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Member Since: 27 Oct 2012 05:04pm

Last Seen: 6 Nov 2012 06:55pm

Location: Pittsfield, MA

Gender: F

user id: 336322

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The Other Part Of Me 

Mason and Layla are both juniors at Southwood High School in Georgetown, South Caroline. Mason is the quarterback of the football team and is one of the most popular boys in school. Layla is the top student in their class and is a dancer. Two completely different people. Even though they live in the same town and go to the same school, they have never met eachother. Something happens that brings them together. They have so much chemistry, but their social differences are keeping them apart. Will they end up together?
R@/\/D0/\/\  (;

Bonjour, you should check out my main acount :) 
pease and tankoo ;P

  1. TheOtherPartOfMe TheOtherPartOfMe
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2012 10:44pm UTC
    The Other Part Of Me
    Chapter 3
    I was kicking the leaves down the sidewalk when all of a sudden I heard a car pull beside me and slow down. Panicking, I quickly reached for my phone and got ready to call 911. Then I heard a voice say, "Hey there, I think we go to the same school, do you want a ride?" I looked over and saw the most handsome guy I've ever seen. I stopped in my tracks, I couldn't even speak. "Hello?"
    I snapped back to reality, "Uh yeah, sure." I got into the car and put my seatbelt on. There was a really awkward silence between us for about thirty seconds.
    He finally broke the silence, "So, what's your name?"
    I looked at him, "Layla, what's yours?"
    He looked over with a smirk, "I'm Mason, nice to meet ya." He stuck his hand out for me to shake. I took it and and squeezed it tight. "Why were you walking?"
    "I missed my bus."
    He looked over again. "Aw that sucks. Have you always gone to Southwood? I've never seen you before?"
    I laughed. "Yeah, since ninth grade."
    "Oh that's weird. I know everyone."
    I laughed again. "So let me guess, you're one of those jocks who thinks he's all big and tough. Knows everyone at school, but forgets about anyone who's not popular. You're not good at school so you shmooze your way through because you think you can. Am I right?"
    He did a fake laugh, "Well, you're pretty good, but I don't think I'm all big and tough."
    "I'll believe it when I see it."
    He laughed again, "Alright, alright. Let me try you. Considering that I don't know you, I'm gonna guess that you're a quiet girl. Not very popular. A girl who thinks she's not pretty, when in reality she's beautiful. Super smart. Sets high goals for herself. Involved in everything possible. Am I right?" He looked over and smirked as we pulled into the school parking lot.
    I was astonished. I couldn't even talk. Did he really just call me beautiful? I couldn't talk.
    "I'm going to take that silence as a yes. Maybe I'll see you around. Later Layla."
    As I got out of the car and we went our separate ways I whispered, "Bye Mason."

  2. TheOtherPartOfMe TheOtherPartOfMe
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2012 6:31pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. TheOtherPartOfMe TheOtherPartOfMe
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2012 6:13pm UTC
    The Other Part Of Me
    Chapter 1
    Have you ever done something and just asked yourself "why"? That's the question I constantly ask myself. Why did I take dance? Why did I take four AP classes? Why did I let my bestfriend walk out of my life? Why do my parents hate me? People always tell me how perfect my life is and how much they wish they could be like me. What those people don't realize is how imperfect my life is. My parents fight every night over my dance expenses and, even though I'm not going for two more years, my college expenses. Lately they have been talking about a divorce. It's my fault they're getting a divorce. There is no other child to blame for it. My older brother died from cancer when I was seven. It's just me. He was my role model, the person I wanted to be like. My parents tried to get rid of his things, but I wouldn't let them. His room is still the way he left it nine years ago. Sometimes I lay in his bed and just stare up at the glow in the dark stars he has on his ceiling. Sometimes I stare at his picture on his dresser until my eyes start to sting. His death caused the most hurt in my life. People think I'm this happy go lucky girl who has no issues in life. "She has money, she has talent, she's smart," that's all true, but love is the most important thing. I don't have that. I need it.
    * * * * * *
    I woke up to the sound of my mother yelling up the stairs for me to get up. It's Monday. I hate Mondays. I have school, class council meeting after school, ballet after that, jazz after ballet, then work until eight, and then homework. I yelled back to her, "I'm up, I'm up." I stretched out slowly, still under my fuzzy pink comforter, before getting out of bed. I walked across the room to turn my hair straightener on, and then hopped in the shower. I was in there for about fifteen minutes, I didn't want to get out. The water was so warm and my mom refused to turn the heat on in the house. When I finally got out, I blow dried and straightened my hair. Then came the hardest part of my morning: picking out what to wear. I spend a half an hour each day trying to figure out what to wear to school. After thinking for awhile, I decided on my dark blue skinny jeans, a pink sweater, and my chestnut colored Uggs.
    I went downstairs for breakfast. I noticed that my dad wasn't sitting at the breakfast counter like he usually was. "Mom, where's dad?"
    "Uh, I think he went to put gas in the car."
    "The car is still in the garage. Nice try, where is he?"
    She sighed, "He went to stay with your grandparents for a few days. We need a little break from each other."
    "He couldn't say goodbye before he left?"
    "He left at one in the morning. He didn't want to wake you."
    I started to get angry. "When is he coming back? This is obsurd. There is no reason for him to leave. Go see a marriage counseler or something."
    My mother's voice was shaky, "Layla, calm down. I know you don't like what's been going on, but there's nothing you can do about it."
    "I hate you! You aren't even trying to make it work!" I screamed at her. I grabbed my bag off the counter and walked out the door. I could hear my mother's sobs just before I slammed the door.
    I began to walk toward my bus stop. Just as I was about to turn the corner, I saw my bus drive away. I began running after it, but I couldn't run fast enough. "I guess I'm walking two miles to school then," I muttered to myself.


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