Witty Profiles

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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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  2. kto_123 kto_123
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2012 9:19pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 19
    Mom puts her bags on the table, just arriving home from her business trip. I tap my nails on the counter, anxious to ask her if I can go on tour with Harry. "Let me take those to your room," I insist, grabbing the bags and carrying them away. When I get back, Mom's rummaging around the cabinets, looking for something to eat. She's kind of like Naill.. She eats a lot. "Mom, I know you just got home, but I need to ask you something serious." I say in my most respectful tone. She puts a bow of mac 'n' cheese down and faces me, "Sure honey, what is it?" I take a deep breath. "When Dad, uhm, passed, if you were given the chance to get him back and stay with him, even if it meant going away for awhile, would you?" I ask, biting the inside of my cheek. "I'd make sure someone would care for you.. But honey, I can't say I wouldn't go with him," She says, almost guilty. "Then, I'm sure you can understand how I feel when Harry goes away. I'm sure you must know how I feel.. since he's invited me to go with them on tour." I say slowly. "Absolutely not." She says sternly. "Why not Mom?" I ask, my tone already begging. "Five boys and you on a tour bus? One of which you're dating? I don't think so, you're crazy if you think I'm letting you go!" She starts to shout. "I love him." I say through gritted teeth, thinking that's the only thing I can say. "Too damn bad, you can love him just as much a thousand miles away." She says angrily. "I'm going." I shout. "You are not." She says, standing up and getting in my face. "I'm going to be with him, just like you'd be with Dad if you could. You can't stop me!" I shout, tears streaming down my cheeks. I run up to my room and lock the door. I throw a ton of clothes and money in a two suitcases, when I'm done, I slam open my window and jump out quietly. Then I run to Harry's hotel.
    We're sitting in the airport waiting for our flight. Harry and I hold hands and whisper to eachother. Niall goes to find food. Liam looks at my tapping foot. I stop it immediatelly. "Your mum actually said you could come?" He asks, looking shocked. I nod, "She knows what it's like, being away from people you love," I shrug. Harry holds my hand tighter. "I love you," He whispers in my ear so only I can hear. I turn around and kiss his cheek lightly. Our flight is called once, we stand up but realize we have to wait for Zayn and Louis. They're back by the time our flight is called for the last time. The tickets have me and Liam next to eachother, since mine was just the extra. I sigh, hoping I'd sit next to Harry. Whatever, Liam is my best friend. "Nervous?" He asks, as we walk up in line. I shake my head no. "So we're all set, you're mom knows, you're ready?" Harry asks, double checking. "Yup," I lie with a smile on my face. I hate lying to him but it's for our own good. I put my phone on airplane mode, and put in my headphones, falling asleep on Liam's shoulder. The boys wake me up at our layover, I quickly check my phone.
    Seventeen missed calls from MOM. I look at Harry, wondering if I should tell him. I decide not to.. and feel completely guilty. I stare back down at the missed calls.
    I'm in so much trouble.
    So now Molly's sneaking out and lying to not only her mom.. But Harry. Will he find out? Will her Mom find her? Was this all just a really bad idea..? New chapter tomorrow! Love you all ! <3 xoxoxo

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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  4. kto_123 kto_123
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2012 9:48pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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  6. PredatorXD PredatorXD
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2012 12:29pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter Thirty-Six
    Harry's P.O.V.
    Today was the day we were leaving for our world tour. Chloe and Alyssa went home to spend one more night with their families before we left. We were picking them up in an hour or so. I packed all my bags and put them at the front door. I had secretly already planned our wedding and it was going to be at the beach like Allison's except in Mexico! I was really excited and already told everyone who was invited and wear it's going to be. Chloe had no idea. We left the flat an headed over to the girls houses. We went to Alyssa's first and she loaded her bags into the big van we had rented for today. Then we drove to Chloe's house. We decided to all go in and say hi to her family. As we ring the doorbell her mother opens the door smiling really big "Hi Harry! Hi Boys! Hi Alyssa! Come on in, Chloe's almost ready!"
