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Member Since: 28 Mar 2011 07:43pm

Last Seen: 31 Jul 2012 02:59pm

user id: 161392

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  1. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2012 12:29pm UTC
    >>Chapter 3<<
    Our conversation after that was awkward. As soon as Michael arrived, I brightened significantly.
    "Michael!" I cried, running up and hugging him. "I'm sorry for before. I didn't mean it."
    I felt him nod. "It's fine, Case." He let go, reluctantly. "Who's this?" he asked, noticing my mother.
    "Oh... Um..." I started, but my mother cut me off.
    "Alexis Ortega. Previously Alexis Brown."
    Michael started at me, connecting the pieces. He protectively went to my side. "Mrs. Ortega, I hope you're not here to hurt your daughter again. Why, if that's so, then you haven't changed at all."
    I gaped at Michael. He was never this rude! "Michael!" I whispered. "She's here to make things right. What's wrong with you?" Michael snorted.
    "Yeah right, Case. Mrs. Ortega, tell me, right now, why you left Cassidy-" I frowned at him as he continued, "-and her father. Who leaves their dauhgter like that? Do you remember why I don't have a mother, Ms. Ortega?"
    She nodded. "Your mother died when you were young, due to a robbery in your house that she tried to protect you against."
    He nodded. "Precisely. Now, please, enlighten me. Who would leave their own family with their own choice?"
    I looked up at my mother. "Mom?" I said quietly. "Why'd you leave us? We had a good family... I loved you. Still do. But you hurt me. And I can't forgive you. Michael?"
    "Yes, Casey?"
    "Let's leave. Mom, don't contact me again, please. I... I can't talk to you."
    I did what I do best. I fled from yet another battle, with Michael trailing behind.
    Format credit to CookiedoughFormats.
    Read/Fave/Comment? <3
    *haven't updated in forever :p :p :p

  2. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2011 3:25pm UTC
    >>Chapter 2<<
    "Hello?" I said as I hit the "Accept" button, without bothering to check the Caller ID.
    "Casey! Just who I wanted to talk to!"
    I stared at my phone. Who was this? Who could fake my mother voice perfectly? Who had such a cold heart to do so?
    "Mom?" I sqeaked out.
    "Yes darling. I missed you! And I'm in town! Why don't we meet for lunch?" she asked.
    Saying no to my mother was a skill I never mastered. "I... I'd love to. Where would you like it meet?"
    "Oh Casey. You're so grown up, and your hair is so long! Oh last time I saw you... You were 11."
    "Mother... That's because you left and never came back."
    She sighed. "Oh, Cassidy-" she started, but I cut her off.
    "Casey. Or Case, if you must." She nodded.
    "Casey. You know I regret leaving. But I had to. Your father and I didn't love each other. We always preached to you about falling in love with the wrong person. Well... Your father isn't that person for me. Anywho, are you still with that dear, dear Michael boy? If you aren't together together, at least you're still best friends?"
    I nodded. "Michael was there for me through it all. I believe he cried more than I did when you left." My mother frowned. Just as she was about to reply, my phone bleeped, indicating I had a text message. I quickly hit open and smiled. "Well... Speak of the devil."
    "Oooh!" my mother squealed. "Please, dear, invite him along. I'd love a chat with him." I reluctantly agreed, typing out a fast reply. I didn't tell Michael about the fact that my mother was here, I only told him that I wanted to meet for lunch at the local tavern.
    "He'll be right here shortly," I repeated to my mother after I received a reply.
    Format credit to CookiedoughFormats.
    Read/Fave/Comment? <3

