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Member Since: 24 Jun 2009 10:26am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 80545

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  1. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2010 7:06pm UTC
    Heres to the Princess that isn't perfect,
    her hairs not always in place
    she doesn't wear designer clothes
    she isn't the one wearing prada or coach
    shes not always in the best mood
    she dosent like to spend a lot of money
    & sometimes she can be snotty
    but shes my princess & shes always there for me
    So I guess in my eyes, she is the perfect princess<3

  2. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2010 5:59pm UTC
    Here comes goodbye;; here comes the last time
    here comes the start of every sleepless night
    the 1st of every tear im gonna cry..
    Here comes the pain, Here comes me wishing things had never changed
    And she was right here in my arms tonight, but here comes goodbye</3

  3. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2009 10:04pm UTC
    Ti Amo Princess♥
    lol i have the best,best friend in the world! luv u!♥=]
    lol your the best,, best friend ever!♥=]

  4. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2009 9:33pm UTC
    & honsetly i havent been happier...
    its the times we stay untill 5,
    the days we laugh untill we cry
    the memories and inside jokes that we'll always rememer
    the times were mean the times were nice
    our little clique, bffs
    you know the routine ..everyone leaves we stayy
    we gossip and you listen to our stories & we always leave with a smile on our face
    were just so close with you now...its crazy and hard to believe but we love it
    we love how we can tell you anything!
    we love how we email back and forth about random things
    we love how much you trust us
    we love all the gossip you share with us
    we love how you tell us your problems
    we love how you tell us about your personal life
    we love how being with you is just part of our everyday life now
    we love you
    and being your girls has been the bestt thing thats ever happened to us♥
    ** u mean the world to me♥

  5. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2009 9:28am UTC
    All's I really want for Christmas...
    is for this year to stop going by so fast<3

  6. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 8:17pm UTC
    When i see you i think wow, how did this happen
    how did u pick us? how are we the 4 special people that you chose to be your girls<3
    but its the best thing thats ever happened and were so thankful.
    We spend more time with you then anyone ino, we tell you everythingyour always there to listen to our problems, and even if you dont really caree you try and make things better and you listenn,,your always there when we need help wetherr its with homework orr friend drama, your always there when we need advice when it feels like everythings gone wrong, and nothing good can happen..your always there for us to turn to. & honestly i dont know what i would do without you,,, your our everything<3 we talk about u all the time, and even just thinking about the things you say to us makes me laugh:]] know one ever believes me when i tell them things that happen between us because its just so unbelievable, no one will ever understand our friendship♥ You always brighten up our day no matter what, You always make me smile, and laugh i can be having the worst day in the worldd but youh always make it better, thanks so much for being there for me when i need you, alls i have to say is
    you mean the world to us &+ we love you more than anything♥

  7. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2009 6:19pm UTC
    We dont see you the same anymore,
    Your not the same person to us that you are to everyone else
    we know so much about you + you know so much about us
    we talk with you like your a best friend & you talk to us like were your best friends
    when people hear us talking about you they dont understand
    No one will ever under stand
    but we love you so much♥
    & cantt wait for all the times we will be spending with eachother in the future<3
    * Mine*

  8. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2009 10:22am UTC
    Saying goodbye to s.o.m.e.o.n.e
    you love, is soxhxaxrxdx it feels like you
    are saying GoOdByE forever♥
    *Credit 4 Colors<3

  9. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2009 9:59am UTC
    Pink The Color Of Love♥
    Green The Color of Luck
    &+ you'd be Lucky to Find Sister Love like this!!♥
    [[ initials here ]]

  10. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2009 10:21pm UTC
    Its like a little peice of my
    heart is gone
    I cant get over you
    I cant move on
    I feel incomplete without you.
    i miss you
    **credit 4 colors
    ily and i miss you so much<3

  11. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2009 10:08pm UTC
    i'd walk a
    txhxoxuxsxaxnxd mxixlxexs
    just to see you tonight♥
    **Credit 2
    credit for colors<3

  12. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2009 10:00pm UTC
    I Miss You A Little.
    i guess you can say, a little to much,
    a little to often, a little more each day
    *NOT MINE but loved it<3

  13. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2009 5:47pm UTC
    Me And You Are Like...
    Lilo and Stich;;
    Abercrombie and Fitch;;
    Mac and Chesse;;
    Thank You and Pleasee;;
    Bees and Honeyy;;
    Easter and Bunnies;;
    Selena and Demi;;
    Linguini and Remi;;
    You &+ Me are Best Friends Forever
    We'll always stick together
    and never say never
    for ever and Ever!♥
    ** not mine credit 4 colors

  14. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2009 5:30pm UTC
    She wears Short Skirts
    I wear T-shirts ,
    Shes Cheer Captin
    Im on the Bleechers
    Dreaming about the day when u wake up and find that what your
    Looking for has been here the whole time
    You Belong With Me
    -Taylor Swift
    **credit 4 colors

  15. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2009 9:02pm UTC
    Who else liked American Idol beter when it was just
    -------> Simon, Paula & Randy!♥
    ** not mine<3

  16. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2009 9:02pm UTC
    Who else liked American Idol beter when it was just
    -------> Simon, Paula & Randy!♥
    ** not mine<3

  17. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2009 5:37pm UTC
    When im not
    with you
    im talking about you
    When im not
    talking about you
    im thinking about you
    When im not
    thinking about you
    about you<3
    im dreaming about y
    **credit 4 colors/3

  18. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2009 5:03pm UTC
    you never know
    how much you love someone,until
    you dont have them anymore♥
    ** not minee

  19. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2009 9:43am UTC
    & you may not
    believe this...
    but you've been my whole world ever since i met you...
    I just wish you knew that<33
    ** credit 4 colors

  20. Summerluva22xo Summerluva22xo
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2009 9:39am UTC
    there are moments in my life that i will
    always remember..not because they were important
    but because..you guyz were there<3
    ** credit 4 colors


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