    We walked in and sat around the counter top. "Do you kids want anything?" she asks.
    "No thanks" we all say just as Chloe struggles to come down the stairs. "Just one sec-" she says as she falls down the stairs. I rush over to her side and find her laughing her head off. "You okay?" I ask.
    "Yeah" she says laughing and getting up. She says good-bye to her mom and Allison and Jason and we start to drive to the airport. I hold Chloe's hand in the car and she smiles at me. It was amazing how she could pull of sweatpants and baggy t-shirts and still look cute. We arrive at the airport and Paul helps us carry our stuff inside. We run to the plane and take our seats. Chloe and I sit together, Liam and Louis, Alyssa and Niall and Paul and Zayn. Our first stop for our world tour was Canada. Chloe was really excited to go there to taste all the maple syrups and hear the candian accents. We arrive in Newfoundland and Labrador. We rush into our hotel trying not to be crowded by all the fans. Tonight was our last night of no concerts. We all ate dinner and decided to go to bed early since it was a major time change from England. Chloe and I got our own room. She got changed into a baggy t-shirt and shorts. She climbs into bed with me and stares into my eyes.I kiss her and pull her closer to me. She pushes her lips further making the kiss deeper.
    Chloe's P.O.V.
    I wake up to Harry's arm around my stomach and his chest against my back. I turn around and nudge him a bit. "Harry?" I whisper. He groans and moves his head a little. "Harry?" I ask again. No reply. "Okay I guess I'm gonna have to do it the hard way" I get up and grab my pillow and sit on him and start to lightly hit him with it. "Wake up Styles!" I say while hitting him lightly. He opens his eyes and smiles. He grabs my wrists and flips me over so my backs against the bed and he has me pinned down. He laughs a bit and I giggle. He leans forward and kisses me softly then gets up to take a shower. When he comes out he kisses me on the cheek as I walk in. I peel my clothes off and step into the warm shower. When I finish I grab my towel and wrap it around me. I blowdry my hair and put it into a high ponytail . I put on a bit of mascarra and eyeliner and a touch of coral lipgloss. I come out and Harry's already dressed. I look through my suitcase and decide on jean shorts, black tank and a grey V neck t-shirt with a heart filled with zebra print on the front. I slip on my white TOMS and Harry and I go down to the lobby to meet the boys and Alyssa.
    Hey guys! hope your enjoying the story:)

  7. kto_123 kto_123
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 9:22pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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  10. 1D_Fanfiction 1D_Fanfiction
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 3:31pm UTC
    *A One Direction Fanfic*
    Chapter 20
    I ran up to hug my Long lost bestfriend.
    "What are you doing here Love?" She still had a tight grip on me. I haven't seen her in at least 5 years.
    "I'm here with my brother! Why are you here?"
    "Dancing and with Liam!" We relesed eachother and had 5 confused stares pointed towards us. We laughed at the clueless expressions on the boy's faces and decided to explain.
    "Dani and I grew up together! Our parents had grown up together and were best friends and so they raised us together and so even though she is older than me we still have gotten in our fair amount of trouble together" we both laughed at the memories from when we were younger.
    "You never told me that D!" Liam pretended to look hurt
    "It never came up!" Danielle laughed hugging him. I can't believe I never knew they were together!
    "Thanks for telling me that you were dating Liam James freakin' Payne!" I said with a fake sass attitude
    "Once again it never came up! You never told me you were related to Niall!"
    "I just found out myself!"
    "Well I can see you two have a lot of catching up to do! We have to get to the studio before they kill us and you guys need to go shopping. Get outta here!" Niall said playfully shooing Danielle and I out the door.
    "Fine! Bye Nialler" I hugged him goodbbye and so did Danielle.