  3. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    October 17, 2011 3:25pm UTC
    >>Chapter 1<<
    I picked my hand up off of Michael's chest to point out another shape. "Heart," I whispered.
    Michael nodded. "Dragon," he told me. I laughed. "How could you get a dragon out of a few clouds? That's ridiculous."
    Michael laughed. "Nothing's impossible. Here, look. There's the head, and the tail. And you can clearly see the the wings."
    I picked my head up off of him. "Huh," I said. "Well, what do ya know?"
    "Do I get a kiss because I spotted that?" he asked me with a knowing smile. I became uncomfortable immediately.
    "Michael... You know I'm with Joshua..."
    "Oh, I know, Casey. I'll wait."
    "Michael. Don't talk like that. I asked you out and you said no. Please, please stop. I'm happy with Joshua. And I'm only 16, who knows if I'll change my mind? Maybe we could go out, but maybe not. But Joshua's your best friend. How could you do that to him?" I demanded.
    He sighed. "Oh Casey. You don't know as much as you think you do. Alright, I have to go babysit Kendall. See you later."
    Michael kissed my cheek, hugged me, and left.
    I sighed, knowing I'd be so much happier if Michael had only left me alone instead of befriending me when I was all alone in kindergarten.
    Format credit to CookiedoughFormats.
    Read/Fave/Comment? <3

  4. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2011 6:17pm UTC
    Chapter one....
    Amanda's POV.
    "Need to get out of my house. Wanna do something? -Z"
    I smiled as I read the text from Zach.
    "Sure... How about a movie? Harry Potter 7 is closing this week and I still haven't seen it! -Manderzz"
    I sent the text with a grin. Zach hated Harry Potter and I knew it. My phone lit up again, giving me a shock. I shook myself off before clicking "Open"
    "Ugh. Never. How about I go over your house and watch Toy Story 3? I'll bring popcorn and the movie. Just make sure no one is watching TV. Can't stand my family, I need to get out. -Z"
    My smile didn't falter at all reading the text. This was our standard conversation, me trying to convince Zachary to like Harry Potter, Zach inviting himself over, Zach complaining about his family. Nothing out of the ordinary.
    "No problemo. But I'm not opening the door for you. This couch is too comfy. Don't let the dog out, or you're chasing her. -Manderzz"
    I could almost see Zach's smile as he read the text.
    I smiled, allowing myself to day-dream about Zach's smile. And his jet-black hair that he never let me touch because he complained about how ugly it was and how he didn't think I liked it. Boy was he wrong, I thought to myself.
    "You're so lazy :) I'll be over in 10 mins. -z"
    I let a giggle escape from my lips. Girl, you got it bad, I thought to myself.
    I shuddered as I remember our awful attempt at dating, but then grinned as I remember how he thought my dirty blonde hair was gorgeous. His compliments always made my day.
    Until he decided that we weren't meant to be.
    That day had always haunted me, even if it was 2 years ago and we were 17 now. "Whatever," I told myself. "You're over it."
    I wasn't, and I knew it.
    A little boring, I know :P
    So.... Fave/comment/feedback :)
    Oh, and could someone give me an idea for a title? Much thanks!! xx

  5. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2011 5:58pm UTC
    Chapter one....
    Zach's POV.
    "Zachary!" a shrill voice called. I winced at the pain it caused my ears.
    "Yes, Is?"
    She gave me a pout. "Tell me why you and Hannah broke up, again? I forget. Oh, and don't call me Is. My name is Isabel. Duh."
    I sighed. "I think you know very well why we broke up, little sister. It was your fault, after all," I explained with a bored expression on my face.
    "What ever do you mean?" It took a moment for the words to sink in before she realized what I had called her. "I am not your little sister! You are eight minutes older than me!"
    I snorted. "Whatever. And you broke us up by telling her that I love Amanda. Which, though true, you had no right to tell her!"
    She gave me a faux-shocked look. "When did I ever do that? I would never sabotage my own twin brother's reputation to boost mine up!"
    "Hah! I said nothing about boosting your reputation up! So you admit it?" I questioned.
    She pressed her knuckles to her face. "Crap. Didn't mean to say that. But it's true!"
    "Face it, Isabel. You told Hannah that because you were jealous. And you don't want me to be happy because I wouldn't let you date my best friend," I said with a snarl.
    "Don't bring Sam into this, Zachary."
    I snorted. "You're just mad because he chose me over you. Now leave me alone."
    Isabel stormed off, slamming my door in the process. I retrieved my phone from my text and sent a text to Amanda.
    "Need to get out of my house. Wanna do something? -Z"
    Okay so here's the deal... I was a Witty writer back in the day. Then I quit. Now I'm back :)
    So.... Fave/comment/feedback :)

