair
in a knotted braid.
    I did my morning makeup 
which consisted
    of thick brown eyeliner, mascara, and lots of concealer.

    I grabbed the first outfit that came to mind,

    put on a few accesories, and my converse before walking 
downstairs to the kitchen. http://www.polyvore.com/madison_1st_day_outfit/set?id=35994701
I saw a note on the fridge which read:

    Took the train to work. Waffles in the freezer; take bus to school.

    Great. My first day here, and I have to ride the bus just like in elementary school.

    I fixed some waffles and OJ before dumping the dishes in the sink.
I grabbed all of my stuff before heading out the door.

    Oh my god.
The bus was a vehicle from hell.
I was pretty sure an animal had died in there,

    but how would you find it with all of the trash on the floor.

    Thank god I got out before the stench of smoke could
 cling on to my outfit
    and make me want to vomit.

    I quickly fixed my hair as I nervously walked up to the front doors.

    This was it.

    The day I had been dreading the entire summer.

    The first day of High School.
    “MMPH” I grunted trying to force the school’s front door open.
I heard a soft laugh behind me as I turned around, blushing.

    “It says pull.” It took me a while to understand the words
 coming out of this guy’s perfect smile. 
“Yeah, thanks.” I mumbled,
 trying hard to ignore the striking blue eyes
    behind his dirty blonde hair. 

    Feeling foolish, I quickly pulled open the door
 and was met with a wave of cold air. 

    As I looked around me, all I could see were waves of new, 
intimidating faces
    I had never seen before.
I just stood there until someone rammed into me from behind. 

    "Watch it," snapped a peppy blonde 
as she strutted past me in her hot pink platforms.

    "Great. Just great..." I mumbled, picking up my books. 

    I brushed my auburn hair behind my ear
    and looked 
up to see the same blue eyes bending down to help that had helped me earlier.
"Thanks," I said blushing.

    Wow this guy must think I'm a freak.
    "Anytime," he said with that same heart throbbing smile.

    "The name's Kyle by the way."

    "Madison." I responded, about to take my books from his 
buff arms.

    "I'll carry your books to your locker" Kyle said rather than asked,

    and of course I had no objections.

    So together, me spilling out my life story while he contently listened, 

    walked down the hallway side by side. 
I guess this place wasn’t so bad after all.
Kyle- http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0Cx1hr7OXNg/TVPzOIgFeTI/AAAAAAAAAkM/rkrfM0VYXYw/s1600/alexPettyfer.jpg

Madison - http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQzNzExMTcyMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDgxOTA4Mw@@._V1._SX214_CR0,0,214,314_.jpg
    Any comments/advice?
    If I get 10 favs, I'll continue! (By the way, this is an old story i started but never finished on another account)
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  7. VVolf VVolf
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2012 7:53pm UTC
    Against All Odds
    Chapter 2
    Liv's POV
    I took a cab to the flat my Dad got for me in the center of town.
    Of course the elevator was broken, so after I hauled my suitcase to the top floor,
    I plopped down in the already furnished living room
    And stared with wonder at Big Ben right across the river.
    It was beautiful.
    After what felt like ages, I decided to take a shower,
    put on some clean clothes, and go grocery shopping because I was hungry.
    As I was walking outside putting my keys in my bag,
    I clumsily ran into someone, causing us both to fall.
    “Sorry,” I apologized, as I looked up,
    coming face to face with a guy my age with striking blue eyes,
    messy blonde hair, and a crooked smile.
    “No worries,” he said giving me a toothy grin and an adorable English accent.
    “Sorry, I’m really out of it; jet lag and all,” I said,
    slightly blushing and putting the rest of my things back in my bag.
    “I knew that accent sounded unfamiliar,” he chuckled, helping me up,
    “I could show you around if you want!”
    “That’s sweet, but I was just out to get some groceries,” I said,
    feeling guilty when his face fell.
    “Well, there’s an open air market, right across the river,
    mind if I accompany you?” he said, seeming hopeful.
    “I don’t even know you name…,” I said starting to protest.
    “Niall,” he said, cutting me off and eagerly taking my arm.
    Is this too boring for you? Feedback pleaseee. I know it seems like it’s going in different directions but it’ll come together. I promiiseee

  8. VVolf VVolf
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2012 7:01pm UTC
    Against All Odds
    Liv's POV
    I couldn’t tear my gaze away from London,
    as I stared out of the plane window.
    “Gorgeous, isn’t it”, the british accent caught me off guard as I turned around
    to face the kid my age next to me.
    “Breathtaking,” I said as I took in his subtle blue eyes
    and the mop of brown hair on his head.
    I barely noticed him on the flight over from La Guardia.
    “Harry,” he said, giving me a wink, as he awkwardly extended his hand.
    “You can call me Liv,” as I accepted the handshake.
    “What are you doing in London?” He asked, as he kept on staring at me.
    “I’m taking a semester off of college to stay with my sister, you?”
    “Oh, that’s cool,” he said, as if he was actually interested in my life,
    “I live here with some friends. You could say I’m sort of… a singer.”
    I nodded before I looked back out the window.
    A singer, figures. They’re all the same, players with plenty of groupies.
    I braced myself as the plane was about to touch down, the worst part.
    I clutched the armrest between our two seats just as Harry did the same.
    Our hands grasped each other before I pulled away, blushing.
    “Well it was nice meeting you…”
    “Liv,” I said curtly, annoyed that he already forgot my name. “You too,” I responded
    as I brusquely walked by him, grabbing my bags and exiting the plane.
    Harry’s POV
    “Great,” I muttered to myself as I watched Liv saunter off the plane,
    her dark hair swishing back and forth in a ponytail.
    “How could I be so stupid,” I cursed, mentally slapping myself, as I got off the plane.
    As if things couldn’t get any worse, paparazzi surrounded me,
    squashing my chances of catching up to Liz and apologizing.
    So… any good? Should I continue :/?


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