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Member Since: 8 Jan 2011 05:21pm

Last Seen: 27 Dec 2011 09:38pm

user id: 145067

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a                   loud!
      y.  unpredictable. caring. REAL.

funny. creative.  individual. open-minded. optimistic (most of the time). dancer. artist. complicated. lover not a fighter. ♥  
  1. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2011 11:54pm UTC
    I love you, don't you see
    You stole my heart in 1-2-3
    I love you, yes it's true
    You stole my heart and...
    I'm gonna steal yours too ❤

  2. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2011 10:24pm UTC
    TYPE HERE Oh oh, I want some more.
    Oh-oh, what are you waitin' for?
    Take a bite of my heart tonight <3

  3. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2011 3:29pm UTC
    And who else misses the old Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network and Disney?
    I'm talking about...
    Hey Arnold!
    Wild Thornberrys
    As Told by Ginger
    Phil of the Future
    All That
    Kenan n Kel
    The Amanda Show
    Smart Guy
    That's So Raven
    Even Stevens
    Kim Possible
    The Proud Family
    Sister, Sister
    Rolie Polie Olie
    Johnny Bravo
    Zoey 101
    Totally Spies
    The Powerpuff Girls
    Boy Meets World
    Lizzie McGuire
    Jimmy Neutron
    Ed, Edd n Eddy
    Scooby Doo
    ...and others ♥

  4. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2011 12:52pm UTC
    When I was little, my friends and I dug a big hole in the ground thinking we would end up in China.

  5. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2011 5:01pm UTC
    who's the idiot that decided to put a
    's' in lisp? D;

  6. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2011 4:36pm UTC
    A girl went to a party and
    she ended up staying longer than she
    planned, and had to walk home alone.
    She wasn't afraid
    because it was a small town, and she lived
    only a few blocks away.
    As she walked along under the tall elm
    trees, Diane asked God to keep her safe from
    harm and danger.
    When she reached the alley, which was a
    short cut to her house, she decided to take it.
    However, halfway down the alley she
    noticed a man standing at the end as
    though he were waiting for her.
    She became uneasy and began to pray,
    asking for God's protection.
    Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness
    and security wrapped round her, she felt as
    though someone was walking with her.
    when she reached the end of the alley,
    she walked right past the man and arrived
    home safely.
    The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been killed in the same alley just
    twenty minutes after she had been there.
    Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and
    the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep.
    Thanking the Lord for her safety and to
    help this young woman, she decided to go to the
    police station.
    She felt she could recognize the man,
    so she told them her story.
    The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him.
    She agreed and immediately pointed out
    the man she had seen in the alley the night before.
    When the man was told he had been
    identified, he immediately broke down and confessed
    The officer thanked Diane for her bravery
    and asked if there was anything they could do
    for her She asked if they would ask the man one question.
    Diane was curious as to why he had not
    attacked her When the policeman asked him, he answered, Because she wasn't alone.
    She had two tall men walking on either side of her.
    Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're never alone.
    Did you know that 97% of teenagers will not stand up for God?
    Repost this if you truly
    believe in God
    PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what
    "If you deny me in front of your friends, I shall deny you in front of my Father"
    stand up for Him.
    51% won't repost this

  7. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 11:48pm UTC
    The face of intensity
    -stares at you intensely-

  8. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 11:24pm UTC
    Don't you love hate it when...
    you're so focused on making sure you don't
    miss 11:11, then something comes along and
    distracts you. THEN, after looking back at the clock you now
    realize it's 11:12.

  9. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 11:13pm UTC
    That awkward moment when Voldemort confesses he wants his nose pierced.

    *not my format

  10. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2011 3:11pm UTC
    Beeyotch,please. I'm tighter than a fat guy in spandex. Don't hate.

  11. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2011 2:50pm UTC
    Got a secret
    Can you keep it?
    Swear this one you'll save
    Better lock it in your pocket
    Taking this one to the grave
    If i show you then i know you
    Won't tell what i said
    Cause two can keep a secret
    If one of them is dead...

  12. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2011 1:14pm UTC
    Girl:: -pours heart out to you over text cause she’s too emotional
    to do it over the phone.-
    Boy:: -Replies with only ‘k’-
    I mean...wtf? :\

  13. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2011 12:54pm UTC
    Am I the only one who hates seeing people with a
    really orange tan and platinum blonde hair? o.e

  14. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2011 12:15pm UTC
    -Getting revenge on someone was stealing
    their cookies for snacktime
    -The only thing we worried about catching was cooties
    -We didn’t fully understand what the real world was like
    -WE INsulted each other then moved on
    -rumors were mostly about only liking someone
    -the only thing we blew were candles off a birthday cake.
    That time may have passed,
    But I’ll always be a KID at heart ♥

  15. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2011 2:13am UTC
    I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I’m out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best. <3
    ~Marilyn Monroe

  16. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2011 1:15am UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2011 12:58am UTC
    You sweet-talked your way into my heart,
    But in the end, you only tore it apart.

  18. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2011 11:36pm UTC
    type hereHey hoe, has your left leg ever met your right one?

  19. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2011 8:11pm UTC
    That awkward moment when…
    Someone (you know/don’t know) is waving in your direction, so you wave back and smile…
    Only to discover they were waving at the person behind you.

  20. THEobesellama THEobesellama
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2011 8:00pm UTC
    Love is a sensation, caused by a temptation, to feel penetration. A guy sticks his location in a girl's destination, to increase the population for the next generation. Did you get my explanation, or do you need a demonstration?(;
    [Whoever made that pick-up line is a flippin' genius.](;


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