  6. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2011 9:18am UTC
    For Dominican_Shorty, (or anyone, really)
    Hello :) I see you want to know how to make quotes pretty.
    It's really, really easy(:
    First, go here: http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/2322238
    Those are codes. Select a background color from one of those.
    Now, copy the code part of which ever background color you want.
    Click "Add A Quote" on the top, and go into source.
    After you're in source, (which should say <br /> right now)
    You paste the code that you copied. Click out of source, and type(:
    If you want a fade, like the fade in this, go to http://www.vex.net/~x/xfade/advanced.html
    Enter whatever you want to be fade, and select three colors (I do it at random, it makes it easier)
    If you want a border, copy this into source:<div style="border: 3px solid #01CCFF;">. You might want to paste it in source 10-20 times.
    After you paste it in, you can change the colors of the borders and the design.
    See where it says solid? You can change solid to dotted, dashed, double, or grooved. But, you have to type it in exact. Not, dashedddd. It has to be dashed. Exactly where solid was.
    Don't get me wrong, solid still makes a good border. It's just simple. (Like the one in this quote)
    If you want to change the colors in your border, go back to the fading website. Go to the middle of the page, and it should say Colour Names. Click on that.
    Select a few colors that you like, and copy the number (very important) go into source again, and paste them where the other numbers were.
    You must (and I repeat, must) do this in one clicking. You can only go into source once when entering the colors for the border, because it changes them to random things, like rgb(0, 212, 255). I don't know why it does this, but it does.
    And then click out of source and edit away! Sorry if this was confusing :(
    For a better border tutorial, go to http://www.wittyprofiles.com/author/BorderHelp. Other than that, I hope I helped(:
    Comment me with any questions!

  7. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2011 5:11pm UTC
    My Happy Ending
    "Congratulations!" I heard yet another family member squeal. I faked my best smile and thanked my dear Aunt Susan, who was already getting another drink.
    Just a few more people are coming, then I'm out of here and off to college. I can do t his.
    I felt a pull at the bottom of my navy blue dress. I looked down and saw my four year old sister, Kendall. I picked her up and hugged her. The only reason I stayed in Vermont for the last four years was Kendall. I twirled her short blonde hair around my finger. "I'm going to miss you, angel," I told her.
    She giggled. "You're coming back though, right? Aren't woo, Chrissy?"
    I swear, my heart fell to the floor. "I'll come back every day I can, promise. Be good, Kendall. I can't come back if you're not good, sweetie. Mommy and daddy told me that if you weren't good, I couldn't come back." Of course, my parents weren't my real parents, and Kendall wasn't my real sister. I was adopted when I was only one month old, and we got Kendall when she was five days old. Even if they weren't really related to me, I loved them as much as I would if they were.
    "Chrissy? Where are woo going to college?" Kendall asked me. I smiled, loving when people asked me this because I got to tell them that I was going to my dream college. "Virginia Tech. It's below us on the map," I explained.
    She giggled again. "Cool. Will woo bring me back a toy or a pressy?"
    I smiled. "Of course I will, sweetie-pie. Anything for you."
    I loved my family, but I think I loved the thought of being away from them more.
    *****I will still be doing A New Start, I just wanted to make this story more ^_^

  8. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2011 8:32pm UTC
    Go Bruins!
    Fave if you're voting for the Bruins, comment for the Canucks

