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                                                                                                       Stole   My   Heart 
                                   Chapter Thirty-Five
Harry's P.O.V.
My eyes grew big and my heart beat a little faster. 'Was she serious?' I thought to myself.
She looked up at me and smiled a bit through her tears. "I remember you Harry". she says and I embrace her into a hug. I burried my face into her neck and held in my tears. 

Chloe's P.O.V.
After the wedding Harry took just me to the beach where we had met, and for some weird reason he had made me put a blindfold on. He carefully helped me walk through the parking lot and onto the beach. "Where are you taking me Styles" I laugh a bit.
"It's a surprise". he says pulling me further.
I could feel my bridesmaid dress swaying in the wind, tickling my legs. He finally stopped me and posistioned me in a certain angle. "Okay, take off your blindfold".
I take it off and infront of me was little pink rose petals scattered and writing in the sand spelling MARRY ME?
I gasped and turned around as Harry was already on one knee. I covered my mouth from hearing me hyporventilating. He pulls out a ring box and holds my hand "Marry me?"
I nod and jump into his arms as he stands up. He puts the ring on me. It was beautiful, it was a thin band coverend in little diamonds and in the middle was the infinity sign with a little diamond connecting it in the middle. "Oh one more thing." he says smiling at me.
"Yes?" I ask probably smiling like an idiot.
"Do you want to come on tour with us?"
I gasp a bit and nod. I hug him once again and we decide to go tell the news to the boys and Alyssa. We drive back to our flat and I hold his hand as we go up. We knock on the door and Louis opens it. "Hey!" he says opening the door wider.
"Hey!" I say walking in with Harry.
We all sit on the couch until Alyssa asks the question "What were you guys doing?"
"Oh nothing" I say making my ring visable and pretending it's not there.
"What's that on your ring finger?" asks Liam suspiciously.
Louis shoots up from his chair and grabs my hand. "Holy crap it's an engagement ring!" he says mouth wide open.
Harry and I laugh a bit as all their jaws drop. "WHAT!??" says Alyssa pulling me up and holding my hands staring at the ring.
I laugh and bit and nod at her and she screams and jumps up and down.
"And she's coming on tour with us! Alyssa can come too!" says Harry smiling.
"Yay! Now we have people to cook!" says Niall laughing.
I laugh and hug Harry. He kisses the top of my head and I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

Heey guys! Only a few more chapters till the end:(((

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Stole My Heart Chapter Thirty-Five Harry's P.O.V. My eyes

8 faves · 2 comments · Aug 27, 2012 12:58pm






sec365 · 1 decade ago
I loved the chapter and I find it funny that the ad for me is engagement rings.
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alexcovel · 1 decade ago
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