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  1. little_miss_imperfect little_miss_imperfect
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2009 1:43pm UTC
    oh my God;
    it's septemeber!
    when the hell did that happen?

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. xsoccerbabyx101 xsoccerbabyx101
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2009 8:44pm UTC
    And you know what?
    Me not caring anymoree
    Has made you care more than everr..
    Sorry..but I've moved on.
    Youu had your chancee..
    P L A Y E R.

  4. soccerCHICK72650 soccerCHICK72650
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2009 8:02pm UTC

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. ErinBear22 ErinBear22
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2009 9:19pm UTC
    When we were younger
    we called them
    As teens we they're known as
    And adults call them
    But to me, no matter what you call them they'll always be
    just as cute.

  7. auhhmanduh auhhmanduh
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2009 12:17pm UTC
    i'll give you my heart... just please...
    Don't breakit.

  8. 2coolforu 2coolforu
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2009 5:42pm UTC
    A common word that I like to use to describe;;
    ----->>your face.
    by mksoccerchik i like the colors so i kept it good job soccerchik

  9. brun3tt3xthtsxmee brun3tt3xthtsxmee
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2009 5:51pm UTC
    oh, welcome to the teeange years.

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. em5145 em5145
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2009 10:34am UTC
    When a guy breaks up with you,
    Dont sit on the couch and eat all
    the ice cream in your house, while
    watchin every s a d movie you can
    think of; No, go out with your
    girlfriends and have some funn!
    and next time he see's you,
    he'll see your b e t t e r without him.
    and that will show him noone
    messes with
    sry if there is somethin like this on here. just kinda bored and venting.

  13. batman4eva92 batman4eva92
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2009 1:15pm UTC
    I m a y h a v e a s m i l e o n m y f a c e
    b u t i s t i l l h a v e a b r o k e n h e a r t
    on my sleeve

  14. M3LLii3_DBG_D M3LLii3_DBG_D
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2009 11:47am UTC
    ►how come every time i see u ......ur in my room.....in my mind......living in there...and can't get out??

  15. ohx0itslovexo ohx0itslovexo
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2009 1:06pm UTC
    So one day me && him were
    sitting on the sidewalk::
    he then asked me to tell him something I missed the most.
    Thinking long and hard about this I replied, "I miss my smile.
    I've been torn ((apart)) so many times, I can't be broken anymore.
    I mean, look at me! I'm wearing my older brother's sweatpants
    and an oversized t-shirt. My hair isn't straightened, but pulled back
    in a mess you can barely call a ponytail. I have no make-up on, and
    haven't slept for days. I'm a total and complete train wreck."
    Out of breath from telling him all this he simply replied,
    “I think you look
    **This took forever to finally get right to post. The spacing is a little off. Everything kept getting messed up but I finally got it! I worked really hard on this. Feel free to favorite/comment :]

  16. Brittney_hearts_Chris Brittney_hearts_Chris
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2009 3:02pm UTC
    Oh why'd you have to be so cute?
    Its impossible to ignore you

  17. nikkimarieexoxo nikkimarieexoxo
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2009 4:51pm UTC
    && I ask myself daily:
    What does he see in her that he doesn't see in me?

  18. XoCutePieOx102889 XoCutePieOx102889
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2009 9:36am UTC
    never felt like
    'just friends' whenever I was with you.

  19. mhmm_itz_lexi mhmm_itz_lexi
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2009 12:09pm UTC
    We look so good
    ----->> side by side <<-----

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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