    "Oh and D?" He called after us
    "What Ni?"
    "Take care of my sister!"
    "Yes Niall" She laughed and we walked out to her car.
    "No way.. THIS IS YOUR CAR?!" It was a Cherry red Corvette convertable.
    "Like it?" She asked in a way that you could tell she already knew the answer.We spent the day catching up and talking about everything. We shopped until 9:30 that night. Her entire car was full of bags. On the way home I told her about how I was "Accepted" by the boys.
    "Liam wouldn't let them do that to me!
    She stuck her tounge out
    "He told them not to do anything bad and he went to bed and left me alone with the guys because Niall had gone to bed"
    "So you were with Louis, Harry and Zayn?"
    "And Josh"
    "Josh was there? He's usally a little bit shy and wouldn't be apart of it"
    "He was the ringleader of the one that got me in the most trouble!"
    "Oh wow... So you got your eye on any of the guys?"
    "Harry's so cute and flirty, Louis is hot and random, Zayn is so mysterious and fun, and Josh is creative and adorable!"
    "So really you like them all?"
    "Yeah except for yanno Niall cuz he's my brother and I can't think of Liam the same way I do the other guys for some reason. He's more of a brotherly or father type"
    "Good 'cuz he's all mine"
    Liams POV
    The boys and I were fooling around while Niall was recording.
    "So guys what do you think of Lyss?" I asked and all the boys got a huge grin
    "Shes awesome.. And pretty" Louis said
    "Amazing... just amazing.."Harry said
    "A complete sweetheart who can be one of the boys... Plus DID YOU SEE HER?! Shes gorgeous" Zayn said
    "She's perfect.." Josh said and all the guys looked at eachother. All four of them like the same girl. They began arguing when the door swung open and they all went silent because Niall walked in. Nothing good was coming from this. I knew she was going to end up with one of the guys I just don't know which. I only barely knew her and I already see her as a sister and I don't want to see her hurt. Maybe she mention something to Danielle about which of the guys she really liked. Hopefully that will keep them from aruging, They have fought over a girl before and it didn't work out well. They fought about it for almost a month just to find out she didn't like any of them. I don't want to see them go through that again with Alyssa.
    Authors note-
    So Team Louis, Harry, Zayn or Josh?
    I'm going to try posting a few more chapters today but I have to start school tomorrow so I don't know how often I will be posting this week.

  11. PredatorXD PredatorXD
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 12:58pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter Thirty-Five
    Harry's P.O.V.
    My eyes grew big and my heart beat a little faster. 'Was she serious?' I thought to myself.
    She looked up at me and smiled a bit through her tears. "I remember you Harry". she says and I embrace her into a hug. I burried my face into her neck and held in my tears.
    Chloe's P.O.V.
    After the wedding Harry took just me to the beach where we had met, and for some weird reason he had made me put a blindfold on. He carefully helped me walk through the parking lot and onto the beach. "Where are you taking me Styles" I laugh a bit.
    "It's a surprise". he says pulling me further.
    I could feel my bridesmaid dress swaying in the wind, tickling my legs. He finally stopped me and posistioned me in a certain angle. "Okay, take off your blindfold".
    I take it off and infront of me was little pink rose petals scattered and writing in the sand spelling MARRY ME?
    I gasped and turned around as Harry was already on one knee. I covered my mouth from hearing me hyporventilating. He pulls out a ring box and holds my hand "Marry me?"
    I nod and jump into his arms as he stands up. He puts the ring on me. It was beautiful, it was a thin band coverend in little diamonds and in the middle was the infinity sign with a little diamond connecting it in the middle. "Oh one more thing." he says smiling at me.
    "Yes?" I ask probably smiling like an idiot.
    "Do you want to come on tour with us?"
    I gasp a bit and nod. I hug him once again and we decide to go tell the news to the boys and Alyssa. We drive back to our flat and I hold his hand as we go up. We knock on the door and Louis opens it. "Hey!" he says opening the door wider.