  9. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2011 5:18pm UTC
    A New Start
    Sequel to The Mysterious Death of Kathryn Horris
    Chapter 21:
    Kaytie's POV
    It felt so good to be home. I raced up the stairs and jumped onto my bed, not caring about how immature I was. I knew that I had tears in my eyes, but, once again, I didn't care. This was me. This was where I belonged.
    I locked my door and blasted my iPod, dancing my heart out. I played Cooler Than Me Cooler Than Me and just cried. Listening to that song hurt the most. I was bawling my eyes out when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I shouted, trying to dry my eyes fast. Zoey walked in the door, and I made no attempt to hide my tears. I ran into her arms. "It still hurts," I whispered. I could feel her nodding. "I know. Just try not to think about it," she reasoned. "Why are you listening to this song if it brings pain?"
    I sniffled. "I keep thinking that maybe if I... Maybe if I listen to it, the pain will go away." I wiped my eyes again and went on. "I don't get it. Why does this happen to us? Why us? What did we do?"
    I stared at her, unable to figure out what she meant. "Nothing? That doesn't make sense."
    She smiled wryly. "You don't get it, do you? We didn't do anything. We didn't deserve any of it. Yet it still happened, didn't it?" She paused, waiting for me to say something. When I didn't she continued. "It's what happens, Kaytie. People die, and we're expected to get on with it. Do we, really? No, of course not. Death is serious, you can't truly 'Get over it', can you? I understand, Kaytie. I really do."
    I hugged her again. "I know. I just want to forget it all. Every little thing. I missed home, but I think Crystal Hedge is better for me, the people are better for me. The pain is gone when I'm there. It's easier. But I can't go back, I can't avoid the pain. It's not fair. And plus, I made a promise to Angie. I'm not leaving, not yet."
    (c) Stories_By_Me
    Do you like it? Comment or fave please!

  10. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2011 11:19am UTC
    A New Start
    Sequel to The Mysterious Death of Kathryn Horris
    Chapter 20:
    Kaytie's POV
    I squeezed Zoey's hand as we walked off the plane. We were soon ambushed by our "Welcome Committee", AKA our families. I hugged my family for a long time, taking in their love. I even hugged Jack separately, because even if I did hate him, he would always back me up and be there for me.
    I noticed that Zoey and her family were quite awkward, and then remember that the Thomas family was never very close because her mom was a workaholic and her dad died a few years ago, like mine. Zoey was hugging and talking to her little sister for most of the time.
    I went over and hugged little Angie. She was only eight, but she was absolutely adorable.
    On our way home from the airport, everyone tried to make small talk, but nothing worked. I was blasting my iPod, oblivious to them. I was finally in my own little world, the world I belonged in. I started singing along under my breath. "You're like a black cat with a black backpack full of fireworks and you're gonna burn my city down right now. Ohh ohh oh oh ohhhh. Ohh oh ohhh ohh ohhhh." I missed my iPod a lot when I was gone. Lizzie and Markie had given me one, but there were songs that I didn't have the heart to buy again, like "Cooler Than Me" by Mike Posner. That was our song. Allison, Kathryn, Zoey, and I used to dance like complete idiots when ever that song came on. We made music videos, and declared it our theme song. We each had our own mini-theme song, one that everyone in the grade knew to be ours. Mine was "One in the Same" by Cady Groves.
    "Kaytie?" a voice said, breaking into my thoughts. It took me a moment to realize they were talking to me, having not heard my own name for months.
    "Yes, Angie?"
    She paused. "I missed you a lot when you were gone. You were my best biggie friend."
    I felt tears come to my eyes. "I don't think I'm going anywhere for a little bit, Angie. And I missed you too. You are my best little friend."
    (c) Stories_By_Me
    Do you like it? Comment or fave please!

