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Status: Writing stories! :)

Member Since: 24 Nov 2012 10:57am

Last Seen: 3 Jan 2013 06:55pm

Birthday: April 7

Location: Hogwarts

Gender: F

user id: 339775

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Hey guys! This account is for writing and maybe

a few goofy quotes now and then! If you like what

I write then you know exactly what to do. I will try

to post at least everyday or once a week.

Love ya,




Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

  1. UltraNerd0407 UltraNerd0407
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2013 7:46pm UTC
    The Diary of Amber
    Amber was just a normal little girl.
    She had plenty of friends and a great little family...
    This is her diary.
    What will you find in this diary?
    Read and find out.

  2. UltraNerd0407 UltraNerd0407
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2013 11:33pm UTC
    My Life Has Changed Forever
    I don't think I'm going the finish this story...not many of you are reading this so
    I'm not finishing this story. Sorry to you who were reading this.
    I'm going to start a new story though.

  3. UltraNerd0407 UltraNerd0407
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2012 7:41pm UTC
    My Life Has Changed Forever
    Chapter 6
    Zack's P.O.V
    It must have been terrible to watch her own house burn down in
    flames...I wonder who or what started that fire, I mean if someone
    did it why would they do it to her? She probably didn't do anything to
    deserve that, did she?
    I look over at her. She has beach blonde hair and big brown eyes, I
    like that in a girl.
    What am I thinking??? She wouldn't lik me as any more than just a
    Angel's P.O.V
    It feels like someone is staring at me...
    I look over and see Zack staring at me with those blue eyes of his.
    It looks like he's in deep thought, what could he be thinking about? Not me of course.
    He notices me looking back at him and his face turns red as he looks
    Aww, he looks kinda cute blushing, for all I know he could have been
    thinking about me.
    "Come on Angel, let's show you your room." Karen says to me.
    I nod and catch myself thinking about Zack again.
    Am I falling for him? Maybe, maybe not.
    CHAPTER 6!!! As you can see I'm starting to do different point of views. :) Maybe this will start getting more interesting!

  4. UltraNerd0407 UltraNerd0407
    posted a quote
    December 17, 2012 8:42pm UTC
    My Life Has Changed Forever
    Chapter 5
    I leave the next day in a car with a decent looking man and woman.
    They won't ever replace my real mom and dad though...
    They talk to me on the way to my new home, but I don't say anything
    the whole time, I just sit there like some emotionless robot.
    Do these people freaking realize that I just lost everything that was
    important to me?
    We arrive at a huge house that has a great big yard and a pool in the back, kinda fancy if you ask me.
    Tears start filling my eyes and my throat closes as flashbacks of two
    nights ago's accedent runs through my mind.
    "Come on sweety, let's get you inside ok?" the woman says to me and
    in response, I simply nod.
    I later learn the woman's name is Karen and the man's name is Tom.
    They also have a son who's the same age as me, his name is
    Zack. Zack has solid black hair and piercing blue eyes, which neither
    of his parents have.
    Come to find out he's just like me, a kid without any other family to go to because they are all dead or can't take care of you.
    Zack's parents died in a terrible car wreck that killed them on impact
    but he somehow got out, he doesn't really remember what happened.
    He's really quiet for a 17 year old boy. I wouldn't blame him, I've
    suddenly become quiet myself.
    CHAPTER 5!!!

  5. UltraNerd0407 UltraNerd0407
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2012 8:08pm UTC
    My Life Has Changed Forever
    Chapter 4
    Only one that survived?!?
    No...this can't be, not to me! I lose my house, get injured and now
    this? Tears start pouring out of my eyes as the flashbacks of my
    family come pouring throught my mind.
    Why did this have to happen to me?
    Danielle was only 10 years old...she had a whole life ahead of her.
    The doctor walks over to me and hands me a tissue as I cry my eyes
    out right in front of him, but I didn't care.
    My family is now gone forever. All of the precious things they gave
    me, gone!
    Well except for this necklace they gave me. It has my mom, dad, and
    Danielle's picture in it, that's all I have left of them now.
    "Angel, you can leave from here tomorrow and then to your new
    home..." the doctor says to me.
    I wanted to slap him and scream at him that there will NEVER be a
    new home or family for me, but instead I simply nod.
    That's all I could do.
    The doctor walks out and that's when I really let all my tears and
    feelings come pouring out...
    CHAPTER 4!!!!!! OMG guys I'm sorry it took me sooo long to get this chapter up! I have just been so busy with school. I have had to do some projects and some studying for some test but luckily the holidays are almost here!