    "Hey!" I say walking in with Harry.
    We all sit on the couch until Alyssa asks the question "What were you guys doing?"
    "Oh nothing" I say making my ring visable and pretending it's not there.
    "What's that on your ring finger?" asks Liam suspiciously.
    Louis shoots up from his chair and grabs my hand. "Holy crap it's an engagement ring!" he says mouth wide open.
    Harry and I laugh a bit as all their jaws drop. "WHAT!??" says Alyssa pulling me up and holding my hands staring at the ring.
    I laugh and bit and nod at her and she screams and jumps up and down.
    "And she's coming on tour with us! Alyssa can come too!" says Harry smiling.
    "Yay! Now we have people to cook!" says Niall laughing.
    I laugh and hug Harry. He kisses the top of my head and I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.
    Heey guys! Only a few more chapters till the end:(((

  12. kto_123 kto_123
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 11:39am UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 16
    Four months of Harry focusing on the music and the fans and the band. Four months of waking up, checking my phone to see a text or message from Liam, saying he's going to fix things. Four months of walking downstairs, hoping to find Harry and Louis watching a movie. Four months of hoping to walk into the bathroom to find Zayn doing his hair. Four months of wishing Niall is in my kitchen, eating all my food. Four months of crushing disappointment, knowing my life is back to normal. Because, afterall, I'm not extraordinary, I was just lucky. Today, I don't bother checking my phone. "Mom?" I call down the stairs. "I'm home today, honey, you have a guest!" She shouts back up. I run to my room and grab my phone, hoping to see a text from Liam saying he's rushing over. Nothing. It's probably just Nicki, we're okay again. I throw on sweats and put my hair in a ponytail before slowly going back downstairs. My eyebrows crinkle together in confusion, "Louis?" I ask, he looks up from the Tv, "Molly, hey!" He stands up, my mom excuses herself and goes into her bedroom. "Louis," I repeat, walking forward to hug him. I cling to him, never wanting to let him go. If he's the only thing I have left connecting me to Harry.. I'll hug him forever.
    I start to cry, he pats my head, "Hey, it's okay, don't cry," His voice is soothing, finally I decide I need to let go. "Why are you here?" I ask him. "Actually we all are for a couple of days, doing a photoshoot and an article in Seventeen. Isn't that a girl magazine?" He asks. I chuckle, "Yeah." He sits back down, patting the spot next to him. I sit down, pulling my legs up like a pretzel. "They.. they uhm, don't want to see me, do they?" I ask, my voice shaking. He looks away, not wanting to answer. But that's enough. "Anyway, I wanted to warn you that we're around," He mumbles. "Thanks," I whisper, hoping he won't just leave. "And I also wanted to tell you Harry has a girlfriend now." He says slowly, staring me in the eye. "I know." I mumble, as if it's possible to not know, there's pictures everywhere. "He doesn't love her, if you're wondering," Louis says. "He misses you, sometimes he'll stop talking and just stare off into the space, I know he's thinking of you," He sighs. I lean my head on his shoulder and just lose it, "I messed up, Louis, and this time I can't fix it," I sob. We sit like that for hours, catching up, talking, even laughing. And for just a little bit, I feel okay again.
    I know I shouldn't do this. It's wrong, I could get in trouble. But I can't wait for someone else so save my relationship anymore. I watch while the boys pose, making goofy faces, sit on a couch, looking serious, leaning back on eachother, smiling, laughing, joking. I have to cover my mouth to stop laughing. I watch while they're interviewed, wondering how the interviewer even gets an answer out of those crazy boys. When it's over I walk up to the door of their dressing room, I take a deep breath. "Looking for someone?" I feel his breath on my cheek. I turn around, surprised, "Harry, hi." To my surprise he smiles, "Hello Molly." "Can I talk to you?" I ask, biting my lip. He looks at his shoes then back at me, "Yeah, give me a moment," He enters the room, I wait for him to return. When he does, We take a seat on the sidewalk outside of the building. "You didn't want to know when you left, but I really need to tell you," He doesn't say anything, I know he understands, so I continue. "That guy that punched you.. The one who kissed me, we 'dated' while we were broken up the first time. I didn't tell him how much you meant to me, he thought I was cheating on him or something, but I was really just choosing you over him. I love you, he doesn't even mean anything to me.. And I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you." I take a deep breath.