  11. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2011 9:03pm UTC
    A New Start
    Sequel to The Mysterious Death of Kathryn Horris
    Chapter 18:
    Kaytie's POV
    As I was about to give up hope on ever getting my friends back, I heard a call behind me. "Diana!" it said.
    I turned. "What do you want?" I asked Lexi.
    She laughed. "My friend back. Zoey explained it all, she calls you Kaytie because you had a friend named Diana that was killed. Sorry we freaked out. You should have told us about the Diana thing. We would have understood."
    I stared at her. "You're... You're serious?"
    She nodded. "Of course! Zoey is super cool, too. She can like, TOTALLY hang out with us!"
    I was still staring at her. "Yeah... Yeah, sure," I finally managed to get out.
    "Great!" She smiled. "Text you later?"
    I nodded. "Sure, why not?"
    "Explain," I said into my cell phone.
    I heard a sigh. "Yeah, Lexi's faking. I told her your story. Don't tell her you know, please?" Zoey asked.
    I nodded into the phone, without realizing that she couldn't see me. "Promise," I said, after realizing that she didn't know I had nodded. "But... She seemed so happy to have me back... I couldn't believe her."
    "It will be okay, Kayteline. Oh! By the way, Jack and Martha say hi. They wanted me to tell you they're okay and miss you. Oh, and that a letter wouldn't be too hard to write every once in a while." Zoey paused and laughed. "They miss you, Kaytie. They really do. Maybe we could go back for a week. Just a week. Or maybe a weekend, if that's all you can do without all the pain coming back. Your mom and dad, step-dad, excuse me," she corrected herself when I started to object. She went on. "Really, really miss you, Kaytie. They need you as much as I do. Maybe we could... Maybe we could visit their graves. They are really pretty. All decorated in flowers. Someone suggested that we bury them in Crystal Hedge, but I said it would just bring the pain to you, so we didn't. Okay, I have to go. Love you," Zoey finished. I hung up the phone and fell onto the bed.
    "Why can't this all be over?" I screamed into my pillow. Why me?
    (c) Stories_By_Me
    Do you like it? Comment or fave please!
    **I'm going to post like 4-5(ish) chapters a week. But I'll probably post 2-3 chapters every time I can, so please be patient. Thanks<3

  12. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2011 9:14pm UTC
    A New Start
    Sequel to The Mysterious Death of Kathryn Horris
    Chapter 18:
    Lexi's POV
    Played. I, Lexi Fordana, got played. By the new girl. Of all people, the new girl. I expected it to be Alyson, if anyone. But not her. Not Diana. Anna, Emma, Spencer, Jackson even. But not Diana. I brought her up to popularity. She should be worshipping me. It's just not fair. She owed me. And what did she do? She played me. Me. I was so upset.
    Putting my red hair up into a high pony was harder than I expecting, because I was crying so hard my vision was blurred. I felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around. And froze.
    "You. You don't have the right to speak to me right now. Not after what you did to Diana or Kayteline or whatever her stupid name is. I can, and will, take you down if you try to make peace with me," I said, laying down the law.
    Zoey burst out laughing. "Excuse me? You think you could take me? Sorry, kid, but not right now. I'm not in the mood to fight a cheerleader."
    I glared at her. "I'm a model, not a cheerleader."
    "Oh, that explains it."
    I raised my hand to slap her. As I did so, she trapped it in one of her own hands. I tried to hit her my other, but she managed to capture both of my hands in one of her own.
    "Listen, kid. You do not want to mess with me. You don't know what has happened to me. You don't know what I've been through. You don't know what I've done. And I guarantee if you did, you wouldn't be talking right now. You would be hiding. From me. But you need to give Diana a break. She did nothing wrong to you. Two of her best friends just died. They were my best friends, too. So back off," she finished with a glare in my direction. She turned around and stormed off the other way.
    I considered what she had said for a moment. Then, another thought struck me. "Wait!" I called. "You called her Kayteline. Has she been lying to us this whole time?"
    Zoey sighed. "Yes. Her real name is Kayteline McDonald and she was born in Marblehead, Massachusetts. She moved here to get away from all the pain of Massachusetts. Allison and Kathryn were her best friends and they were murdered. So, she, with my help, came to Crystal Hedge with her 'aunt' and 'uncle'." She put air quotes around aunt and uncle.
    "Wait... So she was involved with the Kathryn Horris murder? There was a Zoey in there, as well. Zoey... Zoey Thomas."
    The other girl froze as I said that. "Yes, that's me. Now, I swore to Kaytie that I wouldn't tell her secret, now you must do the same."
    I did as she said.
    "Good," she said, while staring at her nails. "Now let's get out of here and pretend this conversation never happened. You will make amends with Kaytie, and call her Diana."
    I nodded, but was lying when I said I wouldn't do anything to "Kaytie".
    I couldn't wait to bring her down.
    (c) Stories_By_Me
    Do you like it? Comment or fave please!
    **I just realized I've been calling Lexi 'Lexie'. Sorry about that, it won't happen again. And if it does, would you be so kind as to let me know? It would be greatly appreciated :)

