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  1. TreasuresFromTheHeart TreasuresFromTheHeart
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2012 10:15pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. TreasuresFromTheHeart TreasuresFromTheHeart
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2012 3:51pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. TreasuresFromTheHeart TreasuresFromTheHeart
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2012 2:47pm UTC
    Sometimes i wish
    People would stop caring about
    How we look
    And start caring about
    Who we are

  4. TreasuresFromTheHeart TreasuresFromTheHeart
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2012 1:53pm UTC
    Hazel Eyes
    -Chapter 1-
    i still couldn't belive i was alone in LA, well almost alone my careless dad was there too, but who cares!? it's summertime and i'm in my favorite place in the whole world, nothing could ruin this and nothing could make it better, excepting of course not being with my dad.
    "i have to make friends ASAP" was my first thought when i finished unpacking "like that i will be out of the house as much as possible"
    so i took a shower, got dressed and as fast as i could i was outside the house and heading to the beach, i love L.A wheather!
    i got to the beach in no time, thank god it was close to where i live now, there was no one in the beach, not what i was expecting, but at least my dad wasn't here, "you really hate him" i said loud
    "hate who?" someone said behind me
    am i going crazy?
    i slowly turned arround and i saw a guy
    he was tall, thin, pale, had brown hair, and light brown eyes, and he was wearing a checked shirt under a black jacket, jeans, and high top converse.
    what in the world was he doing at the beach wearing that?
    "excuse me?" i said trying to sound sweet but rude enough
    "Oh God, i'm really sorry i don't know why i did that..." he said nervous.
    i had to laugh i couldn't hold that much in.
    "it's okay as long as you're not a pshyco stalker" i said
    His face went red
    "i'm Spencer" i said trying to make him comfortable
    "i'm chase" he smiled
    "lovely" i said, i guess i didn't know what to say
    "and tell me Chase, Do you always spy lonely girls?"
    his face went red again
    "No, Just you actually"
    "i mean this is the first time i ever do something like this, i'm so embarrassed"
    "don't be"
    "i guess you thought i needed company"
    He looked down
    "well if you did you were right, i'm new here, i mean i recently moved"
    he looked back up
    "and i hope you're willing to show me the place"
    He smiled "are you sure you want that? i'm a stalker it could be dangerous" he joked
    "i guess i'll take that risk, if i didn't i would be lonely"
    "well you wont be, not anymore"
    i avoided eye contact for the next 5 seconds after that
    i think he noticed cause he nervously said "sorry did i freak you out again?"
    "Not at all" i lied confidently
    "okay, are you free now?" he asked excited
    "i guess" i said
    "awesome, let's go" he said while he started to walk fast
    i didn't follow him, i don't know why
    "come on!" he said "i'll explain why i stalked you on the way"
    i smiled and ran behind him until i finally reached him.


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