    "I know I don't deserve you, but here I am, saying I'm sorry, and asking for another chance."
    I stare at his face, which is staring at the cement, wondering what's going on in his head, wondering if he'll take me back.
    Should Harry take her back? Afterall, she did give him another chance when he dated that girl.. Will he do the same for her? Tell me what you think! Love you all ! <33 xoxo

  13. kto_123 kto_123
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2012 9:00pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 15
    No one can find Harry. He left right after Brian kissed me, he ran out. While we're all on the same side, the one that wants to find Harry, the rest of One Direction won't speak to me. Not even Liam. I deserve it, I should have told Brian it wouldn't work out, that I loved someone else. I just need a chance to explain before they leave. "Harry!" I call his name into the street. I close my eyes and wonder where he could be. I feel someones arms around my waist. "Harry?" I ask, though I know it doesn't feel like him. "Brian," He corrects me. "Look Brian, this is all my fault," I say, stepping away to explain. "I should have told you we wouldn't have worked, I'm in love with someone else, the guy I was dancing with," I mumble. "I'm really sorry," His eyes get angry and sad at the same time. "Oh." Is all he says. "I'm really sorry," I mutter. He shrugs before walking away. Whatever, there's more important things to think about. "Harry!" I call out again. Zayn walks up beside me, his hands in the pocket of his coat. "Have you found him?" He asks. I gesture to the emptiness around me, "No.. I'm so worried." I say softly. Zayn just nods once, not looking at me. "Zayn, please, let me explain," I plead. "I'm done listening to explanations, this is the second time you've hurt Harry.. One lad can only take so much," He turns to walk away. "What about when Harry hurt me, huh? That stupid girl he dated before he came here?" I shout. I watch Zayn's back as he shrugs. Then I walk home, knowing this is all my fault.
    I get inside my house, a few tears streaming down my cheek. I jump when I see Harry's figure sitting on my couch. "Hey." He says, without looking up. I see the dried blood on his cheek. "Come here, let me wash that for you," I say, pointing to the kitchen. He follows me without saying a word. I dampen the corner of a towel and wipe it on his cut, making sure to be gentle. "The make up artists will hide it, right?" I ask, worried for him. He nods. I leave my hand on his cheek, he closes his eyes and leans into my hand. "Harry, I need to explain," I begin. He shakes his head, "I don't want to know anything," "But please, I need to tell you," I argue. He shuts me up with a kiss. I kiss him back, and it's long and passionate. It's beautiful and lovely and perfect.. So why does it feel like goodbye? When it's over Harry stares down at me. "You're beautiful, you know that?" He whispers. I try not to cry. "Look, I think I really need to focus on the new album and the band.. And the fans, they're getting crazy lately.." He trails off. So this is goodbye. I nod. "I just think it's better for us if we.. uhm, if we break up," He says, he's trying to be strong but I can tell it hurts me too. Just like it's hurting me. Again, all I can do is nod, tears running down my face silently. He kisses my cheek and starts to walk out. "Harry!" I call once he's at the door. He turns around. I try to undo the locket he gave me with shaky fingers. He shakes his head, "No, keep it," I drop my hands limply at my sides. Again, I call out his name. "Yeah?" He asks. "I love you," I cry. He nods and then finally walks out the door.
    I watch him until I can't see his figure on the sidewalk anymore.