  13. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2011 7:15pm UTC
    A New Start
    Sequel to The Mysterious Death of Kathryn Horris
    Chapter 16:
    Kaytie's POV
    After that, lunch was extremely awkward. And I knew why. It was because Zoey had called me Kayteline, instead of Diana.
    "Guys, I can explain," I started, but couldn't finish.
    "Save it, Kayteline." Alyson walked off, with Lexie at her heel.
    I looked at Spencer hopefully. As my secret boyfriend, he couldn't ditch me, right? He stared at me and winked. Then he followed Lexie and Alyson out. I relaxed immediately.
    "Spill," Zoey demanded.
    I sighed. "Fine. Spencer and I have been... Secretly seeing each other... No biggie."
    "It seems like he's with that Lexie chick."
    "He is." I sighed. "Zoey, it's hard for me, okay? Please cut me some slack and understand."
    She stared at me. "Understand? I understand you, actually. Keeping something a secret because you love it. Remember? CIA? I loved my work in the field, but I couldn't tell you guys. I understand, Kaytie. You can tell me."
    I instantly relaxed at the sound of my name. "You want the whole story?" I asked.
    She nodded.
    "Here I go," I said. "Brace yourself, it's a long story."
    "You didn't!"
    I sighed. "But I did, Zoey. And I messed up. What do I do now?"
    She smiled. "Let me talk to Lexie. Oh by the way, you're still Diana. It's the easiest way out. I called you Kayteline because that's my nick-name for you. Better change one person's name for you than two hundreds', right?" I nodded and hugged her."Thank you so much," I whispered into her hair.
    "Anytime, hon," she whispered back. She smiled at me and took off.
    "WAIT! ZOEY!" She turned back.
    "You need to go to the principal's office. To get your schedule and stuff. You are staying for good, right?" I asked.
    She smiled. "Right."
    (c) Stories_By_Me
    Do you like it? Comment or fave please!
    **More chapters soon! Promise!

  14. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2011 3:32pm UTC
    A New Start
    Sequel to The Mysterious Death of Kathryn Horris
    Chapter 16:
    Kaytie's POV
    I whipped my head around. It couldn't be?
    "Kayteline!" The same voice said again.
    "No..."I whispered. It's not possible.
    It couldn't be possible. She was in Massachusetts, this was South Carolina.
    At that moment, a girl burst into the cafeteria. She had short, dark hair that was pulled back with a headband. I knew her. I would always know her. She was my best friend for my most of my life.
    "Zoey," I whispered, loud enough so only my friends could hear. They looked at me, confused.
    "Zoey," I said, a little louder this time. Zoey turned and saw me.
    "KAYTELINE!" she screamed, for the last time.
    I ran up and hugged her for what seemed to be an hour. Someone coughed and brought me back to reality. I played with my hair to hide my embarrassment at what just happened.
    "I missed you so much, Zoey. It just hasn't been the same without you. I just wish that when you came back you wouldn'thave blown my cover, but it's okay. I don't mind. I was getting sick of being a Diana. I kind of miss the name Kayteline. Kathryn was right, it fits me." Zoey turned bright red.
    "Crap. I forgot you were Diane or Diana or something like that."
    I laughed. "It's okay," I told her.
    She hugged me again and said, "I want to meet your friends!" I nodded.
    I walked over to the table I was sitting at before she interrupted us. She followed gracefully. "This is Lexie," I told her, pointing to Lexie. "Alyson," I said, doing the same thing. She laughed uncomfortably. "Is there a Kathryn, too?" she asked. I shook my head. "That's exactly what I though when I met them, though." I repeated the process over and over again until I finished introducing them.
    After the Kathryn comment, they looked confused for the second time.
    “And this is Zoey.” I took my seat down at the table, making room for Zoey at the same time. I hugged her once again. “Oh Zoey. It’s so good to have you back.”
    (c) Stories_By_Me
    Do you like it? Comment or fave please!
    **Sorry it took like 6 years to post this. I wrote this 3 times but had to erase every single time.

