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Member Since: 21 Dec 2011 03:22am

Last Seen: 18 Feb 2012 02:21am

user id: 253634

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Tell me you love me,
and I'll be yours forever
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Hi my names Tia,
As you have probably noticed I love Short Stack! :)
I'm 13
I play Volley Ball and I'm in year 8 :D
I live in Australia and I love music and I can't stand beaches, I hate the sand ahaha :)
I love singing and playing VolleyBall, I've been playing VolleyBall for almost 3 years :') I play VolleyBall with my friend Liv <3

I dont have many friends on 3 but we're not really that close any more. Most of my other friends are my cousins and I love them but I dont see them that often but I'm seeing them in January :)

I dont just love Short Stack becuase of how hot they are but for them as people and their music, they mean so much to me. Their helping me through depression and their my Role Models. Most of you probablt think that their music is shit but every one has their own oppinion on their music and my op-pinion in 360s music is shit and I dont think he should have won but any way.

I hope you enjoy your day :) <3 I follow back if you follow me :) 
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http://youtu.be/-p9b8Xd5Mmo  check this video out :) http://youtu.be/-p9b8Xd5Mmo   
  1. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2012 9:25pm UTC
    Type your name with your nose! and please keep it going!
    Siar4an b- Siara almost had it lol ♥
    dfhyr5454iwst5aq- christa lol i suck
    qao6sswaq- alyssa haha im rong
    aqloexaq- Alexa haha
    shannon- shannon 1rite
    janine- Janine :D
    swte3ph- steph haha
    nichole-nichole YESSSSS
    ash- ash:D
    kylee- kylee=)
    amber- =D
    caereloleyu- carley =0 OH NO!
    rachel- ha! own!
    wsop0yi8aq- Sophia! haha! I stink!
    dc045raqol9- im awesome!!! hah Coralie
    vicdtorioa - supposed to be victoria.
    kristen<<< OWNAGE !
    trswgtahnj- teagan
    :Omsawkala - supposed to be makayla
    ghr4iu8ahnhba-haha brianna ;D
    emily; yay {:
    kelly - woo ! ;D
    mjatti-matti lmao<3
    km3dqttyhwan- meaghan:)
    qqmkqthea - armathea...WTH?
    brf enna hhahahaha its Brenna
    Olivia :p - oo9ifi9qa (i triedd :D 6:47 pm 11/3)
    Keep it goinggg : )
    Caswswiee-Maqry (Cassiee-Mary(:<3 ahah I
    aun stin-Austin
    keirsten = o Yeah i got it write...keirsten
    rima- hahh gott itt righht ! Rima(:
    iqw6o3ity- uhh that was supposed to say kayleigh
    ashlii-Ashlii, woo!(;
    iqn hamilton-ian hamilton DAMN sooo close
    shauna-shauna YEAHHHHH!!!!
    CORAL- coral =] im amazingg
    c asmjkilklew- camille... my nose is fat :]
    autumn-autumn :)
    cfaqi9tolinjh- Caitlin... I have a fat nose like camille
    maddie=maddie tehe i rock
    leaqhhaq marie= leanna marie:) baha<3
    caroline- Caroline :D
    ehh89i- dani!
    haley- Haley, I'm a boss (;
    deyllan- Dylan, haha lika boss ;D
    bailey- Bailey ♥ i rock at this... ive had YEARS of practiceeee
    paige- paige((:
    megan>>> GOT IT!!
    emily- iloveyou.
    sabreena- Sabreena. OWNAGEE(:
    mariddw- MARISSA hahah wow \:)
    julieta- yaaay perfeect♥! Julieta :3
    emnaq- shouldd be emma hahahhaa
    aqjaqhnjhdeaq - amanda...epic faillll
    jhnoisahj - Noah. O_O That was just terrible.
    mji8raNJHAQ- MIRANDA...I felt like a chicken when I did that haha
    bronsw0h- Bronson:-)
    t5i8asq - pfft it's Tia ahah !!