    I stare out the window long past morning, all the time, holding the locket so tightly in my hand that a cursive H is imprinted in my palm.
    Don't worry, it's not over yet! What do you guys think is going to happen.. Is Harry right? Are they better apart or will true love find it's way? Lots of love, xoxoxo

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. 1D_Fanfiction 1D_Fanfiction
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2012 1:13pm UTC
    *A One Direction Fanfic*
    Chapter 19
    I had fallen asleep waiting for Liam. I woke up at noon the next day and I was still exaughsted. I walked out to the main room where Liam and Niall were.
    "Hey Mouse" Niall said and I shot a look to Liam. How did Niall know about it?..
    "Hey Nialler.."
    "I know about last night" Busted.....
    "Who told you?"
    "Well when Liam was lecturing the guys last night I heard him and came out to find out what was going on and Liam left to talk to youand the guys told me"
    "Did you really do everything the boys told you to?"
    "Yeah I did.." Niall came over and high fived me with a huge smile on his face.
    "I would have never thought you would have the balls to do anything they would make you do!" We both laughed
    "That was not the reaction I would have expected after last night. Oh and Lyss go get dressed. You are going shopping with my girlfriend." Liam said. I forgot Liam had a girlfriend. I have never learned her name or seen her though. I walked into Nialls room where I had only brought a random outfit so I put that on. It was a PINK tanktop, black shorts, my converse and i put my hair in a ponytail before joining the guys back in the mainroom where Louis, Harry and Zayn had joined them.
    "Hey guys!"
    "Hey Mouse! What are you doing today?"
    "Going shopping with Liams girlfriend! What are you guys doing?"
    "Some studio work. I put bunch of money on a card for you for today." Niall handed me a debit card. I have an awesome brother.I took the card and hugged him when teh door opened.
    "Hey Baby!" I heard Liam say and I turned around.
    "LYSSIE?!" She screamed
    Authors note-
    Alyssa's Outfut- http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=57347360
    How does Alyssa know Danielle?
    How's shopping going to go?
    How are you guys liking the story?

  16. PredatorXD PredatorXD
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2012 10:44pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter Thirty-Five
    Harry's P.O.V.
    When the girls got here the boys and I ran over to them getting our partners. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Chloe. She was so beautiful, the dress, the flower and especially her. She turned around and smiled and waved. I waved back and walked over to her. She smiled and said " Hey, you ready"
    I nodded and took her elbow in mine. She grabbed her boquet of her light pink flowers and we started to walk. The wedding was set at the beach and the isle was lined with rose petals and seashells. Chloe looked at me and smiled as we parted. Allison read her vows and Jason did the same. When they finished they kissed and we all ran down the isle laughing and holding hands. We got to the venue and sat down at one of the tables set up. The table I was sat at had Chloe,Alyssa, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis. We all chatted until Chloe had to go up and do her speech.
    "Family and friends, I am so happy to say my sister has finally found the love of her life. Allison I just wanted to say I thank you for always being there for me when times were rough..even though I don`t remember most of them, anyways I think you chose the right man to live the rest of your life with, and I wish you happiness and love for the years to come. Thank you"
    She smiled and walked back to the table. We all complimented her on her speech and dinner was served. It was delicious! We all finished and Allison and Jason had their first dance. Then it was time for me to step up, "May I have this dance " I ask shyly to Chloe.
    She smiles and takes my hand. We walk over to the dance floor and I wrap my hands around her waist. She smiled at me and leaned her head on my shoulder.
    Chloe`s P.O.V.
