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  1. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 1:31am UTC
    I've found a reason for me
    ||||||\to change who I used to be/||||||
    a reason to start over new
    and the reason is you.

  2. hello_world hello_world
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2012 4:36pm UTC
    Its been almost two weeks since I've cut...
    I cant let a blade take over my life.

  3. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2012 2:45am UTC
    he hurt me. he hurt me a lot.
    he lied about a whole lot of things.
    he said a lot of nasty things,
    words that cut like knives.
    he absolutely shattered me.
    and yet I forgave him.

  4. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 7:40pm UTC
    to write love on her arms.
    fave if you support ♥

  5. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 11:26pm UTC
    I'd give anything, just to see his smile again♥

  6. JustDropItLikeItsHot JustDropItLikeItsHot
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 5:13pm UTC
    You think you know me? I don't even know me.

  7. Kart123 Kart123
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 7:19pm UTC
    That funny moment when there is a dirty joke hidden within a kids movie

  8. MaggiieBear MaggiieBear
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 4:44pm UTC
    Dear Microwave, why is my food still cold when my plate is so hot?

  9. DamnnTaylerx DamnnTaylerx
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 4:22pm UTC
    You're annoying. Go suck a pickle

  10. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 4:17pm UTC
    I hate it when I paint my own nails, and my left hand is flawless, but my right hand looks like a blind anteater painted it.

  11. nms1995 nms1995
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 4:14pm UTC
    Today, a girl at my school had a seizure , then peed herself and passed out in front of her entire lunch period , people were standing there laughing saying "thats embarrassing"
    fav if you think this is wrong

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. SweetToxicity SweetToxicity
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 12:12am UTC
    If you're not going to write your own vows, why even have them? It's really pathetic that some people can't pour their heart out for their love without using someone else's words. If you love someone and want them to know how much they mean to you, tell them from the bottom of your heart with every detail. Not words that you found or someone else wrote for you that just happens to be close/almost exact. *Only you 2 know how you feel about each other, speak your own mind, pour your heart out.

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. sammylynn66 sammylynn66
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 12:13am UTC
    1.ex trying to mess it up
    1.friends wishing secretly that it would end

  16. melbee melbee
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 12:13am UTC
    Hey "Someone",
    can you stop making so many quotes?
    you're taking my spotlight (;

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. jaynerainbow_ jaynerainbow_
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 12:03am UTC
    i love pictures. 'cause the picture and memories that come with it never change. even when the person does.

  20. BeautifulBrunette BeautifulBrunette
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 12:04am UTC
    Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.


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