  15. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2011 8:36pm UTC
    Fave if you remember
    ABC, easy as 123, my momma takes care of me, my daddy watches MTV, ooh, ahh, I want a piece of pie, pie too sweet wanna piece of meat, meat too rough I wanna ride a bus, bus too full I wanna ride a bull, bull not black I want my money back, money back too green I wanna jelly bean, jelly bean not cooked I wanna read a book, book not read I wanna go to bed, bed not made I want some lemonade, lemonade too sour I wanna take a shower, shower too cool I wanna go to school, school too dumb I wanna suck my thumb, thumb too dirty I wanna ride a birdie, birdie too slow and that's all I know, so close your eyes and count to ten, whoever messes up starts all over again, 12345678910... No one messed up so that's the end!
    Good times<3

  16. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2011 8:19pm UTC
    A New Start
    Sequel to The Mysterious Death of Kathryn Horris
    Chapter 15:
    Kaytie's POV
    It turns out that Lizzie and Markie didn't really care if there was a boy in my bedroom.
    The next day was school. Ugh school, I thought.
    Not much happened for the first part of the day.
    Then came lunch.
    Spencer, Lexi, Alyson, Anna, Emma, Jackson, and I were eating lunch as usual. Just talking about normal stuff.
    "Hey, did you see Danielle's spray tan?"
    "Michael's shirt was SO ugly!"
    "Jack was being a jerk to his girlfriend. Can you believe him??"
    "I can't believe Alex is with Vanessa. She doesn't deserve him!"
    "I heard Arabella got caught with James in bed by her mom!"
    Just the normal stuff.
    Until it happened.
    Someone screamed it.
    Just one word, but it changed absolutely everything.
    Absolutely. Everything.
    (c) Stories_By_Me
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    **This will be my last chapter for awhile. I'm going away tomorrow and coming back on Friday. I wanted to end it here. Sorry for the inconvience! ♥Emma
    P.S. Kayteline is pronounced Kay-teh-eh-lin. But you say it fast like Kayteh-lyn. Long story short, you pronounce the "e". Just to let you know :)

  17. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2011 7:51pm UTC
    A New Start
    Sequel to The Mysterious Death of Kathryn Horris
    Chapter 12:
    Kaytie's POV
    The scene Alyson walked in on must have seemed normal to her. Just two friends watching a movie. What she didn't know was that we were just having a make-out session.
    Alyson smiled. "What did I miss?"
    I shrugged. "Nothing really."
    We finished the movie and then went out for icecream. Afterwards, we all went to my house.
    "Yo, Lex," I said through my cell.
    "Hey Dee-Dee. Whatchu doing?" Lexi's voice said.
    I put the phone on speaker. "We're all at my house. Can you come hang now?"
    She hesitated for a moment. "Who is there?" she asked.
    "Alyson and Spencer."
    "Sure. I'll be over in 10."
    I ended the call. "Aww crap," I said, looking at the time.
    "What?" Spencer asked.
    "It's 9:30 already. Lizzie and Markie will be home soon. They trust me, but they won't like it that you're here, Spencer."
    He sighed. "Want me to leave?"
    I half-shook my head. "Nah. It's okay."
    (c) Stories_By_Me
    Do you like it? Comment or fave please!
    **Sorry it's short. I have to add the next chapter tonight. It's really important!!