    Then it happened. It was all coming back to me, the crash, meeting Harry, our first kiss, disney land, being shot, my grandfather dying, Taylor hurting me and Alyssa and Harry surprising me. I look up and tears start streaming down my face. "What`s wrong love" he asks with concern. I take my hand and press it against his cheek and say
    "I remember "
    Heyy guys! I will be ending this story pretty soon so I will be starting a new one in the next couple of weeks or days haha:)

  17. kto_123 kto_123
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2012 10:29pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 14
    It's been weird between Harry and I. The secret thing has been under my skin.. If I hint at anything secretive, Harry gets oddly quiet. It's the last night before they need to go back, the management's only allowed them four days. Harry's taking me out, he said to wear something nice but not too fancy. I wait with my mom for him to pick me up. She still hasn't even met him, too busy with her work. "You'll like him, Mom, you really will, he's great," I say, excited. "Oh honey, I'm sure he is," She says, checking her phone for business calls. I sigh, disappointed that work, once again, is more important than I am. "He's here," I say, some what nervous. She barely nods her head. I let him in. "Mrs, Montgomery, how are you?" He asks politely, reaching out his hand. She shakes it, barely looking up from her phone yet again, "Hello Henry," "Harry!" I correct her, completely mortified. Harry looks awkward and I decide it's best to just leave. "I'm so sorry," I whisper, totally upset while we walk down the street. "It's okay, she's working," He shrugs, rubbing my shoulder. We walk into a dark building, suddenly the lights turn on and a ton of my school friends jump out, "SURPRISE!" They shout, I'd forgotten it's my birthday, probably because my mom had too. "Happy birthday, Molly!" My friends scream. There's party streamers, fun lights, a dance floor, a DJ, huge tables of food, tons and tons of my friends, and ofcourse, One Direction.
    "Oh my God, Harry, is this what you've been hiding?" I whisper. He nods, "You didn't catch on?" He double checks. "Not at all," I go around from place to place, saying hello to everyone. Everyone spends time dancing, eating, socializing, it's an amazing party. It's time to cut the cake, which is massive and insanely delicious. The boys seranade me with a special rendition of Happy Birthday, and then it's time for gifts. Many of the go unopened until I'm able to go home, but I make sure to open Harry's first. I pull out a beautiful silver chain with a little heart locket on it. Scripted onto the locket is a capital H, and inside is a tiny picture of Harry and I. "So this way, I can still be with you when I'm away," He shrugs. "Oh, it's perfect Harry," I whisper, "Really." I stand on my tip toes to kiss him lightly. "Help me put it on," I ask. He clasps it around my neck. "Will you dance with me?" He asks, as a slow song comes on. "I'd be honored," Liam takes Danielle, Louis takes Eleanor, come of my other guests also find people to dance with. Harry and I are in the center of the dance floor, he's singing softly in my ear, and my night is perfect. "I love you," I whisper. "I'm in love with you." Harry whispers back, I lean my head back, ready to tell him how neither of us had ever said that before when a frantic Nicki runs up and grabs hold of me.
    "Molly, get him out of here," She says quickly. "What, why?" I ask, trying to get her to be calm. "Some guy, he said his name was Brian," She can't get her words out fast enough, "Said he was going to kick his a/ss for thinking he can take you away," She rushes. "Get him out of here, Molly, so he doesn't get hurt," She pleads with me. I look up at Harry's confused face. It doesn't stay confused for long. Suddenly, Nicki and I are shoved out of the way, and Brians fist is slammed into Harry's face, knocking him to the floor. Before I can go to help him, Brians grabbed me in his arms and jammed his mouth on mine. When I manage to fight him away I stare down at Harry.
    His eye is already bruised, blood coming from a cut by his eye, but nothing compares to the look of pain caused by watching your love kissing someone else.
    And in that moment I hate Brian more than I've ever hated anyone. Harry tried so hard to make this night perfect, and it was, before Brian came along and ruined it.