  2. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2012 12:38am UTC
    I'm so obsessed with Short Stack that-
    When I even look at a photo, open my laptop, talk about them or even wear my Short Stack shirt my friends roll their eyes at me and tell me I'm crazy and a obsessed fan... I'm not crazy but I'm so obsessed that even if I hear their names (Shaun, Andy and Bradie) my hart skips a beat <3 :3

  3. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2012 12:14am UTC
    Le ts h i t some wood !
    - P e y t o n f r o m m y m u s i c c l a s s

  4. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 1:39am UTC
    - Shaun Diviney Australia's sexiest man .♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  5. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 1:34am UTC
    Wake up in the morning
    [✔ ]feeling like Shaun Diviney<3

  6. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 12:59am UTC
    S h o r t S t a c k Fa c t # 2
    Short Stack have helped millions of people all over Australia that are battling Depression or were and they are the most inspireing people I have ever met.

  7. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 12:49am UTC
    S h o r t S t a c k Fa c t # 1
    Short Stacks first music video (Sway Sway Baby Short Stack tv episode 10) was made on Bradies phone and made in Shaun's little brothers room to be different from all the other ones that are out there

  8. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 2:56am UTC
    Would you think I'd have a chance
    From the start
    Every time you take my hand
    You take my heart
    -Before Angels Fall by Short Stack

  9. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2011 8:16pm UTC
    Actually talking to Jordan DanSweeto righ now on
    my FaceBook account.... Im so happy I could die <3

  10. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 7:01pm UTC
    You think Im crazy?
    I think your insane
    So place your hands in my and
    whisper my name

  11. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 6:58pm UTC
    Sway Sway Bradie Your so Audio!, Shaun kill you girlfriend, Andy we can be together !
    Short Stack tv

  12. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 4:08am UTC
    I dont think any one understands how much I love Short Stack... Their my WHOLE WORLD,they are helping me through depression. Thneir music is amazing and I have no way of thanking them for being who they are. I love their music so much that if I went a day ith out it I would pronbably go insane.. Nobody understands how much they mean to me, I would probably get hate for this with people say that their sh*t and stuff like that but they help people in more ways then one and I've made friend through them and I would never be able to thank them enough for this. I will love them forever.

  13. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 1:02am UTC

    Suck My Bradie.
    -Shaun Diviney x

  14. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 12:53am UTC
    Because Shaun put the card in wrong, because Bradie told him the password wrong, because Shaun's(JumpNow) an angry emo.
    Short Stack tv.❤

  15. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 12:47am UTC
    Shaun: See, everyone back at home is always like, 'why are you so mean to Bradie?'
    Andy- But is actually evil.. 'What can I do today to kill Shaun and Andy?'
    Shaun-*innocent voice* But, Bradie! I want to eat my dinner!
    *Evil Voice* NO YOU ARE NOT EATING!
    Short Stack tv ♥

  16. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 12:28am UTC
    *in the bush driving*
    Andy- we're lost in the bush,
    not really but we're gonna pretend we are!
    Shaun- How many dead bodies do you think
    are in this forrest?
    Andy- I reckon a few..
    Shaun- Can we kill Bradie? Just imagine it right now if we kill him...
    Bradie- : O
    Short STack tv

  17. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 12:10am UTC
    Andy- This is who we have to replace Bradie.. *Shows a stirafome dummy head*
    Bradie- At least put a wig on it, that doesn't resemble me whats so ever, maybe say it's you becuase your so pasty *laughs*
    Andy- I'm pretty sure that I'm about as pail as you
    Short Stack tv

  18. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 12:02am UTC
    *Playing Xbox kinect*
    Andy- Bradie you jump like a sexual preditor.
    Short Stack tv

  19. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 11:54pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. Tia_Loves_ShortStack Tia_Loves_ShortStack
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 11:42pm UTC
    Jimmy- Bradie where are we?
    Bradie- In Handlens where it's Christmas every day of the year! It's pretty cool
    *Jimmy gives Shaun the video camera and Shaun
    faces camera to himself*
    Shaun- Where in a toy store and Bradies actually
    running from aile to aile *Laughs*
    Short Stack tv


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