  18. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2011 7:47pm UTC
    A New Start Sequel to The Mysterious Death of Kathryn Horris
    Chapter 13:
    Kaytie's POV
    We ended up going to the movies. We called Lexi to see if she could come, but she was going to her aunt's house because it was her cousin's birthday."Hmm," I said, looking through the movie possibilities, "What about Win Win?""That sounds good," Alyson told me."What about you, Spencer?"Spencer seemed to snap back to reality. "Hm?"I laughed and repeat what I had just said."Oh. Um... Win Win sounds good... I'll meet you in there..." He said and walked away.I raised my eyebrow. "That was strange."Alyson nodded. "Let's go buy the tickets."We each bought our own ticket, but I also bought Spencer's."I think it's this way," I said, leading the way.Spencer came in five minutes after we had sat down. He took his seat next to me and laced his fingers through mine. Alyson didn't seem to notice."Hey guys," Alyson whispered about half-way through the movie. "I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."As soon as she was gone, Spencer kissed me. Hard.
    (c) Stories_By_Me Do you like it? Comment or fave please!

  19. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2011 9:08am UTC
    A New Start
    Sequel to The Mysterious Death of Kathryn Horris
    Chapter 12:
    Kaytie's POV
    Spencer and I kissed every private moment we had, which was a lot because Lexi made us spend "quality time" with each other. I felt so bad for what I was doing to her, but I couldn't help it.
    "We have to go," I whispered against his lips. We were making out in my bedroom.
    He ignored me and kept kissing me. I had no problem with this, except that Alyson was walking over at 5:30 and it was already 5:20.
    His kiss became harder. Once again, I had no problem with this. I kissed him harder than he kissed me.
    He picked me up and fell on my bed with me. I did have a problem with this, but I didn't bring it up.
    He started taking off my shirt. I broke our kiss.
    "No, Spencer."
    He ignored me again and kept going.
    I got up and picked up my shirt and put it back on. "Alyson is coming over in 5 minutes. If she knows what happened she'll tell Lexi. Now go wash off the lipstick from your mouth. NOW!" I ordered, when he wasn't moving. He finally left.
    As soon as he did, I heard the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs to answer it.
    "Hey Alyson. Come on in."
    She smiled. "Hey Dee. What's up? What have you and Spencer been doing?"
    I thought of an alibi fast. "I put lipstick on him." It wasn't exactly a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.
    "Oh my God! No way!" she said, laughing.
    I smiled. "I think he's washing it off right now, but if you run fast I bet you can catch him."
    She laughed again. "Pass, thank you. Anyway, what do you want to do?"
    I thought for a moment. "I have no idea."
    (c) Stories_By_Me
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  20. Stories_By_Me Stories_By_Me
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2011 6:52pm UTC
    A New Start
    Sequel to The Mysterious Death of Kathryn Horris
    Chapter 11:
    Kaytie's POV
    I fought it for just a moment, but then gave in to him and kissed him back.
    He finally pulled out of the kiss. "We can't tell anybody. Not Alyson, and definitely not Lexi. Not even Emma or Anna. Okay?"
    I was breathless. "Okay," I whispered.
    He pulled me back and kissed me again, this time with more passion.
    We pulled apart as the door opened and Lexi strolled in. Thankfully, we were far enough away from each other for her to suspect anything. She smiled.
    "Did you two make amends?" she asked.
    I smiled at her. "Kinda... We don't hate each other anymore."
    Her smile grew bigger. "Good!" she said, while leaning over to kiss Spencer. I cringed.
    She broke the kiss. "Something wrong?" she asked me.
    "Nope," I told her. "Nothing at all."
    She went back to kissing Spencer.
    Only everything, I thought.
    (c) Stories_By_Me
    Do you like it? Comment or fave please!
    **Sorry it's short. I'm tired.


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