    Poor Harry! Will he have to leave before Molly can explain what's up with her and Brian? Let's hope not.. Thanks for reading! xoxoxox

  18. 1D_Fanfiction 1D_Fanfiction
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2012 11:08pm UTC
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  19. 1D_Fanfiction 1D_Fanfiction
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2012 5:38pm UTC
    *A One Direction Fanfic*
    Chapter 15
    Niall and I stepped off the plane and he was attacked by fans. Thankfully Paul was waiting for us with his car. It was almost 11 at night here and I was still tierd even though I slept the entire plane ride. We got in the car and Niall introduced me to Paul and thanked him for picking us up. We drove for a while before arriving at a huge building.
    "It's good to be home." Niall said with a smile and I was still soaking everything in.
    "Paul you didn't tell the guys when we were getting back did you?"
    "I didn't even tell them you left.." Paul said laughing
    "They are going to kill me! I've already went missing once this week.." Paul dropped us off at the front of the building and we walked to the elevator and to Niall's flat.
    "Oh Lyss I forgot to warn you. Liam lives with me"
    "Thats awesome!" I was going to live in the same flat as Liam Payne. I was trying so hard not to fangirl.
    "Even with dealing with all of us, even though you have only talked to the guys over the phone you are still a fan" He said smiling. We stopped in front of a door and Niall pulled out a key and opened it. It was completely dark but you could hear someone breathing and it wasnt me or Niall. I clutched onto my brother's arm and as he turned on the light he was attacked. I screamed and then I realized who was tackling him
    "You guys miss me?" Niall said at the bottom of a dog pile with Louis,Harry,and Zayn on top of him.
    "Guys off! Let the kid breathe he just got home" Liam said walking out his bedroom and the boys obeyed. He really was Daddy Direction.
    "Guys I would like you to meet my sister Alyssa!" Niall said
    "Hey guys!" I said with a smile and they all said hi back.
    "Now is there a reason you are all at my flat at almost midnight?" Niall looked slightly annoyed but you could tell he was tired.
    "We wanted to be here when you got home and Liam let us in" Louis said with a grin that made him look like he was up to something.
    "Oh well I am going to bed. Oh Lyss you can either share a bed with me, sleep on my floor or the couch since your bed isn't here yet"
    "I'll take the couch. and I need something to sleep in since you told me not to bring anything"
    "Oh yeah I will be right back" He said before turning to walk into his room and all the guys broke out into huge smiles and exchanged knowing looks. I looked at Louis and he winked and Harry put his finger to his lips.
    "In 3...2...1.." Liam whispered as Niall started swearing and yelling. I looked at the boys who had fallen over with laughter.
    "HOLY CRAP JOSH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED?!" He yelled by this point I was laughing along with the rest of the guys. Niall walked out holding Josh by the ear.
    "Who's idea was this?" I looked at Josh and realized he was in nothing but a speedo and was still holding a rose in his mouth. I fell to the ground laughing and I was rolling around laughing with the rest of the boys. These boys were guinesess. The guys had finally calmed down enough to help poor Josh away from my brother who looked at me and the laughter he was holding in came out. At this point no sound was coming out of me I was just sitting there clapping like a retarded seal. It took another 10 minutes for me to control myself.
    "You two are so much alike it's scary.." Liam said in a weird voice
    "Your laugh the same except.. yanno... hers sounds girl like.." Harry said looking confused and Louis patted him on the back.
    "Well I actually went in my room for apurpose and I have no idea what that purpose was" Niall said with his thinking face that made me laugh to myself.
    "Get me clothes!" I remembered and Niall nodded before walking into his room. He returned with a hoodie and sweatpants and threw them over my head.
    "On that note. I'm actually going to bed. GOODNIGHT!" He came over to hug me.
    "If they get to annoying either come and get me, tell Liam or just kick them in the balls. Okay?" He whispered
    "Got it" I said and Niall walked off to bed leaving me with 5 hyper guys.
    Authors note-
    Oh god boys... Is Alyssa going to be able to deal with them and love it? Or are they going to drive her crazy making her want to go back home?
    Imma try to get a few more chapters up tonight (:
    Anyone who wants to be Notify comment on here or my profile because I am making a list.

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    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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