Witty Profiles

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  1. please_save_me please_save_me
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2012 10:32pm UTC

    Off in the night, while you live it up, I'm off to sleep, waging wars to shape the poet and the beat.

  2. SarahL SarahL
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 6:35pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. annalove26 annalove26
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 6:15pm UTC
    I can look you stright
    in the eyes
    And tell you

  4. littleleftofthemiddle littleleftofthemiddle
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 6:24pm UTC
    Dumbledore: Welcome back to another year of Hogwarts!
    Dumbledore: I actually dont know why your parents still send you here
    Dumbledore: There's like a 30% chance you'll die tragically
    Dumbledore: And it just goes up every year
    Dumbledore: I guess that just means all your parents hate you
    Dumbledore: Great lets have some pumpkin juice!

  5. queezle* queezle*
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 5:50pm UTC
    "I love old things. They make me feel sad."
    "What's good about sad?"
    "It's happy for deep people."

  6. WeAreTheBoys WeAreTheBoys
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 6:20pm UTC
    Girl: I have eyes just like my mum.
    Me: And you have boobs just like your dad.
    Girl: My dad doesn't have boobs!
    Me: Exactly.

  7. animallovers46 animallovers46
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 5:43pm UTC
    "My hair may not match my roots, my teeth may be messed up, and I may be fat. BUT I can change all of those things. You can't change that you have an ugly heart."

  8. ConverseLover ConverseLover
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2012 7:48pm UTC
    "Because of you
    I never stray too far from the sidewalk.
    Because of you, I like to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt"

  9. rawrbaby69247 rawrbaby69247
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 8:58pm UTC
    My Mother likes to talk like a baby,
    So instead of saying Kitty Cat, She says Titty Tat.
    Oh mom i love you! <3

  10. rawrbaby69247 rawrbaby69247
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 10:34am UTC
    I am an official Mcdonalds employee.
    Would you like a fry with that?

  11. rawrbaby69247 rawrbaby69247
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2012 10:30am UTC
    I can be a lover, a hater, a fighter, a player, but that just ain’t my style. I’m nothing but a mystery with a pretty smile.♥

  12. JustAnotherWittyGuy JustAnotherWittyGuy
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 3:32pm UTC
    *Moi in bedroom*
    WHAT IS IT!?!?
    can you turn off the light?
    *walks away*

  13. ineedahero ineedahero
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2012 9:17pm UTC
    now i know i have a heart
    cause its breaking.
    - The Wizard of Oz.

  14. ineedahero ineedahero
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2012 9:04pm UTC
    i'm not mad,
    i'm hurt.
    there's a difference.

  15. bostongirl205 bostongirl205
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2012 8:59pm UTC
    I always try to convinve myself that this time you'll be different,
    but then you go and prove me wrong,
    every single time....</3

  16. Wisconsin Wisconsin
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 10:48pm UTC
    Dear Me,I hate you. You're weak. You deserve the pain. You're imperfect. You'll never be good enough. I hope you die.

  17. Wisconsin Wisconsin
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 11:42pm UTC
    The worst feelings in the world1. Crying yourself to sleep.2. Being ignored.3. Discovering the person you love loves someone else.4. When the person you love falls out of love.

  18. Wisconsin Wisconsin
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 12:18am UTC
    You don't have to pretend you like me. It's okay, I get it. I'm not the type of person that people want to be around.

  19. Wisconsin Wisconsin
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2012 12:19am UTC
    It's not the goodbye that hurts, its the flashbacks that follow.

  20. Wisconsin Wisconsin
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2012 11:35pm UTC
    If you want something you've never had than you've got to do something you've never done.


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