  6. UltraNerd0407 UltraNerd0407
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2012 8:54pm UTC
    My Life Has Changed Forever
    Chapter 3
    "and get this piece of wood out of her chest STAT!" Whoa, a piece of
    wood? That must be why my chest hurts...hey, I'm getting kinda...
    I wake up yet again, but this time I'm in a hospital room with
    bandages on my leg, feet and my chest.
    How did that wood even get in my chest?
    Then suddenly, I remembered...my family! I didn't hear them earlier,
    maybe they were in another room?
    I look over at the clock to see what time it is.
    It's ten o'clock A.M. It must be the next day now...last night was
    when my house went down in flames and luckily my family got out,
    or did they? At least I'm not in as much pain as I was last night, I
    actually feel pretty good. I raise the top of my bed to where I'm sitting
    up with those little buttons on the side of the bed. The doctor walks
    He smiles at me.
    "Your surgery went well Miss Hart, but sadly I have some terrible news."
    I watch his smile turn into a sad frown and I can feel my heart stop as
    he says the my worst nightmare.
    "Your mom, dad, and sister died in that fire, you were the only one that survived, I am truly sorry."
    CHAPTER 3!!!!!!

  7. UltraNerd0407 UltraNerd0407
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2012 6:26pm UTC
    My Life Has Changed Forever
    Chapter 2
    I open my eyes again, there are doctors and nurses all around me.
    "She's awake!" I hear one nurse say.
    Ow did I hit my head and Jesus Christ these burns hurt! The next
    thing I know there's a doctor checking my vital signs and all that
    other stuff.
    "Miss Hart, let me know if you can feel this." the doctor says to me.
    What is with people and calling me Miss Hart when I'm in a hospital
    or school? My name is Angel NOT Miss Hart, I mean I'm 17 not 30.
    I feel the doctor lightly touch a burn on my leg. The pain shoots
    through my leg like I was being stabbed a million times in that same
    spot over and over! I wince and let out a miserable groan of pure pain
    and by the look on the doctor's face, I could tell this burn was serious.
    He moves his hand. Luckily I managed to get burned only in that one
    spot on my leg and some on my feet from running through a burning
    house with no shoes...smart move Angel! Ugh, the room is spinning
    and now my chest hurts, probably from all that smoke I had breathed in.
    "Let's get her to the OR, we need to get these burns treated and get
    this piece of wood out of her chest STAT!"
    Well guys here's Chapter 2! Hope you liked it and trust it'll get better later, this is just the beginning ;)

  8. UltraNerd0407 UltraNerd0407
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 6:13pm UTC
    My Life Has Changed Forever
    Chapter 1
    I know that sound all too well.
    "Danielle!" I scream at the top of my lungs that are now full of smoke.
    I don't get an answer. I run as fast as I can through the house in the
    direction I just heard my sister scream in. Running in a burning
    house definitely isn't a walk in the park...you don't get burned
    severely during a walk in a park and to make matters worse, I'm not
    wearing shoes. I get to where she is...no Danielle.
    I yell her name over and over...no answer. I start to panic, but I keep
    myself together.
    Ok...you house is burning down and there's no sign of you
    parents or your sister. Maybe your parents already got out
    and are getting help and Danielle managed to jump out of a
    window or something?
    Then the blaring sound of sirens burst though my thoughts. I can
    feel my breath running low. What's going on? Everything's going
    You know what to do if you liked this. :) Well here's Chapter 1! I know this is pretty boring but it will get more entertaining later.

  9. UltraNerd0407 UltraNerd0407
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 11:37am UTC
    My Life Has Changed Forever
    I open my eyes to see myself lying in my front yard. What just
    happened? I was just lying in my bed inside...how did I get here?
    Wait, what's that smell? No, that can't be! I jump to my feet and run
    inside the house. The harsh smell of smoke burns my nostrils making
    my eyes water and all I can see and breathe is smoke. I this a dream?
    If it is, it isn't a very good one. Then the most terrifying sound booms
    through my ears...
    Well guys here's the prologue to my story! I'm new here on Witty but that really doesn't matter :) If you liked this then you know what to do! :) I DO NOT NOTIFY!


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